Gooood morning & Happy Monday, y'all!! :D We are just days away from the BB18 Finale on Wednesday night and the Final 3 have been relaxing for the most part all weekend. We're at that point in the game where there's nothing for the houseguests to do but sit and wait for finale night. The last week of every BB season always seems the longest because there's nothing going on.
In case you haven't been to the blog in a week, Paul won the 1st round of the Final HOH Comp and then Nicole won Part 2. This means that Part 3 will be Paul VS Nicole, which will take place on Finale Night this Wednesday.
Both Nicole and Paul have been practicing their Final 2 speeches all weekend. If you wanna watch Paul's, use the flashback feature on the live feeds and go back to Sunday Sept 18th at 8:22pm BBT on Cams 1 & 2.
Last night, Nicole told James that she hasn't made a decision on who to take yet, if she wins part 3. He said to let him know when she does so he can be prepared either way. She asked him for reasons why she should take him, because she was for sure gonna take him to F2 but now is questioning it. She mentions how James has "no blood on his hands" from his gameplay this season. By the way, you can thank Paul for Nicole's second guessing of James, as he's been in her ear for days about why she should take him over James. Seems to have worked.
Nicole then went over votes and thinks that it'd be better to take Paul over James. She said she'll lose to a "bitter jury" if she takes James VS if she takes Paul. So at this point, it looks like no matter how ya slice it, we'll see a Paul VS Nicole Final 2.
Who do you think would win in a Paul/Nicole final 2 scenario? Leave a comment below!
Also, don't forget that the BB: Over The Top (Fall Edition of Big Brother) starts in just over 1 week from today! The season will be 10 weeks long, not shown on TV (online only), and you can watch all of it on the live feeds for just $6 bucks/month! Super duper cheap entertainment and it'll definitely be interesting to see how the game unfolds in an online-only version of the game. Personally, I can't wait to watch it and blog it all season long! :D
Monday, September 19, 2016
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Paul wins against Nicole hands down.
The only way Nicole has a chance of winning is if she takes James. Everyone likes Paul. James did nothing so they will not vote for him.
I'd say Paul too. I think - though who knows - he has maybe garnered more respect with the jurors as he has visibly done more. And he's a very good at speaking (railroading, outlasting, overshadowing, etc) his case.
Frankly, I don't care at this point who wins between those two - I just want to see Day beat the hell out of Paulie, lol
I'm with you Nicole - I don't really care either with this group. I would have to count the votes - it seems like Paul would win because he has played harder, but it seems like Day likes Nicole in the jury house. How does everyone think people would vote?
I think and hope Paul would win. He had to play the entire summer to survive, not just near the end.
Paul definitely has the advantage. He is a smoozher. Look how he has played Nicole convincing her that she wouldn't win over James. She can make a much better case over James then over Paul. If Paul makes it to the end he deserves it.
Yep - I'm not a Paul fan and don't really think he needs the money, living with mommy and all but he has played the game all summer and had to fight to stay in the house. so, he probably deserves to win of the three of them.
I'm glad it looks like Nicole and Paul will be the F2. No matter what you thought of aspects of their games, they both played. James did nothing but annoy Natalie and lay around all summer. He does not deserve 2nd place.
Paul and Nicole are cute together. Sitting in the hammock it's a conversation between them only even with James right there. They click. If Corey's hulking shadow wasn't cast over them they might make a quirky couple. Just a thought.
Nicole had the gall to suggest James and Natalie were doing the "humptahump" when we've seen what she and Corey were doing all summer. She stated emphatically "Corey and I didn't have INTERCOURSE" several times, like she was giving a legal deposition. Even if they were just giving each other frequent handies, she is a really nasty drunk.
I don't see Nicole winning this unless she takes James. I really hope she doesn't win.
My guess is Paul. He has done the best job of keeping himself in there by convincing people all along that he is on their side, even when he was voting the other way. He was always working for jury votes and when it comes down to it, the individuals in the jury look at it as "he fooled me so he must be good".
Sure, Da is impressed with how well Nic has done to stay there but Paul has had to work the entire time like Nicole & Raz said.
But, Nic is preparing herself for questions also, not just her F2 speech.
Time will tell. I wish that both Nic and Paul were both a little more humble, quit thinking others have backstabbed, lied, etc. Look in your own backyard. It is part of the game
I think it is a toss up between Nicole and Paul right now, if Nicole wins Finale HOH, then her game is just as good as Pauls.
I just think the final HOH will seal the winner.
Game wise, I believe they both played well, not better or worse then the other, he played loud, she played quite. Both annoyed most of the girls, total toss up on votes. Guys also a toss up, because of Corey & Paulies friendship.
Round table will give us more of a clue, but right now and until the final HOH is done. They seam rather equal.
