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Friday, July 22, 2016

Battle Back Comp Winner

Good evening, BB addicts! At 8pm ET this evening, we were treated to a special episode of BB18. Tonight's episode was all about the Battle Back Comp in which Glenn/Jozea/Victor/Tiffany/Bronte all competed in for their chance to get back into the game.

And we now have that spoiler!

Winner of the Battle Back Comp is:

Victor is now back in the BB18 house with the rest of the BB houseguests.

Julie also said that there's a "secret room" in the house and the HG's have 4 weeks to find the clues hidden throughout the house and find the room. Oooo!! That'll be interesting!!

The feeds will be turning on this evening at 12am ET, so make sure you have them ready to go! :D I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. See y'all then!!


Kmm7743 said...

Oh boy are we in for a treat!!!! I was hoping he would come back. Can't wait to see who wins HOH this week since the team thing is over now.

Unknown said...

SO GLAD VICTOR WON. I would've died if Tiffany or Jozea came back. Would've been annoyed with Bronte. Wouldn't have minded Glenn but I didn't think he'd make it.

Hoping Victor does well and this wasn't for nothing! :)

Unknown said...

I think it's worth noting that Bronte told Vic to trust nobody and Tiff told him to trust Frank and do not trust Da'vonne. Wondering if that will effect anything this week

Kmm7743 said...

Hmmmm....funny that it was Frank that wanted him out so bad but she said to trust him......I don't care for Frank but he deserves to win for all the mind games he is playing!!!

Unknown said...

Kinda sucks that they let them talk about the game. Oh well, we shall see how it all pans out.

Victoria Stairz said...

So wait, Tim Kaine is going back to the BB House?!? I got confused...

Gross said...

Jozea makes me want to vomit.

I hope Vic wins HOH. Even though he's not that bright.

DeniseG said...


Katie Mc said...

So I'm thinking that no way all the battle back comps took place last night.... Maybe the Tiff one but not the others. Unless they were not all in the backyard. If they did, Victor is a beast!!! Beast-mode! UGH!

Unknown said...

I think that the only one live was the last one because in the second battle jozea had a new haircut. I lovef how they recreated the previous HOH's competitons. Although i wanted her gone i would love to see tifanny back because she will make things interestings but she will play the same emotional game.

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