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Monday, July 4, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy 4th of July to all you BB addicts out there! Hope your weekend has been amazing and everyone got to see fireworks. Yesterday, I was wondering if the houseguests would have their Veto Ceremony, but nope..never happened. Normally we get the Veto Ceremony on Mondays, but wasn't sure how that'd work since today is the 4th. I'm guessing they'll have it today as normally planned.

Victor is still this weeks target via the backdoor option. Since Paulie (HOH) won the veto this week, he's going to be taking Paul off the block and Victor will go up as the replacement nom. After the Veto Ceremony, we just have to wait until Thursday night for the live show where Victor will be the 3rd HG of the summer to leave the BB house. The HG's don't know about the "Battle Back" comp, where the first 5 evicted HG's will battle each other week by week to get back into the house BB18 house. We won't know who wins each week, sadly. CBS will tape all those comps and then we'll see them, plus find out who won, on July 22nd (that's on a Friday, it's a special episode that will air). So mark that down on your calendars.

Okay, let's get to The Overnighter!

Frank is itching to get Vanessa's sister, Tiffany, up & out next week. Zakiyah/Michelle know Frank wants Tiff gone, but they want her to stay longer. Frank mentioned that Nicole & her team would have to throw the HOH comp so that Tiffany can't win, making her vulnerable to being put up on the block. Speaking of Tiffany, she told Corey yesterday that Vanessa is her sister, but he had no idea who Vanessa was. lol

At 7:13pm BBT, Natalie/James were laying down in bed and had a cute lil flirty look. Natalie complained how bored she is, as James was ready to take a nap.

They wondered when the Veto Ceremony would be held. Natalie asked James if BB would have it on the 4th of July and he said maybe or maybe not, he's not sure. James then starts being the ladies man that he is..

James: "Your lips look really lucusious."
Natalie laughs and thanks him.
James: "..can't stop staring at your lips."

At 8:53pm BBT, Da'vonne/Zakiyah/Michelle talked game in the Have Nots Room.

Da'vonne said that Frank needs to go during a Double Eviction because Frank is running the house. (*She's right.)

9:11pm BBT:
Nicole joins the 3 girls and says that Frank wants Tiffany out next, over Bronte, because he thinks Tiffany will put him up.
Nicole said that Frank told her/Corey for nobody to put Paul up next, that he "gets a break" next week. Zakiyah: "Oh, Paul gets a bi-week!" (*lol)
Day: "He's trying to save Paul. There's a guy situation goin' on."
Nicole: "Mhmm. Only thing that makes sense."

9:33pm BBT:
Frank and Corey talked game. Corey mentioned that he wants to distance himself from Nicole so that it doesn't look like he's in a showmance with Nicole. Frank talked like him/Corey would be Final 2 (though no deal was struck).

Frank said that they just need to make it to Final 3 and they can take it from there. He says that Zakiyah would be good to take F3 because they can beat her.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Tiffany/Natalie/Nicole/Day/Zakiyah/Michelle all know that Frank is running the house, so Frank is having a target painted on his back without him even knowing it. That'll be interesting in upcoming weeks to see how that all plays out. In other news, Victor mentioned that he doesn't think that Paulie (veto winner) will use the veto this week. Oh, how wrong you are sir. lol

Later on in the night (11:34pm BBT), James/Natalie flirted more and Natalie mentioned that they should do The Amazing Race together.

That'd be interesting! Natalie said the prize is $1 million on the Amazing Race and that they'd split it. James jokes and says they'd do a 70/30 split of the prize money in his favor. lol

I'll be back later on with the Veto Ceremony results. Until then, enjoy your 4th of July!! :D If you wanna get the live feeds, they're only $6 bucks/m, nothing to download, and takes less than 5 mins to get'em up & running. Easy peasy!! :D See y'all later!!


Unknown said...

Are any of the newbies fans of BB, or even watch the show? They all seem helpless against the vets. Frank is running the game because there simply isn't anyone else to do so. No one understands it well enough.

Unknown said...

@Bryan Mayes I feel the same way! I mean Corey didn't even know who Vanessa was. Makes me think they just wanted to get on the show and not even know how to play the game. Kind of pathetic. That's why it will shock me if a vet doesn't win because the newbies simply don't know how to play the game well. I'm rooting for James! (Again lol)

Unknown said...

It's more evidence of scouting by BB producers. They look for the best looking people to make America tune in every week. I wish the would do a super fan season and you gotta answer BB trivia to get on!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Did they stop showing people's HoH rooms? That was a good tradition that they shouldn't stop.

Unknown said...

I think i would love to play poker with these newbies they seem compelled to tell everyone their strategy.

Becca said...

Something like the BB trivia you mentioned as a prerequisite test to get approved as a houseguest would be so awesome! These newbies are clueless (other than Paulie, Tiffany, and Michelle–Paulie & Tiffany solely bc their siblings probably told them stuff, Michelle because she actually IS a fan–and Zakiyah'a a nice enough person but most of these newbies have zero game knowledge. Though in last night's episode, I think we got a brief glimpse that Bronte may not be quite as much of an airhead as she puts on. I swear, if something happens and she fakes her ditziness and makes it to final 2 or 3, or even Jury...i won't be happy, but I'll be kinda impressed. I think she's hiding a lot right now under the guise of a silly airhead. We'll see. After all, not too long ago Victoria floated all the way to the end (although she was in no way a threat to the rest of the house comp-wise, so no one worried about getting her out).

Unknown said...

I actually like having newbies every year we have super fans and they know the game so well no one makes moves or better yet just vote as a house at least last week was a somewhat of a split

Razldazlrr said...

How could Corey not know who Vanessa is? These people must go on the show and have never watched it - some of them are so stupid, it's frightening!

I hope they don't keep the contest going for a 3rd person on the block all summer.

Blanca R said...

At around midnight (I suck at the times which is why I'm no good at these timelines) Frank, James and Nicole got into it over pizza. James took it out before Frank said it was okay and he got irate! Nicole tried sticking up from James and was really upset by the whole thing.

Unknown said...

Speaking of newbies not knowing anything...cân you believe that Jozea was totally clueless about Zingbot??? I hope he never re-enters the house. He still thinks he is the greatest and needs a reality shot!!!

GMAGS said...

Here is my opinion with the newbies.....CBS or BB or someone has to tell these people that are going into the game clueless in order to spice things up. In today's world, with internet, netflix, youtube etc. I cannot imagine someone getting selected to play the game and not knowing a single thing about it by the time the game starts. If I was chosen to play a game or even knew there would be a chance I get chosen to be on the show, I would do as much research as possible. Watch every show and read every article available. But then again, maybe these millennials think they can just show up and win like everything else in their life!

Taz Caz said...

I think when they're chosen, they immediately leave. Like 10 minutes to pack a bag and then they're sequestered. Probably don't have time to research. Plus I think many don't even interview. Just picked out of a crowd by producers. We know that's how Amber was chosen last season.

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