In the end they usually vote on best game play, these 2 are pretty equal in comps and game play, the only reason most don't see Nicole's game, was the sitting back with Corey, but she did play, and she played people too. And the girls know she played, they saw her, they knew she was slithering around collecting info. Did not get put up till there were only 4, you can't deny that took some skill.
Paul made it, did a lot of manipulating. He did, nothing wrong with that, it got him through. Sometimes pushed to far, and he pissed many off. But also good game.
I think Her strategic game was better. She came in with a strategy, she hooked into the best first alliance. And maneuvered around the next one, the only girl that knew the guys were working together and stayed out of the line of fire, kept Paulie, Paul, Victor and James from targeting her. That took a little skill, specially when she was being called snake and all.
She could beat Paul.
Just hope it's those 2 in the final.
The memory of Cody and his $450,000 mistake is too fresh, particularly with Nicole. No one is going to F2 without James.
If Paul is in the final 2 I have to say he definitely wins. They would both be fools to not take James!
@ Angel, although live feeders can now see that Nic was strategizing under the covers, not so sure the HG's would see it that way. She knew about the boys' alliance because of Corey. Because of the showmances, Nic, Z, and Nat were not the targets at first. Corey was favored more while Paulie was there. Corey didn't cause any waves so the guys were in agreement to keep Corey's partner longer.
As more evictees came in to the jury house, some of the jury members realized that Nic was instrumental in those evictions and came to respect her. It will be interesting to see which they respect more...Paul's vocal approach or Nic's lay low until necessary approach. No matter how Paul ranted and raved, they should still see he played a good game to survive.
I know some don't think this was a good season, but I have to say I've been loving it once Natalie left. The final 5, 4, 3 have been fun and interesting. I don't think James deserves even 2nd place but he's been pleasant to have in the house. You can't say that about Michelle or Natalie. Vic, Corey, and Paul have been a blast and Nicole has handled them and all their boy nonsense very well.
I'm going to miss them all.
Of course Nicole knows how to "handle" guys, particularly Corey, and it is the same reason she hates women and women hate her. She is aggressively competitive, and must be the center of attention with guys because they feed her ego, and no other girls are allowed. I hope she can handle all the public attention she will be getting because it is to late to rehabilitate her reputation.
Paul and James F2. Nicole zippo.
any word on who was casted for new season in fall?
Sorry, I don't think laying in bed 'strategically' 20 hrs per day is 'playing' the game! Nicole was as whiney as Michelle was crying all the time! Having an ally with Corey, is the only reason she lasted. James and Nicole obviously talked before the program...both 'laying' low, not causing trouble. Problem is, they were 'laying' so low...they didn't play the game! Paul is noisy and obnoxious, but he did have to work to stay in the house. He or Victor both deserve to win more than any of the others...and I didn't care for either of them in the beginning. I am so disappointed in the show this season, hoping the fall show with different producers, will be better. If not, I'm not sure I can stomach another season like this one. If they are going to bring back previous players, they all should be. I definitively won't watch again if they have people like Paulie, Z, Day, women with screechy, whiney voices or men that think they have to bully to get their way!
I have read several of Nicole's practice speeches (as transcribed by Jokers) & all versions are beyond terrible. She's a victim, people! Give her the 500k!
I don't care lol motto of the season. Nicole is dumb to take Paul. Paul wins. Friendship. Votes for paul vic, paulie, z
Votes for Nicole cory, day, Bridget
Toss up meech, nat, James
Nat and meech probably paul
James probably Nicole
If Nicole wants to win she should take James she can or talk him. Paul is a master bs'er
Easy win for Paul! Nicole would get Corey and Paulie's vote and maybe Z's (to make Paulie happy). Meesh, Nat, Day, Vic and Jame (to make Nat happy) will vote for Paul.
Victor will get the fan fav. (Nat would have had a shot if she didn't care so much of what America thought of her)......overall, a crappy season.
PS> I forgot Bridgette, she'll vote for Paul also (she'll vote whatever Day/Meesh/Nat tells her to).
@Chicket I just watched her playing the whole game, I also watched Da, from the beginning but she didn't last.
Nicole was not my favorite player, I just found myself watching her closer. Natalie, Bronte & Bridgett made my skin crawl with all their unicorns, powder puff 12 yr old talk and yikes voices, it was so hard to hear them. Meech, Tiffany were boring, Da was entertaining, Paulie and Paul were also annoying a lot, except Paul was better to watch with Victor, and his Frendship talks.
I know a lot of people felt Corey was stupid, I did not think he was. Goofy yes, studied no.
I didn't always skip her & Corey's conversation. She used info to further herself early on, she also managed to stay in the know and knew when to get away and lay low. i just watched them more then a few others as a duo they did very good, I was amazed once Paulie was acting the fool that nether one of them were put up. Maneuvering those 2-3 weeks after Paulie left Just managing to stay non target was amazing.
