Watch BB18!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Big Brother 18 Premiere Night

It's here!! It's here!!! It's finally here!!!!!! :D Tonight is the night, ladies & gents...where our Big Brother addiction begins & continues for the next 90 days. The HG's have already been moved in for the past week and we will get to see how well they've been getting along (or not getting along lol) and get caught up to speed on all the gaming that we've missed. Have tears been shed? Have voices been raised? Has someone been backstabbed already? We shall see! Muahahaha! ;)

Tonight's premiere is a 2 hour long show and begins at 8pm ET. I'm not sure if we will see the 4 mystery houseguests tonight or if they'll save that juicy nugget of info for tomorrow nights show instead. (I'll update the BB houseguests banner after I have all the HG's revealed.) Speaking of tomorrow night, the live feeds will turn on tomorrow night post BB show. So if you haven't yet grabbed them, all ya gotta is click right here to snag'em up for $6 bucks! Nothing to download and super easy to use. By getting them here on the blog, you're supporting it..thus keeping me in front of the computer all summer long. Thank you sooooo much to everyone who has supported the blog again this season, either by signing up for the feeds through me, and/or by making a donation. I literally could not be here without your support!

I will be blogging the same amount of time as I was on last year, but still less than I have in the past seasons. When I first started the blog nearly a decade ago (wow...I feel old now! haha), I was a stay at home wife. A lot has changed since then, obviously. lol I now have two jobs just to pay the bills, so BB takes up every second I have in between jobs and sleeping..which even then, I usually sacrifice sleep for the blog just to keep y'all up to speed. :P hehe So thanks in advance for your patience in between updates! If you liked the blog last year, then you won't notice anything different this year. This message is more for the BB addicts that have been with me through the years.

Okie dokie, I'll be back post-premiere to blog about my thoughts.
Happy BB18 premiere night, y'all!!!!! :D


DanielL98 said...

I have a question, since they usually do a two night premier, but this year they're doing a one night two hour premier, will they still have an episode tomorrow? And will someone be evicted?

Anonymous said...

@DanielL98 - There is definitely a one hour episode tomorrow night, too. : ))) We don't know yet if they plan on having a normal Eviction tomorrow night, but I wouldn't be surprised since the hamsters have been in the habitat for a week already.

jhaysiv said...

I've been quietly following your blog since BB14. And it's always fantastic. Keep up the good work and hopefully we get a fun filled season this year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie, it's good to be to see you blogging again, hopefully it's an exciting season. :)

Unknown said...

Jamie I have been following FOREVER!!! I am so excited that this season is finally underway. So far it looks like it is going to be a FUN summer! ��

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see James and Frank back.

Unknown said...

Michelle is a nasty fatshamer, I hope she is first to go!

Anonymous said...

I don't like her at all, there are a half dozen that could tomorrow as far as I am concerned.

Taylor Jordan said...

Is anyone already annoyed by Vanessa's sister. Nothing personal to her, but she reminds me so much of her sister...I barely made it through last season with that������

Gross said...

just signed up for the feeds through your link. how do you get recognized for it? when I followed the link, it just looked like the generic sign up page. it didn't ask who referred me? just wanna make sure you get compensated!

Paul ANNOYS me so much omg....... and wow, momma days energy is negative as hell!!!! I sense a lot of drama this year.....

Nicole Chenault said...

Glad to be back! I enjoy the show so much more with your blog alongside it. I think I found you around season 11 or 12 and can't imagine the show without you! Thanks in advance!!!

Unknown said...

So far I'm team Category 4. I loved Frank on his past season and I can't wait to see what happens this summer!

Unknown said...

So far I'm team Category 4. I loved Frank on his past season and I can't wait to see what happens this summer!

Unknown said...

But most important to Survivor fans is the air date of the upcoming thirty-third season, SURVIVOR: MILLENNIALS VS GEN X, which will premiere Wednesday September 21 at 8:00pm with a 90 minute special. It will be followed by the 90 minute season finale of BIG BROTHER at 9:30pm.

Apparently, The houseguests must have come into the house last week sometime. The amount of days calculated between start and finale is 91 exactly.

However, still too long I enjoyed it better when it started in July. The casting does seem much better and I love that James BB17 is back in the house!


Steve Robbins Art said...

I am not keen on Beard-Paul. He's kind of a prickly a-hole with a hate-b*ner for Mama-Day. I hope he goes home before jury.

Victor looks like John Snow.

Vincenza said...

I've been reading your blog for four or five years now, and I'd just like to say how much I've missed you dearly !!! ��

Vincenza said...
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Vincenza said...

OMG he looks just like John snow!

Anonymous said...

Im sad to see all young people on the how this season-- there is really only 1 person over like 35.

Unknown said...

Sad, ok, but you CAN'T be surprised. In 3 seasons, Glenn is only the 2nd to enter the house over 35 (Donny was 40 something). Pretty similar casting as usual. 20-30 year olds that will "entertain" well.

I think BB14 was the last season with more than one 35+.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Right-- It just makes it more interesting to me to have a wide variety.

Gross said...

We shall call him Juan Snow.

Gross said...

I agree, I wish there were older peeps: they have more life experience.

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