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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!! Yayyy it's Wednesday, half-way through the work week and just 1 day away from the Live Eviction tomorrow! :D

As it stands right now, Frank is still expected to go out the BB door tomorrow, though he's now starting to fight to stay. Let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!

*Frank's been telling HG's that Bridgette actually wants to go home and to keep him instead.

*At 5:45pm BBT, Frank flipped Nicole off, as she was on the backyard couch staring at him. She asked if he just flipped her off, he said yea because she's staring at him. Nicole said she was looking straight-ahead and that he's just in her field of vision.

*At 8:04pm BBT, Frank catches Nicole once again staring at him. He gives her the middle finger again and tells Bridgette that he's sick of her staring at him all the time.

*Da'vonne has been spreading seeds of "don't trust Nicole" around the house and those seem to be blossoming well.

8:42pm BBT:
Frank/Paulie/Corey talk.
Frank is campaigning to Paulie/Corey. Paulie said he has his vote to stay. Corey says the same and that Frank should talk to Nicole. (*Natalie/Corey talk later and decide that Frank's gotta go this week.)

3:16am BBT:
Paul tells Bridgette how Frank's been telling people that Bridgette wants to go home this week. She said that's not true, she wants to stay. Paul mentions how Frank has been saying that he won't campaign against her, but he is. Paul tells her to call Frank out on it.

3:40am BBT:
Lounge Room
The boys are talking about Nicole/Corey. Frank said that they're getting closer & closer, he doesn't like that. Paulie said that Nicorey has been fighting more since Victor came into the house. Paulie tells Frank that Paul wants him (F) gone this week.

Frank: "Why does (Paul) want me gone so bad??"
Paulie: "I don't f*cking know."
Frank: "The other night, I thought you, me, him and Bridgette were all (close).."
Paulie: "Me too."

4:30am BBT:
Backyard Couch
Paul and Frank are going back & forth..heated at times. Paul is calling Frank on stuff, as Frank is calling Paul out for being a hypocrite. Frank mentions how James told Bridgette/Frank that if he won HOH, they'd be safe and obviously that was a lie. Paul said he didn't know that. (*Sidenote: yesterday, Frank talked to the cams for a second and said "Sorry America, but James is a douchebag." Fans over on Twitter agreed.)

Frank: "You wanna look at me as the bad guy, for doing the same thing that (James) did."

Paul then accuses Frank of belittling him.
Frank: "WHEN!??"

This is ongoing. A good flashback moment on the live feeds if you have the time.

5:42am BBT:
Pool Area
Frank goes over and sits by Bridge. She nervously giggles for minutes, as Frank tells her to stop and talk to her.

Frank: "Talk to me! You're upset."
Bridgette: "Yea."
Frank: "You think I'm campaigning against you."
Bridgette: "Mhmm."

Frank asks if it was Paul who said something (about Frank saying how Bridgette supposedly doesn't wanna stay this week. She said yea and she believes him.

Bridgette: "You're making me feel silly." (about telling others she doesn't wanna stay.)
Frank: "You need to trust me that I didn't say that...I asked two people ABOUT their votes, not to vote for me. I asked if they're voting me out on Thursday. I told you I had 3 votes. Then I asked Zakiyah..she said does Bridgette not wanna be here?..I didn't say it, she asked that.."

Frank: "I never asked anybody to vote you out."
Frank said that Paul overheard him/Zakiyah talking and took the conversation and ran with it.

Frank: "You're my best friend in the house, Bridgette! I'm most pissed about you being on the block with me! You think I'm bullsh*ttin' you?"
Bridgette: "I dunno."
Frank: "I need to have a real conversation with stop picking at your fingers and giggling at me. Speak words to me."

Fast-forward a bit to sunrise...

6:10am BBT:
Frank: "Every time you talked about going home, I talked you out of it! I'd never use that against you...I'm getting tired of hearing my own damn voice, saying the same thing over and over again."
Bridgette: "I love your voice."

Bridgette says "It's okay."

By 6:45am BBT, Frank/Bridgette have seemed to have made up. They're back to being good with each other.
Frank: "You're still my Ride or Die..even if it's just for 36 more hours...main reason I even wanna stay, is (for) revenge. F*ck some shit up." (*Yesss!!!)

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I don't see anything changing for Frank and he's pretty much dead in the water at this point. And he knows it. So unless he has the golden ticket (*Willy Wonka reference), then he's toast. But this is BB after all, so anything is possible. I'll be back later with an afternoon post. Also, tonight we get a fresh new BB18 episode at 8pm ET, so make sure to tune in! See y'all later!! :D


6 Worleys said...

Wow..did anybody else wanna slap the crap out of Bridgette with her immature giggle?? Grrr...her maturity is shining bright!!!

HereInMyRoom5 said...

What happened to the mobile version of the blog? I really liked that. Made it easier to read with only one free arm, my newborn keeps me pretty busy.

Nana/bblvr said...

Did the blog change?

Jamie said...

changed it from MOBILE to FULL SITE due to others emailing me about "wheres the alliance chart" and such. this way they can see everything.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one doesn't think James is a douchebag? It's the big brother game. You lie. It's something you have to expect to happen.