Paul and Victor were a great duo too.
On the whole I just think she played the better game. Paul played a good game,
I found it intresting that Nicole only seamed like a threat to Da & Frank 2 vets that saw her, named her but didn't manage to turn everyone on her except, Michelle who didn't see it til or realize her potential til after Da was gone. Trying to think if it actually took her into the fallowing week to mentally understand what she was told.
It's possible she can win over Paul, if they realize her game. If they don't then No.
Da, & Michelle knew Nicole was playing the game, Corey knows, and Paulie should know, pretty sure Z and Bridgett knew too. I don't get the lack of respect for her game, Some think James should win, he played an ok game, not a great game. Paul played a good game, not a great game. Both Nicole & Paul manipulated people, she did it quietly, he did it loudly. He was strategic, She was strategic, She was strategic from the get go, he made a lot of mistakes early, I can't even pinpoint the day he figured out he needed to change his game. I'm pretty sure it was after Victor was evicted the first time.
Actually none of them are my favorite, this season was very hard to watch, with way to many crazy birds. None being my favorite. Respecting ones game over the other, yes!
Just surprised at the lack of respect for her game, and have been for many weeks.
IMO, Paul and Nicole need to take James to F2. They can and will both beat James. With that said, based on who deserves it the most, F2 should be Paul vs Nicole with Paul winning. Paul was on the wrong side of the numbers at the start of the game and fought to stay in. He was on the block ever week early on and kept surviving. Once the house turned and Paul got numbers on his side, he eliminated threats and found a way to get to the end while winning important comps along the way. It also appears that he played a better social game and has more "friends" on the jury. Nicole also played well towards the end but didn't do much in the beginning.
As for the Paul doesn't need the money so he shouldn't win - stop that. #1 we don't know his financial situation and #2, even if he is rich, that should NOT be held against him. The person that played the best game should win regardless if they "need" th
e money or not. Should the Patriots not win the Super Bowl this year because Tom Brady has already won 5 of them? No, if in the end they are the best team, they deserve to win it just like any other team in the league.
I'm really not thrilled with any of the three remaining house guests. James for throwing comps. I understand it's his strategy but its a cowards strategy, Paul because he's a douche canoe that hides behind his "Friendship", and Nicole just because she's super annoying, had done nothing but cuddle with Corey all season and frankly her voice and super huge glasses annoy the crap out of me. If I had to pick one, I'd say Paul is the less of all the evils. But it will probably be Nicole.
Big Brother really needs to get their heads out of their butts and cast better. Stop with all the nicey nice people. We want some drama damn it!
Agree, Gmags, both P/N deserve to be F2 and both would be smart to take James for the win. And, the winner of the game should not be based on someone's financial situation. It is a game and should be based on how they played.
Did anyone see the live feeds when Nic was practicing her speech and said James is sitting next to me? Jokers Update at 7:47 PM last evening referring to time stamp 3:25:57 Cam 1 mentions this.
I listened to it and she actually muttered as she was thinking again, "I'm sitting next to James? James was safe the first two weeks....". She said that with a question mark. Apparently, she is still considering James. She's got a good speech planned and very convincing in explaining her game play but she's in trouble if she has to keep it under 2 minutes. I think she may very well swing some girls' votes that she's thinking are bitter.
@ Dianne, unfortunately, because this week is so, so boring, even Jokers isn't transcribing as completely as in the past. The speech around 3:26 PM yesterday is, IMHO, a very good convincing speech. She has an excellent chance of winning because if she wins Part 3, it is her choice who to take. She would win against James. If Paul wins Part 3, she will still be in F2. She's a shoe-in for F2 at least.
Jnine - if you think these were "nice" people I feel sorry for you.
I'm with you Angelface - I don't get all the Nicole hate going on. She has been shrewd, strategic, and worked her wiles beautifully. Corey was an inspired partner, though she picked him on chemistry it all worked out perfectly.
I wouldn't take James because he doesn't deserve a single cent because he didn't play the game. He just didn't try and that alone disqualifies him in my eyes.
I also agree Angel that Bridgitte, Bronte, Natalie, Michelle, and to some extent Day were disappointing HGs. I hope Tiffany got the psychological help she needed, and she needed it badly. Those girls just bitched, stirred shit, sobbed, and then complained when they got got. What did they think was going to happen?
Nicole is my girl and I want her to win and win big. Go Nic!!
I don't think any of these 3 should win but, one of them will. In any game like this, I always hope the kindest person who needs the money the most will win. I won't watch BB19 online. I hope CBS hires a better casting director for BB20 next summer. Thanks for blogging Jamie! 😊
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