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Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday, ya'll!! :D Last night, the live feeds were buzzing and there's soooo much to cover! Let me get some more coffee and I'll start putting the pieces of the night together. I'll start posting below as I gather up the Overnighter.

When the feeds came back on last night, Natalie was saying that she's pissed that she lost her best friend in the house (Bronte) and that she's done playing this game, just wants to make it to jury.

At 7:08pm BBT, Frank pinned everything on Da'vonne as he talked to Tiffany, saying that she told him that Tiff was gunning for him. Da'vonne comes in and they start arguing. Tiffany said she doesn't believe Frank because he tells people a lot of things.

By 7:11pm BBT, Frank/Da'vonne are arguing, Day's voice is raised and she's telling him that he's "going home" and she's not.

Frank is safe this week, though. I think she's referring to next week. Paulie and other HG's stand around watching/listening, but then Paulie put an end to it by saying to calm down and let cooler heads prevail. (*Damnitt, Paulie! First real fight of the season and you gotta stop it. Gahh! lol) A little bit later on, Paulie told Frank that arguing wasn't gonna get them anywhere and people would be less likely to talk game with them if it kept escalating. Frank asked Paulie if he'd put Da'vonne up this week. Paulie said maybe next Tiffany but Paulie has other plans: Natalie/Tiffany, with Tiffany being this weeks target. Again.

Of course the night was spent by Frank trying to figure out the votes that lead to last nights blindside. Nicole did a lot of denying, as predicated, and is now working with Frank again.

Tiffany knows she's the target again this week and she doesn't know why. She also told Nicole that it's annoying that every time she enters a room, people get up and leave.

8:46pm BBT:
Frank/Da'vonne hash things out. He asked Day who flipped the votes this week but she never gave him a response. During this convo, Frank threw Nicole under the bus (again lol) by saying that she "implied" that she wanted Day gone this week. (*This convo was shown on last nights show.) By the end of their talk, Frank says he has no other choice but to trust her (Day). Frank even mentioned how he suggested (to HOH Paulie) to put Day up this week. Hey, at least he's being honest with her. lol They laughed about it. They hugged and the convo ended. All is well. At least, on the surface.

But then Frank went and told Pauie/Paul/Corey that Day just lied to his face about voting to evict Tiffany. He doesn't believe her. He then pushes again for Paulie to nominate Day/Tiff this week, but Paulie wants Tiffany/Natalie up.

9:44pm BBT:
James talked to Paulie about how he's not gonna chase Natalie and how he needs to stop falling for girls in the BB he did with Meg last season. (*Meg/James don't talk anymore, FYI.) James is noticing Natalie being "cold" to him lately.

10:05pm BBT:
Corey tells Nicole he wants Da'vonne gone this week. Nicole tells him that Paulie won't nominate Day, though. Corey said he'll talk to Paulie and try to get her up next to Tiffany this week.

By 10:40pm BBT, Corey/Nicole talk to Paulie about keeping Tiffany to go after Frank, but Paulie deflects and says they don't need her.

12:30am BBT:
HOH Reveal (for those of you who wanna watch it on the Flashback Feeds.)

1:30am BBT:
Tiffany is a wreck. She's crying, saying she wants to self-evict. Natalie talks her off the ledge, so to speak. She tells Natalie that if she (T) goes up on the block, she's blowing peoples games up. (*Oh, please do! Mama wants drama!! haha) Tiffany said she "feels defeated".

Tiffany: "Everyone's an a**hole. I f**cking hate everybody."

2:30am BBT:
Frank/Tiffany have a talk.
Frank tells her that Da'vonne warned him about Tiffany making an all girls alliance and gunning for him. Tiffany asked him why he's playing all sides of the house. He says he's not. (*And cue the Frank mist. lol) Tiffany reveals that everyone in the house is gunning for him and that she wants to work with him. They shake on it. They both hope to win Roadkill so they can put up Da'vonne this week and flip things around.

3:05am BBT:
Tiffany/Da'vonne are talking, when Zakiyah walks in. Tiffany calls them both out for asking her for info, while they never come to her for anything. Zakiyah gets snarky with Tiffany and asks if she's working with Frank/Bridgette.

