Watch BB18!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!! We're half-way through the work week, yayy!! :D Okay, so nothing's changed as far as who is slated to go home this week. Tiffany is still expected to go out the BB door to meet Julie on Thursday Night's live eviction show. Frank and Tiffany's campaigning did very little for them, so that's pretty much the end of that. I give them an A for effort, though.

9:11pm BBT:
Corey and Nicole are laying down in bed and Nicole brings up how she thinks that Tiffany should actually go this week. She knows that Frank is close with both Bridgette/Tiffany, which makes them 3 together more of a threat than Da'vonne. Frank comes in the bedroom a few minutes later and talk stops.

9:52pm BBT:

In Showmance news (since that's all BB18 has been lately), Corey/Nicole had a small fight. Corey mentioned his exgirlfriend (9:22pm BBT) while talking with Frank about his girlfriend, and Nicole didn't like this apparently. Corey mentioned how he didn't tell his ex that he was going on BB.

Corey: "Are you mad?"
Nicole:"I'm nooooooot!"
Corey: "Just tell me if it bothers you."
Nicole: "It's weirddddd..I dunnooooo! I have to think about it."

(*head desk*)

Speaking of relationships..
1:04am BBT:

Frank jokes (I hope?) how Michelle asked him if his girlfriend is fat by the time he gets out of the house, what would he do.

Frank: "Breakup City!"
Frank then looks at Paulie...

Frank: "You know the 15 lb rule.."
Paulie: "It goes both ways! We have an agreement."

Zakiyah is in the kitchen and doesn't look too happy about this conversation.

3:10am BBT:
Storage Room
The boys are talking about getting Tiffany out this week, and about their suspicions about Day. James told Paulie how Day told him that she wants to go after the showmances (to which James replied to her that he's in a showmance too, but she told him that he's on the 'bottom of that list'. So their plan is to get Tiffany out this week as planned, then gun after Frank (or Bridgette) next week, then Day the following week. (*Yea because planning BB 3 weeks in advance always works out. lol)

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I'll be back this afternoon with a new post. Until then, enjoy the $6/m live feeds!!


Unknown said...

Uughhhh this is where BB goes downhill for me. Nothing worse than a showmance let alone 3 !!
Nicole getting upset at Corey for mentioning his ex GF!? have known the kid for a month and have no idea who he actually is!? I wonder how she's gonna react to his homophobic tweets when she sees them after the show.

This season had so much promise but it's looking more and more like it's going downhill fast. Let's hope I'm wrong and some of these people realize that a half million dollars is on the line!!

Jamie said...

i agree, Scott!! This season had SOOOOO much potential and its just been crappy so far. The showmances are annoying, mix that with a lot of the HG's that forgot that they're there for a half million bucks (its more like watching people at a summer camp this season) and you have what we have no..boring nonsense.

If Corey goes, I can see her kicking her game into high gear. Same with James, though he hasn't lost too much focus (yet) with Natalie. His social game is still on point and he's laying low. Frank is really gaming it up, so kudos for him for being the most hard playing gamer this season. Natalie/Bridgette/Zakiyah/Paul are useless. I'm hoping the Battle Back kicks them into "oh sh*t!" mode. haha ;)

GB said...

I don't watch the feeds, but keep seeing these comments that Michelle is a brat and mean. What is she doing/saying???

Unknown said...

I am so sick of the mean girls! M,Z, D! Catty, clueless, clumps!

Unknown said...

I am so sick of the mean girls! M,Z, D! Catty, clueless, clumps!

GMAGS said...

I only watch the shows and read this blog so I don't have the advantage of seeing everything like those that watch the live feeds. With that said, here is my take. Bronte could have been a good player in the game. She seemed to be aware of what was happening but got caught on the wrong side of the house. Same with Paul; he is arrogant and cocky but seems like a good player. But after losing his 2 closest allies, I don't blame him for taking a back seat and laying low. Corey, Zakiyah and Michelle have no game and are lucky to be on the side of the house with the numbers. Day and Frank are the 2 best return players while James and Nicole have their head up their asses worrying about their stupid showmances instead of the actual game. Paulie seems like a good player but his head might be getting a little too big and can hurt him down the road. Bridgette is Frank's puppet and will be lost when he is gone. Natalie is just happy to be there. And Tiffany is an emotional rollercoaster and needs to go because of that – can’t be trusted to keep her shit together.

Am I close?

Unknown said...

