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Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday to y'all! Yayy the weekend is here!!! :D Okay, so as we learned last night, Paulie is the new HOH for this week. His target is Victor, but he doesn't really care if Victor or any of Victor's allies (Natalie/Bronte) goes home this week. How will Paulie get Victor up & out this week? Well, it might be via backdoor option. I'll cover that in the Overnighter this morning.

James threw the HOH comp yesterday as planned, so that his teammates (Victor/Bronte/Natalie) would be vulnerable to eviction this week. He confirmed this by talking to a camera last night & telling us live feedsters. His teammates know he threw it, it was obvious to them.

Okie dokie, let me go gather up last nights convos and I'll start posting them below!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

8:06pm BBT:
The girls know they're in trouble this week with Paulie as HOH, and seeing as how they voted against Paulie in order to try to save Jozea. Bronte thinks they should bring up that they were being loyal to their word as a good quality about themselves and switch sides of the house.

Natalie: "I knew this was gonna happen."
Bronte: "There's nothing we could've done about that, though."
Natalie: "..we gotta swallow our pride.."

8:17pm BBT:
The boys know they're in trouble this week and expect to go up on the block.

**I've been going through several hours of the overnight happenings and nothing of major importance happened until around 2am BBT, so I'm just gonna fast-forward to that, since Nominations are today.

2:20am BBT:
Paulie tells Paul that they may need to use him as a pawn. (*While Victor is the target, Paulie said earlier in the night that he wouldn't mind if Natalie/Bronte/Paul go this week if Victor can't be taken out.)

4:11am BBT:
HOH Room
Paulie is explaining to Paul the backdoor option.

Paul: "So if it's the backdoor option.."
Paulie: "..I'd have Natalie/Bronte up there. And hopefully the Roadkill person doesn't put Vic up."

Paul said if he wins BB Roadkill this week, he'll come tell Paulie and ask who he wants the 3rd nom to be. Paulie says that everyone is after Victor this week, followed by Natalie/Bronte/Bridgette, so Paul's safe this week. But then Paulie defends Bronte and says to keep her in the game until they don't need her anymore. He said Bronte is a good competitor.

**I'm gonna end the Overnighter here because as it stands, it's pretty black and white...Victor is the target via backdoor plan, but Paul/Natalie/Bronte are just as disposable. Paulie confirmed this after the 4:11am convo with Paul by telling James that either Victor or one of Victor's allies will be heading home this week.

Nominations are today and then we have the Roadkill Comp as well. So today will be a big day in the BB18 house. I'll be back with updates later on! :D

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