Watch BB18!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thurs: Part 1 HOH Winner + Feeds Update

Good morning & Happy Thursday to y'all! So as we know, the Part 1 HOH Comp was not shown on the feeds. This makes no sense to me, as the feeds came back on afterwards and we found out the winner right away. With CBS doing a "no feeds blackout" season this Fall (starting in 2 weeks), this baffles me. lol I was never warned (nor were other BB updaters) that the comp wasn't going to be shown on the feeds. Huge disappointment as a fan. The feeds came back on at 10:40pm BBT last night (1:40am ET) after the comp was over.

Anyway, so without further ado...

Winner of Part 1 Final HOH is:

Nicole thinks that James threw the comp, while Paul doesn't think so. Nicole said that she lost respect for James for throwing it and will take Paul to Final 2. (*Hmmm.) Now James/Nicole will have to battle it out in Part 2 Final HOH and the winner will face Paul in the final Part 3 HOH round to determine the Final HOH for the BB18 season.

Nicole was eliminated from the comp first and then (according to Nicole), James apparently threw the comp to Paul. However, Paul thinks James was trying to win it. Nicole speculates that James threw it because he thinks that either of them (P/N) will take him to Final 2.

Around 11:30pm BBT, Paul started to help Nicole study for Part 2 in order to beat James. When Paul was in the DR at 12:35am BBT, Nicole/James talked.

James asked if he should throw Part 2 to her, she said yes and that she'll "1,000%" take him Final 2. So James is planning on throwing that one, too. Nicole asked him how he fell because he was "so sturdy" (basically she's fishing to see if he threw it or not). He said he doesn't know.

At 12:55am BBT, James cam-talked and said he's "in a good spot" (to get to Final 2). 

Part 2 Final HOH (according to Paul) will happen tomorrow, Friday.

REMINDER: The 1 Month Free Live Feeds ends tomorrow! You'll be able to see the rest of BB18 on the feeds + the new season of Big Brother starting in 2 weeks. If you didn't snag up the deal yet, here's your warning shot to get the deal before it expires! Like I said yesterday, I've never seen them offer a deal like this, so definitely take advantage of it while ya can!! Click the pic below & enter Coupon Code: FALLACCESS (I believe it's on the 2nd page of the sign-up process).


Atlanta said...

I'm sorry but I think James is an idiot! Now is the time to secure your spot and win a comp! I don't know why it annoys me so badly but seriously he just seems lazy to me! One could argue that he is a good player because he has made it so far laying low? I don't know, I'm just ready for the season to be over!

bbwatcher said...

Both James and Nicole laid low. Both of Nicole's HOH wins were handed to her. But I'm not sure how much James really threw and how much he was actually trying to win because he doed seem to suck at all these comps now that it's win or die! I hope Paul makes it to F2 with preferably James but it could easily be Nicole.

Razldazlrr said...

If James is truly throwing the final HOH comp he is a fool and deserves to lose. The only thing that makes sense to me is that if he loses he can say he did it on purpose for goodwill and so the person will take him.

Unknown said...

So i just got the feeds thru your aite yesterday and not sure how much I'm liking them so far. Its hard for me to guess what times there are actual things happening and not just a convo w jeff. If i didnt have this site to use flashbacks it would make fhe task very hard. After the free month im mot certain i will renew...any thoughts

Anonymous said...

What in the world is James going to say to Jury if he makes it to the finals.... "You know, I could have won those comps if I wanted to." I get throwing competitions as a strategy, but at some point you need to try and win.

Katie Mc said...

OK, after watching the Baseball Veto comp last night, JAMES SUCKS!!! And if he did throw to Paul, he's just stupid and deserves to hit the road....WHY THROW LAST HOH!? Paul, well, he now has the Vic energy it seems and I kinda think he deserves to win. Although, while James was in the DR last night after the HOH comp, he was getting on my nerves being in Nicole's face, literally, going on and on about how James is worthless, he was beating a dead horse...I had to mute him!
Anyone thing the Da and Paulie thing was staged???
And even though I was not a fan of Vic's until his last go around, I really like how humble he was in his interview from the Jury house - AVP = VIC! :)
OK, that's it---y'all have a fab day!

Angelface said...

