Watch BB18!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

HOH Endurance Comp

FINALLY we get to watch an endurance comp on the feeds! Yes, the feeds are already back up and yes we can see them already on the feeds. Thank you, CBS!!

In case you missed the ending of the BB live show, this weeks Care Package that America votes on, will give a HG the power to cancel out 2 HG's votes of their choice.

7:07pm BBT:
A look at the HG's on the swings.

James/Bridgette/Corey are out.
All 3 are Have Not's for the week.

7:12pm BBT:

James: "Victor's lookin' strong, too!"

9:15pm BBT:

Natalie: "I'm not killing it. I'm doing my best."

Michelle just puked!

James: "AHHH that's the PIZZA!!"
Michelle says she really wanted to win and is now crying loudly.

7:20pm BBT:
Michelle: "I'm a vomit-cry baby!" (*lol!)

7:23pm BBT:
Victor/Natalie/Nicole/Paulie/Zakiyah are still swinging.

7:28pm BBT:

Still Victor/Zak/Nat/Nic/Paulie up on the swings.

7:33pm BBT:
Paul: "..Not only will you lose, you will fall into vomit!"

(It's hard to tell who's talking to whom since some of the HG's mics aren't working and Paul is overpowering with his voice.)

Nicole said she feels like she's gonna vomit.

7:43pm BBT:
Nicole fell off!!

7:59pm BBT:
Paulie/Zakiyah fell off.

It's Natalie VS Victor!
Natalie is slipping.

8:14pm BBT:
Still Nat vs Vic.

8:46pm BBT:
Natalie: "I don't think I can do this anymore..."

She keeps asking Victor to give her the HOH, but Victor tells her to earn it. He's been reminding her all night that he was already evicted once.

New HOH is:

Natalie fell, couldn't stand the pain anymore. She's sobbing.
Victor promised that he wouldn't put her up because of how hard she fought in the HOH comp.

**I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the endurance comp aftermath on the live feeds!!! :D


Razldazlrr said...

OK- so Paul's home was interesting- he lives with his parents??? and where do they live?

- hated to see Day leave, glad she gets to be on jury
- I could tell James wasn't going to last long in comp and it's a hard challenge for someone tall, like Corey. The Corey hairdo drives me crazy but he is definitely the most handsome and seemslike he might be the nicest.
- I have Z wins comp and puts Paulup!

slnc said...

Ok, this is going to be booring! The only person left who have caused drama is goneπŸ˜ͺ hopefully Victor steps up and gets it poppin πŸ€”πŸ˜“

BBFan9891 said...

COME ON NAT! Really want to see some drama with paulie/paul/victor on the block and shes the only one who has picked up that paulie is running the house

Unknown said...

Nat looks incredibly comfy on that thing. Hope she sticks it out & wins!!

Unknown said...

Ope. Spoke too soon. She's hurting.

Steve Robbins Art said...

What's the point of this weeks care package? The house still seems to vote uniformly unanimous, so it feels like whomever uses it would only get a symbolic buzz from it and ultimately accomplish nothing with it.

DeniseG said...

Another week of Paul/Paulie as HOH!

Sammie said...

Well this is basically Paulie's HOH again, but Paulie seems to be turning on Zak, so I hope that means that Zak or maybe Nicorey could end up getting put up. Or at least Nicole. Get rid of these annoying girls. I hope he doesn't go after Bridgette.

Diego said...

Okay it looks like nat nat is safe. Omg she is a queen. Victor better listen to wat Day told her. She should have told him earlier and flipped the house but at least she at jury bless she could talk smack to them at the finale ugh can't wait for that.πŸ˜™πŸ˜

Diego said...

Oh Btws thx so much for staying up and telling us the winner jamie😚. Now girl get yo rest on boo you need it lmao.... Love πŸ˜—

Razldazlrr said...

hmmm-interesting - will Victor just do what P/P tell him? probably - ugh

UnionGrl said...

I want either Bridgette or Nic to get the care package this week so they can 'influence' the outcome of the He-man Woman Hater club meeting in the HOH room. The upside is that Vic will be open for the second eviction next week so after dumping pukey Michelle the house can spit out Victor next.

A girl can dream.

BBFan9891 said...

I hope they get rid of Michelle. Cant stand her crying all the damn time. Though the piss-heads will probably target nicole as a backdoor

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