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Thursday, June 30, 2016

HOH Comp Results

When the live feeds came back on, the HOH Comp was over and we have a new HOH for this week...

The New HOH is:

Category 4 won, making that team safe from eviction this week.

Nicole congratulated Paulie and said his brother (Cody) must be so happy. Paulie told Nicole that he told Natalie/Bronte that the votes were going towards Jozea to be evicted and they still chose to vote to evict Paulie. haha But this weeks target for Paulie, is Victor.

In other news, Frank/Tiffany patched things up..for now.

I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! :D


Anonymous said...

Glad the feeds came back and really good Paulie won.

Unknown said...

This maybe an interesting season

therrm12 said...

Was anyone else really upset that Jozea now has a chance of coming back in the game? His demeanor during the Julie interview was clear that he was trying to save face for his future career in red carpet show hosting. I hope Glen is able to beat Jozea in whatever comp they put together. However, as we are all too aware, the producers will likely create a comp that will tailor right to Jozea's strengths, so I would not be shocked if we see a make-up application competition.

Chilly said...

Lol, make-up application competition.

SDfan said...


I don't like it either. Can't they just send them home! There is no reason for teams if there is this battle back thing. Ugh.

GMAGS said...

After the snooze fest that we had the last few seasons, I would expect more twists this year. Glad to see Jozea go and not happy that he has a shot to return. BUT, something had to give this year. BB needed to change things up and I'm glad they did from jump street! Looks like this could be one of the better seasons we have had lately. And, can you imagine if Jozea got back in the house? A guy with his ego getting kicked out and winning his way back in? Don't like him but would make for good TV!

Jakesander44 said...

Jozea is so full of himself he could get back but they'd toss his ass again no problem! Messiah i bet he cant spell it like Frank said haha

Razldazlrr said...

The battle back thing reminded me of the cooking competition show, where no one knew those ousted were battling to get back in. In Survivor, people know that someone can come back. It doesn't really seem fair to show the mean videos when the people inside have no clue someone can come back. I love it - makeup application competition! I guess we will know who won the competition next week when the next person is evicted.

r's mommy said...

Sometimes it would be nice for an evicted house guest to come back. However, Joeza is a delusional jerk. He can't enunciate his words well or put a logical realistic thought together. It's laughable that he believes he can interview people on any red carpet.

r's mommy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zayne said...

Jozea is the worst kind of Millennial. This is a person who's been told his whole life that he's special and amazing at everything and this is what you get, a cocky, delusional, douche canoe that wants to find the path of least resistance to make money and be "famous". The past two seasons, I loved the comeback twist because I liked all the potential comebacks. This time, I just want Glenn to win, please.

Also, while I do think it's kind of crappy that they let Jozea see videos, Julie did not correct him when he thought Natalie flipped so at least he's still able to keep his delusions going strong.

Unknown said...

Josea had different shorts on before and after commercials? Little strange.

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