Zakiyah: "So, so..Frank and Bridgette are your buddies now?"
Tiffany: "I'm a f**cking free agent! ...the way you guys treat me, is disgusting!..I'm a strong competitor and sh*t's gonna get blown up. I'm sorry, it is!"

Fast forward a bit...

3:15am BBT:
Tiffany is having another meltdown and again says she wants to self-evict. She tells Da'vonne that she's at a breaking point from holding everything in for 30 days now. Day said she understands. Tiffany said she doesn't know who to trust.

A minute later, Nicole/Zakiyah walk in and join the convo. Tiffany keeps saying she's a "free agent" and she doesn't care if she blows peoples games up, she'll go out with a bang.

4:05am BBT:
Corey/Tiffany got into a little fight.
Corey asked why Tiffany is mad at them (Nicole/Corey), asks what they did. Tiffany said nothing specific and that she's just "angry at the world right now". Tiffany said Frank told her that the HG's only kept Tiffany safe this week as "f**k you" to him (Frank) and that Corey kept going up to Frank and complaining about Tiffany and called her "annoying" and a "cry baby".

Nicole: "(Frank's) playing way dirty. I'm not gonna tell you what came out of his mouth (about you).."
Zakiyah:" (Frank's) good. He's good."
Corey: "Whatever."

Corey gets up, walks out, slamming the door so hard behind him that it shakes the camera.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Nomination Ceremony and Roadkill Comp, so the feeds will be down a lot due to all this. (Last week, they were down for about 7+ hrs between both the nom ceremony & roadkill comp). We can expect Natalie/Tiffany to be nominated today and I'll update the blog once Nominations are official.


Stevie said...

I know this isn't relevant to this specific post, but I've just been wondering- Does anyone else find it strange that CBS hasn't acknowledged the showmance between Zakiyah and Paulie? I feel like they have the strongest connection in the house, but CBS only wants to spotlight Corey & Nicole and Nat & James.

Unknown said...

That's an interesting point...

Unknown said...

I'm so confused about who I like! I thought Nicole and day but I don't like how slimy Nicole seems to be this season. I loved James last year but he seems to be doing nothing. Paulie is starting to be annoying. I think as much as I don't like frank I kind of want to see him, day, and Paulie team up and get Nicole and Corey out

Unknown said...

Lauren - James is truly playing the game. He was a target for Jozea and Victor. Look who's gone and who remains. I think James is playing a great game. Michelle is coming out as one of my faves, next to James. That girl is crafty and funny.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Liz- Totally agree. Great gameplay by James. I'm laughing at how the HGs made the same mistake with Tiffany that they made last year with Vanessa. They made the mistake of keeping the bigger target last season and then Vanessa went on a tear in comps. If Toffany survives this week via Veto, things could get wild.

r's mommy said...

That's ridiculous. CBS isn't spotlighting any of the three you mentioned, at least in my opinion.

r's mommy said...

That's ridiculous. CBS isn't spotlighting any of the three you mentioned, at least in my opinion.

Stevie said...

You must not watch the show........... On Sunday's episode they dedicated an entire portion of the show to the *Showmances* and Z and Paulie were not included even though they hold hands, constantly flirt, straddle each other on the HOH bed, and Paulie have her a lap dance on her bday... Idk what more they would need.

Jennie said...

Do Paulie and zakiyah have game relevant conversations? They seem to spotlight Nat/James and Corey/Nicole because there is relevant game speak happening there.

Unknown said...

Noah I couldn't agree more. At least Tiffany got it right about why she is still in the house, I'll give her that.

Stevie said...

Yes, constantly.

Unknown said...

Noah I couldn't agree more. At least Tiffany got it right about why she is still in the house, I'll give her that.

Unknown said...

I guess you're right Liz! I guess he just doesn't seem to talk game to the 8 pack as much. i only see him talking game to day. I like michelle too and did not think I would from here entrance videos

r's mommy said...

You're right Steve I must not watch the show that's why I'm reading this blog... Anyway, I don't see it that way, it's my opinion. James and Natalie are cute. CBS show's them doing cute things. Maybe they get more airtime because of their personalities? It seems like you're implying it's racial? I don't know James is Asian, if CBS is being racial why would they "spotlight" him? Do you really think a lap dance is a good decision for CBS to show on prime-time, with small children watching? P and Z are beautiful people. When they do something worth spotlighting I'm sure CBS will be right on that, don't despair.

r's mommy said...

