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Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Happy Monday, y'all!! Yesterday was my day off, and since nothing much happened, I didn't even do an Overnighter. Don't shoot the messenger, blame the HG's for the most boring BB season in history. lol (Not the worst per se, just the most boring...pretty sure they all still think this is either The Bachelor or a summer vacation with some comps to play here & there. lol)

Okay, so Da'vonne is still this weeks target, though there's been some resistance from James. Do I think it'll be enough to swing votes to save Day? Not likely. Is it impossible? Not really. It is Big Brother, after all. Today is the Veto Ceremony where Paulie will take himself off the block and then Paul will make Da'vonne the replacement nom: this weeks target. Everything is still on track to get her up & out this week.

Da'vonne asked Paul yesterday if she's going up. He told her that *if* she goes up, "she'll be safe"..but we know that's a lie.

Paul's reasoning for this, is because he doesn't want Day to go around stirring sh*t up before today's Veto Ceremony.

Paul/Paulie say they can trust James/Cory, but can trust Corey more without Nicole. They then switch gears to talk about how maybe they can use Bridgette to get Nicole or Michelle out of the house at some point.

In other news, Paulie's onto James' game play, which is like Derek's..including only winning comps when you have to. Meanwhile, James was busy planting seeds in Michelle's head about how Paulie is leading the house. Hmmm...I smell a war between Paulie VS James brewing!!

Nicole/Zak/Michelle were talking last night. Z/M both want Bridgette gone this week and are worried that wont happen.

Nicole then leaves. Michelle says that 'Nicole's gonna go rat them out to Corey now', and Nicole did just that. (*lol) Nicole told Corey and Paul that M/Z are upset that Bridgette wont go home this week, which then pisses Paul off. Nicole doesn't Paul to say anything to them though because it'd trace back to her being a rat.

Michelle then went to work on Paul/Paulie a bit by saying that Day wouldn't gun after them. She thinks
Day would gun after Victor/Natalie. Zakiyah then did her part (at 1:15am) by talking to Paulie, saying that Paul should put anyone else up but Day.

By 2:30am BBT, Paulie put the pieces of the puzzle together, saying that Day/Zak/Michelle seemed
to be together, as Michelle/Zak have gone to bat for Day to try to prevent her from being the renom.

At 6:17am BBT, Zakiyah/Paulie had "Let's pretend we're sleeping and not really doing anything under the covers" sex.

So Operation: Backdoor Da'vonne is still set in motion. The votes are against her and I don't see how she's gonna be able to survive this week to be honest. But we'll see what this week has in store! The Veto Ceremony takes place today and I fully expect Da'vonne to be the replacement nom. Since Paul promised her that she'd be safe "if" she is the renom, I'm not sure we'll see any drama today. But who knows. The day is young. :P


amber02012 said...

If zak Michelle James and Natalie all vote for Day then it would be 4-4 right? With Paul as deciding vote and if she wins care package this week she can eliminate two votes to evict. So there is a chance

amber02012 said...

Not a fan of hers but would like the drama and don't like Paulie

Dianne said...

I have to say that Paul accomplished a BB miracle by going from an outsider to Paulie's chief comrade & co conspirator, don't know if I have ever seen anything like it. Paulie comparing James to Derrick will lead to Jame's demise, if Paulie isn't taken out soon, it's all over.

Unknown said...

Ooooh I can't stand Nicole!! She's such a poor and obvious telltale. I'm all for back-stabbing and going back on your word as this is BB after all, but she is as subtle as a brick!! As for the rest of them, I can't wait until they really start to turn on each other. The weaker players are such idiots if they think they will make it to the end by laying low. They will all be sent home by PP so they might as well make big moves as they will have nothing to lose. I wish the people that cast this show would put super-fans in the house instead of people who maybe have watched last season at best. It can't be that difficult to find interesting super-fans.

Anonymous said...

But care package is after eviction- so voting for day to receive it won't work, am I missing something. This care package thing is not timed very well!

Jamie said...

correct. care package for next week (voting ends Friday), so it's not in play for Thursday.

Jamie said...

and "PP" (paul/paulie) are homies. so if it's a tie, Paul will side with Paulie..who wants Day up & out this week. And what Paulie wants, Paulie gets.

Unknown said...

Would really like to see that care package go into action this week. Wish that DaVonne would get it and then vote to evict Nicole and Paulie. Could make the drama start again. It doesn't seem right that the care package wouldn't help for this week's eviction.

Anonymous said...

Really hoping day has the round trip- now that would be fun!

Becky N said...

I think day has the ticket. She'll be back in and also get the care package. Hmm, maybe set up by production?

Becky N said...

Oops, I forgot. I am team Nicole. If Frank could have kept his mouth shut. I'd be happier. The Vets screwed themselves by not sticking together.

UnionGrl said...

I knew that Z had stepped on her own foot with her little snit-fits and jealous rants. Paulie, for all his bossiness, has not forgotten that to win the game you have to play - and he is playing. IF the women can't see the handwriting on the wall by now there is no hope for them anyway.

What will be interesting will be how Paulie maneuvers Vic out of the house. That will be worth watching as he is a sharp competitor, a bit of a drip, but a strong player.

Unknown said...

If Day could get Zakiyah, Meech, Natalie, James & Vic she could flip the game & give PP a challenge. Lets hope that was happens this week. The care package twist isn't helpful if it's given so late & if they have to tell the house, they should get them in the DR from now on.

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