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Thursday, June 23, 2016

BB18 Premiere Night Part 2

Good morning, BB addicts!! Last nights BB18 premiere night was INSANE!!! First, we had the introduction of the 12 houseguests, which included Tiffany (Vanessa's sister) and Paulie (Cody's brother). Then BB revealed the 4 mystery houseguests:

Da'vonne - Frank - Nicole - James
I was soooo happy to see my boy, James, back for another season! I think all 4 of them returning are great...Da'vonne is potential for some great drama and she's already onto Tiffany being Vanessa's sister. lol (So far, Tiffany has only told Michelle that she's related to Vanessa, but only because she called her out on it privately. lol) Frank kinda got the shaft on his season, so it'll be nice to see how he plays the game without a coaches twist involved. Nicole is super cute and her comments (like "I'm gonna vomit." last night on the show) always gives me a chuckle. What do y'all think of the returning 4 vets??

Last night's premiere was the best one I've seen in YEARS!! This gives me hope for an outstanding season and for the first time in the past 4 blogging seasons, I'm super excited for this BB season.

My quick first impressions from the 2 hour premiere last night? Well, Glenn (the 50 yr old) & Paul (beard guy) will probably be on everyones radar more often than not. Glenn, because of his age. Paul, because he's too strong of a personality and is already clashing hard with Mama Day (Da'vonne).

Paulie (Cody's brother) & Tiffany (Vanessa's sister)
Cody's brother, Paulie (not to be confused with beard guy Paul) is easy on my eyes and flashbacks of a shirtless Jeff Schroeder flood my mind. lol ;) He looks exactly like his brother Cody, just with lighter hair. And Vanessa's sister, Tiffany, could be twins. They look alike, sound's like Vanessa put on a wig and joined the cast this season. haha

The most disliked houseguests so far by fans, are the following:


Speaking of Bronte, I have a feeling I'm gonna be using this meme on Twitter a lot this season. lol

Okay, so tonight is the 2nd Premiere Night for BB18 and I'm super excited to find out who will get evicted and win HOH! Also, the live feeds turn on tonight after the West Coast airing. So if you haven't yet grabbed your $6 feeds pass, just click here to get the live feeds and you'll be ready for tonight! Takes like 5 mins to sign up, nothing to download. Super easy, I promise!! A huge THANK YOU for using the links here on the blog to sign up for the feeds, I really appreciate y'alls support!! :D

Oh! I almost forgot to post this awesome pic....this was posted on the blogs Facebook group yesterday. How freakin' cool is this?!!!
Too bad all of us addicted fans couldn't join in on this delicious looking cake, though I did ask if I could have the piece that has my name on a key! haha ;)

Okie dokie, I'll be back tonight with a quick post after the episode ends, and then tomorrow...*drumroll please*...y'all will be waking up to the very first Overnighter of the BB18 season!!! :D w00t!!! See y'all tonight!!!

PS Don't forget to get your live feeds! I'm looking at you, procrastinators! haha ;)


DanielL98 said...

I agree with the four most disliked house guests other than Zakyiah, replace her with Day (please don't hate me Jamie). Last night was a really good premiere. Not over the top with twists, really glad they brought James back too.

Unknown said...

Who thinks there are more related houseguests? Could they all have someone?

Gross said...

I think Bronte will be interesting.

I think Nicole is useless. She did nothing her season. Just another "scared to vote against house" person. And she won't do anything this season either.

Gross said...

Oh and Paul..... I'm ready for him to go. Lol.

Unknown said...

I enjoy Nicole. I don't think she is a good player but she is entertaining. Didn't find anyone to definitely root for yet, I am rooting against Lady D's team. I think it would be poetic if Paul is first out.

Greg said...

It's funny how the people disliked so far are the ones loudly coming after the previous players. Wouldn't that be most people's reaction initially? To go after those who already had their chance in the game.

K-9 Kompanion said...

Hey Jamie ... do you have a Facebook page? If so, what's the name/link? Loved last night's show. This year has promise so far. And you are right, Bronte is going to drive all of us crazy. Can't imagine being in the house with her or having her as an instructor.

Unknown said...

It'd by my strategy! Automatically puts 4 evictees ahead of me.. Slide me further in the game, with good reason to give them all the bb boot. Lol

Unknown said...

I agree! Not a fan of Day at all!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy Nicole is back!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy Nicole is back!

Unknown said...

I agree! Not a fan of Day at all!