You're right Steve I must not watch the show that's why I'm reading this blog... Anyway, I don't see it that way, it's my opinion. James and Natalie are cute. CBS show's them doing cute things. Maybe they get more airtime because of their personalities? It seems like you're implying it's racial? I don't know James is Asian, if CBS is being racial why would they "spotlight" him? Do you really think a lap dance is a good decision for CBS to show on prime-time, with small children watching? P and Z are beautiful people. When they do something worth spotlighting I'm sure CBS will be right on that, don't despair.

Stevie said...

It's clearly racial.

Steph said...

Does anyone realize the first Hoh room reveal was Bridgette. Why is that

Steph said...

Does anyone realize the first Hoh room reveal was Bridgette. Why is that

Maizrim said...

Curious about Meg/James comment since you didn't elaborate and a quick Google search didn't turn up anything.

GMAGS said...

Curious - am I the only one that was impressed with Bronte? Yes her voice was annoying but she knew what was going on in the house. Jozea was too full of himself to see what was going on, Vic was clueless but Bronte seems to be the only one voted out that really understood what was going on. I don't watch the feeds, only watch the shows so I am curious to see what ya'll think.

GMAGS said...

I too am curious about the Meg/James comment.....did they just drift apart or did something happen between the 2 for them not to speak to each other anymore?

Gross said...

Tiff has got to be the most manic, emotional player to play this game in a long time.

If she was smart, her and frank would work together but make it seem like they hate each other.

Too bad that will never happen. Frank can't keep a secret. And Tiffany yearns for social contact, so she'll move with the wind.

Great feeds late last night.

Matt.Eastridge said...

Frank train, choo choo!!!!

Matt.Eastridge said...

Frank train, choo choo!!!!

Unknown said...

CBS showed Amanda weird lap dance thing for McCray's birthday. They don't show a lot of Z period. But the 2 times I remember from last night's show all she said was she down to do whatever everyone else wants her to do. She isn't relevant, yet.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one that can't stand Corey? And actually starting to dislike Nicole!?? She talks crap about frank.. But this girl is guilty of flip flopping like crazy!!

Unknown said...

OK. So I just posted that I can't stand frank and am starting to dislike Nicole!! Glad to see I'm not the only one!! They are actually the slimiest !! And after watching the live feeds for the first time ever last night!! My opinion is Corey and Nicole need to be the next target pronto!!!

Gross said...

I started disliking Nicole on the feeds last night when she was patronizing Tiffany.

Unknown said...

Lol no Frank train still don't like him but it would be interesting to watch him and day work together because no one would suspect it! And I agree bye bye Nicole and Corey! Nicole went from one of my fave hfs ever to not so much!

Unknown said...

I confirmed my dislike of Corey in the feeds last night!! The show edits him to look quiet but man does he word vomit!!

Unknown said...

I haven't liked her or Corey for a while now. I am ready for the both of them to be up on the block.

Sandy Swanger Bartles said...

I was impressed with her. Also, I don't think people should be cut down because of how their voice sounds.

Unknown said...

He also doesn't come across as being all that bright. I just hope that Paulie gets clued in on the fact that Nicole and Corey were going to work with Frank. However, I'm sure that even if it does come out Paulie won't believe it. He has such blind faith in Corey.

Razldazlrr said...

Ok posters - you only have to hit publish here once! LOL

Tiffany seems like a basket case to me. Although, I'm sure being in that house with no outside interaction could make you a little crazy, especially if you are already close to it.

James and the women - I think it's because he can be around chickies he would probably have
no access to in real life. I'm curious what happened to him and Meg too - anyone know?

Didn't someone post that the dinner they had last week was shared with jeff and jordan - I didn't see them or am I wrong?

Erica Olson Valdez said...

I had noticed that as well. On the feeds Z and "Cody, Jr" are always together hugging, laying together, etc. I thought it was very strange that they were not included in the Showmance highlight reel. And there would've been plenty to show. I think they are adorable together.

Unknown said...

He alludes to it on his Twitter on May 1.

Jennie said...

Do Paulie and zakiyah have game relevant conversations? They seem to spotlight Nat/James and Corey/Nicole because there is relevant game speak happening there.

