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Monday, August 1, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

At 10:47am BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Veto Ceremony.

11:39am BBT:
Feeds are back!

Veto winner Paulie took himself off the block.

The Replacement Nom is:

Da'vonne/Zakiyah talked by the hammock afterwards. 

Day knows that Paul had intended to put her up the whole time, despite what he told her. Zakiyah tells her that she has a lot of people on her side, so to remain calm. Z then told Day that she was caught off guard by Day going up as the renom. Da'vonne said she wasn't, but not sure why Natalie didn't go up instead. 

In other news, a new alliance chart is up for those of you trying to keep track of everything. This is courtesy of the always amazing @89razorskate20 on Twitter.

 I'll update the alliance chart on the right-side of the blog in just a minute, along with the houseguest banner. :) 



Unknown said...

As much as I like watching the social experiment that is Big Brother, there has definitely been a tendency for casting to invest in the more, I'll say shallow aspects of the show (eye candy, divisive personalities, etc....). Do they actually believe that THIS is what we want to see or is this just how it's playing out? Not taking it personally, however I can't help but get the impression that my intelligence is being insulted with this latest season. Pretty people and conflicting beliefs has it's appeal to a point, but shouldn't be the main ingredient in this social stew. People with more life experience (and different life smart vs. street smart for example), super fans, novices....mix it up a bit. I would really like to see things improve, otherwise we're witnessing the slow death of a show. They have the means to get better, they just need to take the shot. :-)

BKReed said...

Erika C, I completely agree! Put in a mix of different ages and sizes, too! I get tired of always just seeing the young, fit and pretty people on there. Make it more reflective of how society really is if they're claiming it's a show about the 'social experiment'.

UnionGrl said...

Well said madam, well said.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

At least they stopped showing the "who wants to see my HOH room" and the reading of the letter from home. Also got rid of the HOH staring at the photo board reciting "one of my duties as head of household...."

Unknown said...

LOL, Jeff. True.

Honestly, Big Brother has always been focused on youth and good looks as well as plugging polar opposites into the show to face off against each other. They've been doing it for yeeears. By now you should know that it's what you get with BB.

Victoria Stairz said...

I agree, and with EVERYBODY! lol. I so wish it were more refective of 'real people', but at the same time, if America had a real desire to see a fat-ass old person being decent and kind and smart, or even bitching up a storm, I, ladies and gentlemen, would be at Kardashian level of fame! Ha ha!

I think it is interesting to see how the people that grew up with reality TV as 'a thing' use it as a life skill. Foreign to me.

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