Nmeerleveld said...

Nicole said last night that she was single but her IG is full of pictures of her and Hayden. What's the scoop?

Greg said...

I agree! As fans we don't want to see our previous favorites booted again and especially quickly. But game wise it makes sense and shows they are playing with their heads

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Jamie, I was looking forward to your blog just as much as Big Brother!!! Hope you had a nice break and I'm so looking forward to all you have to say 🙃😀

Nmeerleveld said...

Nicole said last night that she was single but her IG is full of pictures of her and Hayden. What's the scoop?

Unknown said...

Jamie! Have you tried out for BB :-) that would be awesome! And I thought I would like Paul; but not so much after last night.

Unknown said...

Love Nicole and James and Paulie - maybe Corey too, I wasn't impressed with his initial interview but I liked him last night. Time will tell ⏰

Morgan said...

I totally agree with the least favorite 4!! What is the facebook group name? I'd love to add so I can talk about BB all day lol. This was such a great premiere. Fingers crossed this season is better than last. I'm kind of hoping that Vanessa's sister stays a while, even though I wasn't a fan of Vanessa.

Morgan said...

BTW I clicked your link and purchased live feeds, so I hope you get credit for that!

Gross said...

Tiffany said she was a middle school teacher
When with the group, but it always says high school teacher under her name.

I guess this irks me bC I'm in education. Lol. Middle school teachers (bless their hearts) are a different breed of teachers!

Pumped for the feeds!!!

Razldazlrr said...

Oh lordie - where to start! I agree with the four dislikes and Michelle - also not too fond of the cheerleader. Oh, and the guy who thinks he is a stud with the long hair that won the rocket contest - he annoys me too! ha ha - the first round will probably be the most important for the vets to be able to stay, after that they will start talking and maybe decide to keep them.
The vets are all good, although Nicole's voice does bug me - sorry -

If it's a physical challenge, it will probably be the older fellow to leave. I wish they varied the ages a bit more, makes it more interesting but most people can't take two months off work.

Unknown said...

I was going to ask the same thing!! I checked their IG accounts

Diego said...

Omg mama Day is back love her she is very relatable and very out spoken but I don't know how she will do this time cuz last time she got the boot early and her whole team is against her =( now I am worried for her

Unknown said...

Good grief! This fool just told the whole damn newbie plan. Seriously dude.

Unknown said...

Oops!! Sorry about the language. I was just so appalled at his stupidity.

Unknown said...

Maybe she is trying to work a showmance thing for alliances?

Unknown said...

Maybe she is trying to work a showmance thing for alliances?

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Love momma Day!!!!

Shoba said...

Hi guys. Happy BB week! Does anyone know what the schedule is going to be his year?

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

IKR?!?! Omgoodness! What an idiot!!!

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I so agree with you about the age differences! Can't they get older people that are fit and active? There's tons of us out here! Lol

Gilbert said...

Looks like Nicole learned a little something from Derrick...

Gilbert said...

Looks like Nicole learned a little something from Derrick...

Unknown said...

Nicole and Hayden hang out all the time with Andy. Regardless if her or Hayden are together or not, they told her to play any angle she needs too. Plus saying you're single saves you from backlash from fans if you are in a flirtmance. She learned from Christine too lol

Unknown said...

Tiffany and frank are my favorite house guests really wanna see frank win it all

Unknown said...

Tiffany and frank are my favorite house guests really wanna see frank win it all

CJSlammer said...

I think Devin (season 17) and Jozea are brothers. I think Nicole and Michelle are sisters.
I think Clay (season 17)and Corey are brothers. I think Victor and party city Jenn (season 14) or brother and sister. I think Glenn who got kicked off is Derricks(season 15) brother.

CJSlammer said...

I think Devin (season 17) and Jozea are brothers. I think Nicole and Michelle are sisters.
I think Clay (season 17)and Corey are brothers. I think Victor and party city Jenn (season 14) or brother and sister. I think Glenn who got kicked off is Derricks(season 15) brother.

CJSlammer said...

Because, Devin and Josea act exactly alike. Nicole and Michelle are both from small towns in Michigan not even too hours apart. Clay and Corey both from Dallas both play baseball. Victor and party city Jenn both have the same last Name! Glenn and Derrick both are cops and live in the same area. Now, something is telling me that Bronte & Paul might be brother and sister as well!
You heard it from me first! I am very good at this game. Maybe, maybe not?

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