Paul does not respect James, he is trying to get Nicole to win 2nd. The laying on of how much James has blown comps is a big FU in Pauls eyes, I very much doubt he is faking his respect for Nicole.
Could he choose him, well yes. But he is a big ? On votes and Paul has figured that out.

The Jury questions might change their minds, but if they cudos to James then Paul takes Nicole, my guess is Nicole will get a few why/backstabbing questions, but those questions usually are not a deciding factor specially if she answers well. And same for Paul on questions.
I do believe Paul & Nicole have actually been closer then we may have thought. And well James acts sketchy when he talks game to Paul, I'm pretty sure Paul cought on to that.
If he wanted James he would be studying with him. But he knows James has been throwing the heck out of comps and he hates that.
I posted in the wrong comment section, sorry if you see this twice.

On the jury note, Michelles childish ways have really made me dislike her in a major way, she was a pain to watch, I can't stand the way she crapped on all fans! Super Fan PFFT! Her continued snake calling of Nicole is NOT, what a so called fan would ever do. Do we or do we not know it is pure and simple bad gamesmanship. I don't know if I see anything more then a jealous, insecure, and self distructive child, that is going to be very disappointed in how she is and has been viewed as a player. Again as a super fan she should know how we all view people like that,
If my daughters acted like that I'd feel like a total failure as a mother. Thanking our Creator for teaching my daughters to love and respect themselves...
As a fan of big brother, I've watched for years thought about applying once or twice.
But omg please never ever make us all look so bad as Fans.
And someone please tell me what defines a "Superfan"?

Angelface said...

Comp being played with no viewing, I'm stunned! I thought they were going to start tonight. It's the one thing I even watch to the end for. If they are going to deny us.

Jamie I fully respect your dedication, nothing but respect! And will be donating. Your blog is the only one I read now. Used to jump around most of the others you have listed, I find yours always kept me updated and I enjoy so many of the wonderful people that comment. So a very big thank you!

I have in the past bought the feeds, I found it mostly drove me nuts! I do not have the patients for them, and found out pretty quickly that BBAD covered me, specially when they would sleep all day. Have been greatful for BBAD. Really! Now if they are cutting feeds like that, I'm glade I can't get all access.

Nicole Chenault said...

@Andrew Vogel - the feeds are up most of the time throughout the season - they are down for comp's and eviction day, and moments that production wants to save for the show. Since we are at the end, they won't be worth watching much (in my opinion) as there isn't much gaming going on. Not that there's been alot of that this season anyway, lol.

I rarely watch the feeds, as there are so many times it is just plain boring. However, I get them so when Jamie points out some fantastic fight or conversation or funny moment, I can go watch that specifically. Otherwise, I think I've just sat and watched twice this year, for less than an hour.

It should be, we all hope, better with this next season since they won't have any blackouts (although I'll still defer to Jamie to know when to watch some action, lol). Another benefit, for me anyway, is getting to watch old BB seasons. So if there was a season you wanted to rewatch, or watch for the first time, you can do that also with the feeds (I'm watching BB2 right now as I'd never seen it, and it is waaaaaay more awesome than this year, or many other years).

Karen W. said...

So is the new fall season of Big Brother not going to have live feeds? If so that sux!

Nicole Chenault said...

@Angelface - I've wondered that too, in regards to what a "superfan" is...hasn't she only been watching a few seasons? Does that mean, since I started watching BB at season 7 that I too am a superfan? Because it seems to me Michelle knows the big things about the game (zingbot, otev, etc) but not necessarily the intricacies of the game. Jamie knows way more than this girl, and I mean that beyond just facts that we all can determine if given a moment and a bet.
I watch the show pretty religiously, I follow this blog and Hamsterwatch, I order the feeds but rarely watch them, and I keep up with twitter drivel - but I still don't consider myself a superfan.

On another note - it would be fun to have a BB house full of BB bloggers. They seem to have a better handle on the game than most of the players in recent years. :)

Andy Tatnall said...

I don't believe James threw the comp, I think he just fell. Afterwards he was on camera saying quietly to himself, "I am so disappointed, that was your comp, James," etc.

Unknown said...