Ashlee Lopez said...

Tiffany needs to go 😁....

Unknown said...

OMGsh it is NOT racial. That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard. Are you just trying to start a fight? Geez! Maybe they are as boring as hell. You need more than flirting to get airtime.
If it was a race thing we would not see as much of Da as we do. She's spicy, smart, funny and that's what makes good TV. Da is all over the screen.
Stop trying to stir things up. You just end up sounding ignorant.

Missy said...

Last night you had tiffany with d, z, paul, n, and c all bashing frank accusing him of doing exactly what they were doing. THey all walked out of the room when tiff walked in before that and refused to acknowledge her. Michelle was making dirty looks when tiff walked into the bathroom. When frank called it out as them being mean girls he hit the nail on the head, worse than high school. My opinion of everyone changed last night and I am 100% go tiffany and frank.

Missy said...

Last night you had tiffany with d, z, paul, n, and c all bashing frank accusing him of doing exactly what they were doing. THey all walked out of the room when tiff walked in before that and refused to acknowledge her. Michelle was making dirty looks when tiff walked into the bathroom. When frank called it out as them being mean girls he hit the nail on the head, worse than high school. My opinion of everyone changed last night and I am 100% go tiffany and frank.

Fred said...

I agree, Michelle is one to watch this year. She's under the radar, but she seems to know what's going on. Could be a surprise to win this season..

r's mommy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fred said...

I agree, Michelle is one to watch this year. She's under the radar, but she seems to know what's going on. Could be a surprise to win this season..

r's mommy said...

Amen sister, Kirsti Coffin!

r's mommy said...

Amen sister, Kirsti Coffin!

HenryT said...

I don't know why everybody thinks Tiff is a comparable player to Vanessa. Other then the fact they are sisters and both seem emotionally unstable, they really have nothing in common as far as gameplay goes. Vanessa is a world class Poker player and is probably twice as smart and ten times the gameplayer than her sister.

HenryT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amber02012 said...

Meg is dating the survivor winner Mike Holloway. They wanted to keep it secret. James was butt hurt by this and exposed them via Twitter

bbwatcher said...

I guess Z is not stereotypical enough to get air time. This blog is not the big brother house, i highly doubt the comment's intention was to "stir things up" much less is it a "ridiculous" comment as you say, because in the history of big brother and TV in America there are plenty of times where people of color are not shown in a positive way. I love Da'vonne, we're from the same neighborhood and I totally think she is playing a good game (well better than last year) so nothing against her but she is not the only female of color in that house, she just happens to be the loudest.

Mikomama said...

Man...guys c'mon...everything that does or does not involve a black person is not a racial issue..stop crying race for everything..I'm a black woman and I'm glad to see that the cast this season is a bit more diverse than previous seasons, but I, by no means, feel that by not showing the showmance between Z and P as much as the other showmances is a racial thing. It could have everything to do with Z being boring as hell and not really bringing anything to the game...Z doesn't talk game..she simply agrees with what anyone says (Paulie in particular) maybe it just doesn't make for good TV right now to feature them..geez, the situation is not as deep as "racial". Save the race card for something that is truly a race issue.

Unknown said...

Tiffany just won the roadkill comp too!! Eeeeek!!

bbwatcher said...

I guess Z is not stereotypical enough to get air time. This blog is not the big brother house, i highly doubt the comment's intention was to "stir things up" much less is it a "ridiculous" comment as you say, because in the history of big brother and TV in America there are plenty of times where people of color are not shown in a positive way. I love Da'vonne, we're from the same neighborhood and I totally think she is playing a good game (well better than last year) so nothing against her but she is not the only female of color in that house, she just happens to be the loudest.

Unknown said...

If Frank is the target his team should have tried to throw the hoh comp. Or maybe that would not have worked since he was still in it towards the end?

Dianne said...

I agree it's not racial re Z & Paulie. Nicole was not a good player last year, she's even worse this year. She's not loyalh to anyone but her showmance & she is a blabber mouth. Plus she has no strategy. Re James & implying he's not cute enough to get a girl in real life so he chases them in the house, baloney. After all in real life there aren't many guys who look like Paulie & Corey walking around without their shirts on 24/7 lol. Corey has the personality of a rock and Paulie and his brother keep waiting for some big career based on their looks and it's not happening. I'd pick James over any of those lunkheads.😎

Taz Caz said...

