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Friday, August 5, 2016

Fri: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy TGI-Friday! Yayy the weekend is here!! Boy was this a long week, I swear. haha Okay, so in case you missed it last night, this weeks Care Package will give a HG the power to cancel out 2 HG votes of their choice. So this week could end up getting messy come Thursday night.

As of now, the target is Michelle. It was Zakiyah up until around 5:30am BBT when Paulie/James had a meeting and Paulie said that he wants to switch the target from Z to Michelle (which is funny because Paulie has been wanting Z out and pushing for her to go up & out this week all night long.) Read on for more details on that.

**You can watch all of this on the live feeds by using the flashback feature. 

Okay so, as soon as the feeds turned back on, Paul and Paulie were discussing what they'd like to do with Victor's HOH. (*Did you really think Victor won? lol) They want Michelle/Zakiyah, with Natalie as the replacement nom if they need one. (Victor doesn't want Bridgette to be the renom like Paul/Paulie want. He's afraid Bridgette could go, which he doesn't want. He likes her too much and won't be the one to get her out. He told all this to Paulie.)

In last nights HOH comp, Paulie dropped right after Zakiyah dropped. Zakiyah/Michelle discussed that it was obvious that Paulie was just in it to make sure she (Z) didn't win. And they're right, since we all know how badly Paulie wants Z up and out. (Well, at this point anyway. Keep reading.) Z later on went and asked Paulie if he dropped out because she did, and he said no, of course.

10:12pm BBT:
Paul/Paulie discuss their desires to get Zakiyah up and out this week to James/Victor. Paul then filled Corey in on the 'get Z out' plan. (If you're wondering why Victor isn't gunning for someone else, since Day warned him that "they" are planning to take him out in a Double Eviction, it's because he doesn't believe her. This will be his downfall in the game, I'm sure.)

Moving on...
Paulie then spent the night lying to Zakiyah, telling her that Michelle is the target this week and that he wants Natalie gone as soon as possible (in the upcoming weeks). Well...I guess he wasn't really lying to her, now that he switched the targets come 5:35am BBT when talking with James...

5:35am BBT:
Paulie has a change of He wants Zakiyah to stay afterall. Why? Why do you think..a shield for him in the game, always a vote, easy to win against, has control over her..why would he wanna get rid of that? Throw in sex once in a while and she's a great pet to have. The two boys talked about how emotional Michelle is, always crying. James says that if Michelle won HOH, they don't know what she'd do..she's a wildcard. Paulie mentions that Z is a good competitor, but it doesn't necessarily hurt them (they boys), since Paulie's got her by his side anyway.

They know they need 4 votes to evict this week, and that Paul wants Z out, so they gotta work on him. (*Wait until the Care Package twist comes into play though. That'll be fun. lol)

James: "It's crazy, dude..we're steamrollin' over the girls."

Paulie/James are onboard to get Michelle out this week, and they'll convince Paul to do the same.

Oh..and at 6:12am BBT, Z/Paulie had bumper car sex again.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Nomination Ceremony, where can expect HOH Victor to put up Zakiyah/Michelle. I'll be back later with the official noms update. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!


Anonymous said...

I am so over Paulie, it's ridiculous. And Paul, why does he even need to be on the show?? His family lives in a huge mansion. Waste. These girls are dumb and need to wake up.

Unknown said...

Oh gross, I don't have the feeds, did z/Paulie legit have sex or more along the lines of dry humping? That's so gross, where's the lysol???

Unknown said...

So. Tired. Of. Paulie!!!!!

Me said...

I'm rooting for Bridgette and Michelle. Those two seem like strong competitors and decent players. I'm over the way the guys are discussing the women. It's crude and disrespectful. The only gameplay I can respect from them is that they are using the showmances to their advantage - exactly what you should do with a showmance. I don't see the women doing the same. I started to like Victor, but he's not playing his own game. How is it that Paul and Paulie (I kind of understand this one but not Paul) are running the house???

Unknown said...

It's easy to run a house when nobody else is playing the game. Cake walk.

Nicole said...

I'm getting tired of this season. I feel like we have to wait for it to be just the 5 guys for the real competitions to begin. I over Z/Paulie too. She is going to watch this season and feel stupid/used.

UnionGrl said...

Here's another thought - Paulie tells his boys that he wants Z out to reassure them that he isn't playing for/with Z. He confirms in their little boy minds that girls stink and it's a sausage fest till the end. Then, he starts his death watch on Michelle (which suits me fine, I want that silly cow out)with the end result that she gets got next Thursday. Again, works for me - no more sobbing, snotty shallow meanness -what's not to like?

Say what you will, Paulie is playing the game and doing it brilliantly.

I would also say - keep your eyes on Nat-nat. She's a subtle one who has a willing defender and a 'I don't understand' cloak to hide behind. She is ideally placed to team up with Nic and Bridgette to make some moves if the numbers don't do her in.

Dianne said...

Nicole is gonna feel really dumb when she gets Britneyed at the end. Maybe she didn't watch that season?

Melissa S. said...

So glad my daughter is not watching this crap - these girls are acting just like that - girls! BB18 ladies - setting women back 100 years!!

Unknown said...

nothing worse than a house with 75% floaters. only the 4 boys have really accomplished anything. James better marry Natalie because his being with her all the time will cost him 500k. If Victor had any sense he'd put Paulie and James up then he and Paul could run the house and wipe out the weak ones.

UnionGrl said...

Amen Bure4me, I don't know what any of these 'boys' are thinking keeping strong players in the game, but heck - what do I know?

Don't count my girl Nicole out. I think she is playing a deep game and may escape the Britney fate but someone needs to make the big, big move.

I really wanted Bridgette to win and put up boys and send them home to rebalance the numbers but no such luck. And I totally agree Melissa that these 'girls' aren't doing our sex any favors. They are all silly, silly cows and if they don't get some sense they are all going to be sitting at the jury house wondering what happened. I guess you need some gray hair to be immune to the power of sexual attraction.

Cyn B said...

As its been said, I really dislike Paulie. So over him...and Victor came back to do what...he should backdoor Paul or Paulie...why do girls even try out for the show if they aren't going to play the game...such a disappointment...

Unknown said...

Who should get to rid 2 votes this week. Someone who will change it otherwise waste. Opps lots of waste. I am rooting for James and Natalie. They should take over lol

UnionGrl said...

James got the care package (damn, I wanted Bridgette to get it) so I'm not sure it will be used as intended. Shame it may be a waste where if Bridgette got it she could have gotten a smidgen of revenge for all the hatefulness of those 2 little meanies. That I would have enjoyed.

Dianne said...

Re Bridgette, if she had received the 2 vote thing she would just do whatever Paulie told her to do, so it would be a waste on her as well. This season is not the BB I loved, the girls have no power and are all being used. Almost makes me miss Amanda lol, but seriously what is going on, where are the Rachels & the Janelles.

UnionGrl said...

From your mouth to God's ear Dianne.

UnionGrl said...

I was just looking at next weeks care package and I wondered, would the 'safety costume' be a giant condom? I'm just saying.

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