It's too bad they didn't show the final HOH competition. I don't have the feeds because CBS won't allow anyone outside the US get them. They will, however, allow Canadians and Australians to vote for AFP, which I voted for Victor the 20 times today. Everyone has their own opinion about who they like and don't like or who they want to win. I do watch BBAD, and I have to say that I am disappointed in James. I don't think he's throwing comps....he obviously didn't study the days for that comp., and he really isn't that strong for the physical ones, or he really wasn't trying. I am not sure who I would choose between Paul and Nicole if they are the final 2.

Angelface said...

@Nicole, LOL! I know I'm a fan, I don't consider myself a Superfan, Maybe a "Superfan" is someone that knows every winner by name and year, 2nd place person, evicted and returned people, all the mini games within the games from sabotage to hidden twin. That would be a "Superfan" And they would know what the final 3 comps were like. Lil Meech did not seam to know, which is odd. Other then that I'd say SuperCrazyFan.
And yes BB Bloggers would be intresting for sure.

A personality should be a must to get in that house, Not crazy or over the top but people that can hold conversations for more then 3 seconds. Quick wit.

Angelface said...

Would also love to see a croup full of over 40 under 50, or 50 - 60 yr olds. I'd bet they would be fun to watch. Definitely more mature.

Angelface said...

Ops group.

Helene from NJ said...

Here is my two cents #forwhatitsworth

James is in the best position to be in the final 2. Both Nicole and Paul will take him because they both know they can beat him. Paul's strategy now is to try to get into Nicole's head so that she takes him if she get the choice. She never will, no matter what she tells him, just as he never will take her, no matter what he tells her. Nicole would have a much harder time winning against Paul and she knows it, she is a smart cookie. James knows he can't beat either one of them so second place is just fine with him.

Helene from NJ

bbwatcher said...

Yeah, Paul is confusing me. I didn't realize that he could just be inflating Nicole's head. It doesn't seem like she's buying it and will take James. That seems like the obvious choice for either Paul or Nicole to take James. We'll see!

Angelface said...

It really comes down to how they each feel about James, I would not take him if I were Nicole or Paul, he could actually win over Paul also. If those girls don't like him he has a big problem, and he loses Nicole and Corey's vote, maybe even Paulies, James would have Natalie for sure, that's 4, only needs 5, would any other girl vote for James? I think so. Nicole & James is a toss up too, except for Victor & Paul would they vote for her if she takes James.
Can be for or against ether way. Both Paul & Nicole have problems in that Jury, except the Female respect she may be given.

Guess we will find out, but I'm guessing they will keep up the final 2 deals between all 3, James is also expecting the MVP.

Angelface said...

I'm voting Corey MVP, I like him and Victor, but Corey giving the 5000, bribe to Victor and the other items Victor won, I'd just like to see Corey get a boost. Victor was a good enough player, he was just not my favorite.
Corey played one of the nicest game, and I don't care that a lot was done from beds, the house is actually full of beds.
People like to throw backstabbing in the game a lot, but you can't play that game without doing it

Angelface said...

What do you think will happen if Nicole & Paul actually tell each other after comp 2, that James thinks they are both taking him to finals.

Also would love to see BB anti-up, raise the grand prize, 2nd place and a 3rd place.
That would make the game more intresting. Million would be nice for all that work, 2nd up to 250.000 and 3rd 75.000.
Hoping one day they change it up.

UnionGrl said...

The problem that Nicole has in taking Paul to the end is the jury votes. Paul would have Vic and possibly Paulie. Nicole would have Corey and maybe Day. The rest are a total toss up and the bearded one played a great game despite his tendency to push too hard and be too loud.

Bridgette says she a feminist so that may be one vote for Nicole. Z, who knows, will she do what Paulie convinces her is the right thing, or the thing he wants. And Michelle is so f**ked up who knows what that crazy b*tch would do.

With James he only has Natalie for sure and a good speech outlining his laziness, inattention, and comp throwing should mean his defeat. I just hate for that bum to get any money and would rather, when all is said and done, have it go to Nicole and Paul.

UnionGrl said...

And yeah, I think the fight was totally scripted. Paulie couldn't stop laughing. Z seems honestly upset and Day was a little too into it. I'm sure there has been some tension with Z and Paulie bumping uglies every night and I'm sure that Paulie has not been an ideal housemate (he wasn't in the BB house either)but still.