And Bridgette is getting on my last nerves. I thought she had a significant other too? If so, wth? My husband would be pretty upset if I laid up on another guy. Plus what about Frank's girlfriend? Sorry.. just not my cup of tea. Disrespectful to your significant other.

Unknown said...

I agree! The Bridgette and Frank sooooo annoying...right up there with Nicole whining. Ugh!

Unknown said...

I wanted to punch Michelle on tonight's episode when she was listening to Bridgette's speech. Her facial expression was so mean. She's awful. I hope that her saying that she almost used the Veto will make her a target.

Unknown said...

I truly think Michelle is a mean bitch who just finally figured out that people were viewing her in that manner when production asked her questions about bullying, then the tears came. She can say "it's for my game" all she wants but you don't have to be cold and demeaning to win big brother. She tried to tell James he couldnt speak to Tiffany because Tiffany was leaving ? James is a nice person and will talk to ANYONE . For some self proclaimed "superman" she doesn't seem to know anything. Same for Paul , what game is he playing? He thinks because he doesn't want frank to talk to Michelle to try to get the veto that's the way it's gonna happen? Wtf? His argument made NO sense. And for someone Who is accusing frank of lying he seems to forget how many times he lies , eavesdrops , etc. he flat out tried to tell everyone that he was the only one who would get a prize from the secret room. And he's flipping out about the possibility of being put on the block? He keeps volunteering !!!! If I have to hear "your boy" or "let me do what I do" one more time! He's only watched 1 season and he can't win for shit!!! There is a clique in the house and these too think they are both HBIC .

Unknown said...

These two**

Unknown said...

Michelle made me think better of Bridgette! Is she 12 fighting over a boy? She is jealous because Bridgette is close with Frank? Get a life. Who is worried about winning the money everyone seems like they are there for love,!friends, or fun!

Steph said...

Did anyone notice they don't show Hoh rooms anymore or show them reading the letter. Why?

JoyNSoul said...

@Lauren, I was thinking the same thing! I had no idea Michelle was treating Bridgette so poorly because she's jealous?!?! She's a jealous, mean girl! Definitely junior high behavior!

@Victoria, yes I too am completely annoyed by Paul and "your boy!" Him and Josea have both drove me nuts with "your boy" since the very beginning! And Paul was getting mad at Frank for trying to save his own butt just because it might mean Paul goes up in his place?!?! I guess he thought it was selfish of Frank to try to save himself? Maybe he thought Frank should stop to think, "If the veto gets used on me, then Paul might go up. I can't do that to Paul, so I should just give up and keep myself on the block." Paul has no clue how this game works!

And I don't see why everyone is so upset with James. It seems to me a lot of people wanted either Frank or Bridgette out. From what I saw, he originally intended to honor his promise not to put Bridgette up, but got a lot of pressure from the rest of the house. It might be easy to sit back on this side of the TV screen and judge the people in there for going with the house, but no one wants to put a target on their back. I don't love the unanimous votes and "going with the house," but it's an effective survival tactic (to a point).

Also, would like to see Zakiyah, Corey, and maybe Natalie gone (even though I do like Natalie and think she seems like a sweet girl). Would love to see if Paulie, James and Nicole play more focused without their showmances in the house! Maybe they might all remember that there's actually a cash prize at the end and try to win it for themselves!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that Natalie is faking "liking" James? I think this chick is smarter than she leads on. I think she knows that James is liked and clinging on to him while also laying low, to keep her in the house longer. Because she knows James will fight for her until the end. Just my thoughts

chiciesq said...

No afternoon post :(

chiciesq said...

Let me say - I cannot wait until the day Brigitte goes home. The way I see it, she has been a nerd her whole life (and there is nothing wrong with that, I am kind of a nerd.) You could tell when she described her sad little scavenger hunt for her "boyfriend" back home. (You know, the guy she completely forgets about when she is flirting shamelessly with Frank!) Her voice, fake little laugh, and way she reverts to how she "thinks" the cute girls used to act back in high school - UGH!!! Ok, rant over. Sadly, I think Frank will be gone tonight, not the Cabbage Patch Kid, as no way Nicole will have to balls to change the tide of the votes.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with some of the above comments - I saw a different side of these people on last night's show. I'm not a fan of Bridgette but the house was just so nasty when she was in the pov contest and then michelle - she is a nasty mean girl for sure.

And Paul - I think he may be a little psychotic - what was he even talking about with Frank? He made zero sense

Did these chicks just bring bags and bags of hair extensions?

They all reminded me of high schoolers when they got together in the room and then later calling the house meeting??? Do they have people on this show that have never watched it before? bazaaro

Dianne said...

I agree that the girls are mean with the exception of Natalie, But the boys with the exception of James and Frank are also mean, why isn't anyone talking about that? They are so full of themselves and I absolutely hate the way they keep talking about "clipping the girls". So disgusting. If I had a daughter their age I wouldn't want her anywhere near these creeps, I don't care that James lied, it's a game, not real life. He shows his true character by not talking disrespectfully about women. Some of the guys have said some mean things about Natslie, if it ever gets back to James they had better watch out! I believe Natalie sees through all the crap and likes James because he's a good guy. Whether anything comes of it is anyone's guess, but their personalities do blend very well.

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