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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tues: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Tuesday, everybody!! Last night on the feeds was super duper boring. I honestly don't have much to blog about. It was 90% Summer Camp'ish crap. James/Natalie had a shaving cream war, Paul pushed one of the girls in the pool (after taking off the mic pack first, of course), naps were was a yawn-fest. For that reason, the Overnighter is gonna be short & sweet this morning. (**I really, rrealllllyyyy miss the days where I couldn't wait to wake up and do the Overnighter, to see all the scheming that took place overnight, or waking up a few times in the middle of the night just to see what was going on. Oh BB, how I miss thee.)

Okay, so Da'vonne is still going home and while she doesn't know it, she's been suspecting since yesterday that something is up. She knows that Michelle volunteered to go up on the block, and yet Paul made her the renom instead. She talked to Paul yesterday just a little bit after the veto ceremony happened. She tried to get some reasoning of why she's up there. Paul's answers were horrible...I remember hearing him say something about how he wanted someone up on the block that knows how to handle being on the block to stay calm and collected. I just laughed at how bad of a liar he is. Da'vonne was doing a lot of "Mhm..Mhmm..Mhmm..", so while I listened to that convo, I was thinking "oh there's no way in heck she's buying this bullcrap". But, she seriously doesn't know she's the target this week. *shrugs* It's probably not helping that her girl Zakiyah is acting like nothing is going on either and telling her she's safe this week.

Today is Tuesday, which means that HOH Paulie Paul will get the HOH camera and take pics and do his HOH blogging later on. I'm hoping that Day wakes up to what's really going on around her and creates some drammmaaa!! I'll be back later with an afternoon post, as long as the HG's are actually up and talking game. :P


Unknown said...

I was just curious if you knew if James got in trouble yesterday afternoon. I was watching the feeds and he found his crocks frozen in the storage room freezer. He then said to the feeds that it was game on and that he was going to revenge. He and Victor then went out to the kitchen. While Vic tried to thaw his crocks out, James went and got Nat's (?) pink tennis shoes and wrapped them up and put them in water and put them in the storage room freezer. He then went and got Nat's makeup bag and eye lashes. He was wrapping that up and talking to Vic on how he was going to freeze them and we got fish. When the fish went away several house guests were in the kitchen making food. Nat was working on a surprise for James "for when he gets out of DR". At that point I had to go back to work so I had to stop watching. I was just wondering if you knew anything or if anyone else heard or saw what might have happened to James.

2thDoc said...

Not going to lie. At first I really liked Paulie. Now not so much. He's Frank 2.0. He's cocky and thinks he's running the show. Sadly it's true tho because everyone else minus Day is a coward and spineless. Once Day leav a it'll be summer camp in there with a lot of koombaya. Boringggggg. Paul this was YOUR HOH!!! You wanted Bridgette out. Ou should have stayed with the plan. Instead you put your tail between your legs and did Paulie's dirty work for him. What an idiot. I didn't like you from Day 1 with your loud mouth and rattling your head in the DR to "friendship" ahhhhh!! I hate that word now!! Anyway here's hoping Day has the round trip ticket back into that house and that she gets Paulie and Nicole on the block. Yes Nicole!! She's a two faced little weasel. Used to like her but she plays all sides and no one sees it!! Bridgette's target will get smaller and smaller on her back. Just watch, she'll be in the final 2 or may even won this game.

Razldazlrr said...

James should permanently freeze those awful eye lashes!!! They just look ridiculous.

What a boring group of people - Paulie is definitely running the show and everyone, except Day and Frank just let him. I don't even know who to cheer for - I don't really like any of them very much! ha ha

How long until jury? Can you imagine what that will be like?

Unknown said...

Why does everyone complain when someone is "running the show"? I see it as good game play...I think Paulie's got the best game play in the house right now.

Jen said...

Paulie THINKS he's running the show, because he IS running the show!!! Paul wanted to get Bridgette out, didn't want to put up Day, and look what happened...Day is up and Day is likely going home.

What would it take for Michelle to flip the house to keep Day? She and Z would vote to keep her, could they get James and Nat? Then maybe Victor? Seriously, so so so boring. When are the ones NOT in the showmances going to wake up and realize they are the ones on the outside?

slnc said...

They're all so stupid...paul-established is soon dumb, can't do anything but laugh. He's being Paulina'so biotch.smh..They're all so afraid to make a move, scary! Da' please open your eyes, right now she walking around with her eyes wide shut!😫

slnc said...

Ok, so auto correct..smh. paul-letta is so dumb.

HereInMyRoom5 said...

Hey Jamie there is an article on about BB Season 19 this fall. Thought you would want to read and share. Love the blog!

Unknown said...

I love how on the feeds schedule, you've changed Sunday to "Lazy Day" instead of "Plot/Backstab/Lie". Hate this cast.

UnionGrl said...

My interest has shifted from sneaky, dramatic game play (of which there is none) to the dynamics of the romances. I really have a hard time understanding these young modern women. Unless I'm really missing something (I don't get the feeds, only BBAD) they are oblivious to what is happening. It's hard to fathom. I'm waiting for the first cuddle-bunny jettison, that should be the cold splash of water they need.

As I watch I find that my dislike for Michelle just keeps growing. I'm not a basher as a rule but that woman is a shallow, jealous, fake sobbing, constantly eating mess. She is the one I will enjoy seeing leave. Try as I might I can find no redeeming qualities in that person - which is very sad.

Atlanta said...

You watch, come Thursday everyone inc/Michelle will vote Day! So sick of "whatever the house wants"!!!! Come on guys! Wake up!

Unknown said...

CBS today confirmed a 10 week Fall Season of Big Brother will air on CBS All Access App.
Don't most HG go on to become famous? That won't happen from a streaming app. Maybe they'll cast live feeders who actually watch and know the show vs the typical wanna be actors and models

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I thought Michele was a nutritionist? She eats like she has a disorder. I'm hoping I'm wrong. Thanks Jamie!

UnionGrl said...

Oh Coach Janie for catching the never ending buffet that is Michelle. In addition to her constant munching she weeps that she is so 'fat and ugly - so lardy'. Well, stop constantly eating you silly cow!!!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately the reason we all say Paulie is running the house because he is the ONLY with a good game. He can win comps AND has a great social game. If Day could win comps she would be on fire! That's why Frank was so good. These others, all they talk about is getting to jury etc. Pa-thetic!!!

I miss the old Big Brother's where people didn't care what the other houseguest wanted and made a strong move and had balls to back it up!!

GB said...

I agree, season 18 is a sorry state of affairs. These people are just a whiny bunch of wind bags. "I don't want to get blood on my hands", "I'm doing what the house wants". UGH! ENOUGH! I've watched this show since Season 2 and I just don't understand these players. In the past there would usually end up being two sides to the house and they would just go after each other and they would play dirty too. Arguing/fighting constantly. However, each side would stay loyal to each other, not flip flop around and turn on each other at the drop of a hat because someone didn't agree with them or looked at them the wrong way. The last few seasons have been this way. I miss the old seasons, maybe I should be watching one of them and NOT this current season. JMO.

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