On another note - doesn't it seem like this season was given to the children to play with and learn on? It's been so chaotic and unorganized. Traditions have been ignored, live feeds ( a very big deal) were miss-handled, and even the casting was wonk. it just showed no discipline or experience on the part of the show runner. Am I right that some long(er) time people are gone and ones new to the franchise are in control (if you can call it that)?

Or even worse, maybe they feel this is only internet worthy and are testing the waters to ease the show that direction. Just a thought.

Angelface said...

It's very possible UnionGrl, Think I saw something about a new producer, but I thought it was for next year. Maybe outgoing production manager did it all to piss off CBS, if this is the new Producer then, they kinda suck. I wonder is BB still attracting viewers like they did.

I guess those that can watch the next one will know more, if the cast is as crazy as the last and how it goes.
My wifi won't let me stream here. Ahhh. Never let your tech unsavy husband order new wifi. Lol

I cant wait to see the Jury questions, that will be telling.

Dianne said...

Paul would be stupid to take Nicole. He's motor mouthing bad stuff about James to Nicole almost to the point of overkill to insure that she takes him (Paul) to F2. I have no idea how much of his BS Nicole is buying, without Corey to discuss things with she might be more vulnerable to Paul's antics. But if she lets him talk her into taking him he will talk himself into the 500,000 win when he meets the jury; in my opinion he has had to fight harder to get where he's at, but that doesn't mean he played a better game.. I would give it to Nicole, I just don't like Paul but I honestly don't think his game was any better than hers. James doesn't deserve to win 500,000 but he didn't get to where he is by chance, he made some good moves.

I would like to see Nicole win & James get 2nd & I don't care what anyone else says, my opinion is no better or worse than anyone else's, in the end only the jury's opinion counts. If Paul wins good for him, he doesn't need my friendship lol. I don't care who gets AFP.

The fight may have been partially staged/set up in the beginning but Da' was genuinely livid when Paulie mentioned her daughter, that was raw, unvarnished rage. I don't see what Z sees in him, ugh.

wantmoredrama said...

I am voting for Victor for AFP. How about everyone else? I would love to see the poll on here :) Again, thank you thank you thank you for such great detail and humor on this blog! You are THE BEST!!!

Unknown said...

i've been voting for paul for afp but wouldn't mind seeing vic win either. james is absolutely crazy if he thinks he's done anything close to making him deserve it! but i feel like production loves that idiot corey so he'll probably win.

Razldazlrr said...

I just watched wednesday night episode - I wasn't sure about that fight - Day seemed really upset - I wondered if they told them to argue and then for her, after it got going it got more real.

ever watch Ponderosa on youtube on Survivor? I love it - get to see what happens after they are evicted. Too bad they don't have something similar on bb. BB needs all new staff for almost everything - fresh ideas, less intervention and NEW casting. I also don't like it when they throw in vets. Either have it all new people, or all returning people - not mixed up.
Also, up the money - you would get a lot greater diversity of ages.

Unknown said...

@teresa - I disagree that production liked Corey best. As proof, all you have to do is look at the comic book covers. Victor is this incredibly hot super hero while everyone else looks like douches, including Corey.

Loved Meech's Big Baby comic cover - how appropriate. And Bridgette's Cabbage Patch Kid cover - Tiffany was mean and pathetic but that comment was humorous.

Vic is the super hero in the comics and CBS let him come back into the house twice. I bet Vic wins AFP.

Unknown said...

@brenda i was thinking that way about corey because i heard a lot of people had trouble voting for last care pkg and wanted paul to win it but corey got it instead...if myself and most other people dont like him, someone somewhere must. i felt like the butter competition was meant for him. believe me i feel like vic most def deserves to walk away with something...he's one of the few that actually played.

Unknown said...

oh and the christmas and baseball comps...his favorite holiday and sport he's talked so much about

UnionGrl said...

Diane, I think Z sees what we all do when we look at Paulie. That is one pretty boy and laying around the jury house making snuggle bunnies with him every night doesn't sound like punishment to me. I'm surprised she resisted the first few days he was there. The other women need to lighten up just a smidge.

I still think that honor requires that Nicole take Paul. They are evenly matched in the dislike factor and they deserve the chance, which James does not. The irony will be if either one of them take him and he wins the big money. Shoot me in the head - please.

Andy Tatnall said...