I stopped listening to Bronte's voice when she said she wanted "to kick James' ass back to Hong Kong, or wherever he's from." Twice. In one night.

He's from Texas and is of Korean descent.

Taz Caz said...

But most of his teammates still like him (Paulie and Bridgette). Michelle is odd one out.

Clair20 said...

Hey Jamie thank you for your hard work with this blog! Lots of comments are showing two times or more just fyi for ya. I think the show is getting better, I personally do not have a favorite yet. In the beginning I liked a little of each so hopefully I can pick a favorite soon. And when i watch bb after dark they are either whispering or eating and i can't hear them gets me so mad! One last thing why can't Paulie just put a darn shirt on. Lol

Clair20 said...

Hey Jamie thank you for your hard work with this blog! Lots of comments are showing two times or more just fyi for ya. I think the show is getting better, I personally do not have a favorite yet. In the beginning I liked a little of each so hopefully I can pick a favorite soon. And when i watch bb after dark they are either whispering or eating and i can't hear them gets me so mad! One last thing why can't Paulie just put a darn shirt on. Lol

Anonymous said...

Z said on after dark she told them in the dairy room when they asked about Paulie that she would not talk about it because it was private.

Anonymous said...

Z said on after dark she told them in the dairy room when they asked about Paulie that she would not talk about it because it was private.

Unknown said...

Has anyone else noticedo that everytime we see Michelle she is eating? Also exactly when will Corey start playing tbe game? All he does is run his mouth but he sucks at competitionsync along with his blabber mouth girlfriend, she doesn't even try to win!

Unknown said...

If Frank is the target his team should have tried to throw the hoh comp. Or maybe that would not have worked since he was still in it towards the end?

Unknown said...

Oh whoop I forgot about about darn Bridgette! What are Paulie's feelings toward Frank?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve Robbins Art said...

In regards to CBS and Zaulie, I think it's too murky to call it racially-motivated. There's enough plausible deniability on the network's part, even if it is racially motivated.

IMO, I think the reason they focus on Jamtily and Nicory is that one of the people in both pairings has been on the show before.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

That does sound good to me!

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Although I love the Da and James combo!

Unknown said...

The HOH was more of an individual comp so it couldn't be thrown by Frank's team. The only way I see to get Frank out is through the backdoor. Let's home the team twist ends after the Battle Back twist. Also you don't wanna get him out and have him win his way back into the house! Great for us but bad for the house guests

Stevie said...

The last thing I want or care to do is "stir up" drama on a Big Brother blog (lol). I was however genuinely curious what other people thought as I like watching the live feeds and would much rather watch Paulie and Zakiyah than the other couples... I don't think it hurts to ask questions- still think it's a racial thing BUT that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it :)

Unknown said...

I agree Bridgette! He doesn't really contribute much to the game and anytime he opens his mouth I feel like he talks in circles and doesn't make any sense, like he really doesn't understand what's going on or how to play. They should definitely work to get rid of him.

Taz Caz said...

It seems like he wants to keep him around and use him but he's playing with fire.

Taz Caz said...

I hear ya about the repeat posts.

Taz Caz said...

I hear ya about the repeat posts.

Just kidding... :-)

Unknown said...

Oh my Goodness , YES!! I didn't realize how annoying he is until I started watching the live feeds!!

Unknown said...

Because paulie thinks he's god gift to the planet! I lost a lot of respect for him watching the feeds!! And that's why I am rooting for frank!! I hope to God he wins HOH!! I've been literally praying!! Hahahaha.. I just think having him in the house will blow things up as they've all seemed to turn on him !! We shall see! Lol

Unknown said...

Because paulie thinks he's god gift to the planet! I lost a lot of respect for him watching the feeds!! And that's why I am rooting for frank!! I hope to God he wins HOH!! I've been literally praying!! Hahahaha.. I just think having him in the house will blow things up as they've all seemed to turn on him !! We shall see! Lol

Unknown said...

Oh my Goodness , YES!! I didn't realize how annoying he is until I started watching the live feeds!!

Unknown said...

I thought Paulie was one of the 5 votes to keep Tiffany..... Why did Da' vote to evict Bronte?

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