Paul really needs to be careful. He's been trash talking James to Nicole for days now, and helping her train, and saying he's going to keep James awake and make sure he's tired and unprepared. But if Nicole is smart, all that does is convince her that James would be better to take to the end if she wins HOH.

Dianne said...

@UnionGirl I disagree about two things:

1. Whoever gets to choose should take the person they can beat, they have lied and back stabbed all summer, but they are all of a sudden going to invoke honor even if it means losing the game? Nooooooo! Paul comes from a wealthy family, but he wants the $500,000 prize just as much as the other two. Both of them have the best chance of winning against James.

2. I don't even think Paulie is good looking. He will probably bounce back when he gets home, but he doesn't even look like the same person as he was in June. And he has a horrible demeanor.

Angelface said...

Intresting, AFP is widely split, I'd rather see Victor win that over Paul, I think Paul is an Ass, Never liked him.
As I said I like both Corey and Victor, I also believe Victor will have more opportunities after, and he get $5000. + entertainment equipment. James also has $5000. And Corey deserves it also, has no extra items from game, is a bartender, guessing he needs it. Lol!

Angelface said...

The only thing I disagree about is Paulies vote, he was teamed with Corey and Nicole, I think she has his Vote next to Paul, remember Paul burned Paulie and Z, called Meech a C, and if she wins final HOH, some of the jury will respect her taking Paul. Over James.
Paul wins final HOH probably gives him the win. Over both.
Hum! It's possible they don't need James in Finals at all, can only hope they realize that.

Would like Paul & Nicole as finalists period.

Anonymous said...

@ Andy, I was thinking the same thing. If Paul continues to go on and on about James' weak points, how can Nicole think that he wouldn't be the easiest to beat. As a vet, I would think she would realize that the jury, for the most part, will look at who played the game better.
It isn't a popularity contest where all the girls that Paul says will vote for James would actually vote for him because of his game play.

Sure, he would definitely be easier to be around than Paul so the girls liked James better. Honestly, Paul is really hard to take. He just doesn't know how to shut up. And, telling Nicole how she is going to study and when, as in today since she was tired last night? Right there, giving me orders would make me tune him out.

Anonymous said...

@ teresa, I think the last care package went to Corey because alot of people wanted Vic to win and alot wanted Paul to win at that time. Because the majority of people were voting for one of the duos, their votes got split, making Corey end up with more votes than either of them. Had it been votes for just Corey and one of the duo, I think the one duo would have won easily.

At that time, Corey was keeping a low profile and it was hard to gauge his personality at all.

Unknown said...

I subscribed to the free trial on tues. How do i access it?

Nana/bblvr said...

Now that Corey is gone and Nicole turned into such a mean crybaby I can't even watch the live feeds. She was crying and making a big deal about James evicting Corey? Wow, you are right Nicole, since Paul left nominations the same and you and Corey were still on the block he should have evicted you!! I hope you do take Paul to the final two and then you get NO votes to win and end up giving Paul the win. Who are you to judge James for not playing hard enough?

DirkKouglas said...

@Cheryl Reed

go to If that doesn't work make sure you are signed into your account and retry.

LilyPearl0560 said...

If James throws the comp to Nicole, I am going to be so angry. What is he thinking?

Unknown said...

James is thinking it's a strategic way to win.... what, at least 50k? He may be right. There's always a gamble in these things. I don't understand all the James hate.

Unknown said...

i heard nicole won part 2...blah! i was hoping james did because i think he would be easier for paul to beat in part 3...nicole is a smart cookie. shes tough! i know they all have F2 deals with eachother but as we know nicole is not a woman of her word and i feel like she'll take james for the easy win when paul is way more deserving of being there.

Unknown said...

And Paul is a man of his word? Just ask Paulie. Laughable.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@brenda...yes i think paul has been a man of his word with the exception of the paulie eviction but he needed to go anyway. he has more so than nicole for sure

Unknown said...

Paul has not been a man of his word. His play has reminded me of Russell Hanz from Survivor - not as extreme but Hanz could not win Survivor and he tried 3 times and sat in the second place seat twice because his play was so deplorable. Paulie saved Paul from what was an assured eviction. Paulie may have been a douche but he was loyal to the boys. Paulies bro Cody was a better judge of character.

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