Not sure why so many don't like Frank. I'm enjoying him this season. He's actually playing the game and putting in some work. So of course everyone wants him out since he's actually playing the game.
Thanks Jamie for all the work and daily updates. Been reading the blog for the past 4 years.

Unknown said...

YES to everything you said. I had so much high hope for this season. Ugh. Of and you forgot to mention meanie Michelle being useless too lol! Can't stand her and the way she eats watermelon lol!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

She is such a b word! So mean and such a whiner. She is evil towards tiffany. It's too much to explain. But trust that she is such a mean girl! When James called her mean.

Susan said...

BB casting, we need more Dick's, Janelle's, Mike Boogie's, Will's, Wil's (ain't nobody got time for two Ls), Brittany's....come on, you can do it!!!

Unknown said...

*Even not when. My swipe is not cooperating.

Unknown said...

My take. Paul is not a good player and is annoying. He's so far up Paulie's ass it's hard to bare and I can't wait til he realizes he's at the bottom of his totem pole. And Tiffany has every right to feel betrayed. She figured out she was used and after she was used they were soooo mean to her. Like cruel mean.

GMAGS said...

Can someone elaborate on how Michelle is a B and mean for those of us that do not watch the live feeds? what has she done/said?

Unknown said...

Jamie, I so agree with you, and leesa luv, I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Michelle and the watermelon. Lol!!

I know a lot of people don't like Day or Frank (I fall in the disliking Frank camp), but at least they are actually playing the game. Yesterday on the feeds was sickening. All I heard was I hope he likes me, will he kiss me....he is so this, he is so that! I about lost my mind when one of the girls (Z or N) said the boys will protect us! WTH!!

I'm kinda hoping Bronte comes back and teams up with Day to break up these showmances. It would be even better if Day, Frank and Bronte or some other returner got together to get at the showmances. I know it will never happen though because Frank and Day dislike each other so much. Those two will never see eye to eye. Oh well!

Unknown said...

she doing the typical mean girls stuff. She completely ignores Tiffany and doesn't want anyone else to talk to her or Bridgette. Talks constant trash about them. There isn't one specific thing. It's just the whole I'm better than you and you are beneath me because I'm with the cool kids vibe she has going on. It will all change once the couples aren't in power anymore. She might become humble at some point.

GMAGS said...

Thanks Robin!!

Unknown said...

If you are watching Big Brother and expecting to avoid romances, you are watching the wrong show. You all know that BB packs in a lot of showmances which affect the game. I suggest just dealing with it and moving on.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Jewel Dicardi about the romances I like that they have them. But I don't like the romance of Paulie and Z because he is using her I hope she fines out before it's to James and Nat togather.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Jewel Dicardi about the romances I like that they have them. But I don't like the romance of Paulie and Z because he is using her I hope she fines out before it's to James and Nat togather.

bbwatcher said...

I disliked Frank in his season but had started to like him this season. That only changed when I felt like he started to play more emotional. For example, tiff disagrees with him they gave a big fight now she's after him, he's after her. I think they both should have got over it and moved forward. That doesn't happen in the real world, much less big brother huh? Lol! So now I don't care for his game because it seems to personal and not fully strategic at times...well that just gets on my nerves. Just my opinion on him now.

Walkrock said...

Can't agree on that. If I wanted to watch a group of kids get in dumb "relationships" I would watch the Real World. I want to see people scratch and claw for half a million. Personally, that is why I like Survivor better. I think a lot has to do with them wanting to keep casting young (possibly single) people instead of a cast made up of all ages.

Walkrock said...

Can't agree on that. If I wanted to watch a group of kids get in dumb "relationships" I would watch the Real World. I want to see people scratch and claw for half a million. Personally, that is why I like Survivor better. I think a lot has to do with them wanting to keep casting young (possibly single) people instead of a cast made up of all ages.

Unknown said...

Oh, fully expect it. However, this season is over the top with it. I don't feel like I'm watching BB. Instead, it almost reminds me of some after school teen drama.

PrimPeezy said...


Jamilyn said...

Is it just me or is Paulie even more sexy with that beard? Drooooooool

Unknown said...

At least these showmances give some story or things to be interested in. What does Michelle do besides talk about hating everyone in the house? It is time for Michelle to go. She goes to everyone and demands to know who they were talking to, what they were talking about and why they were talking. She ain't no boss, she a latcher. She has latched onto a strong group and thinks that gives her power. I hope that Corey can convince Nic to vote out Mama Da and then they go after Za and Big Meech. Frank is kind of an A-Hole but he is entertaining. The girls in the house are all helpless without their "significant other" fighting their battles for them. This is one of the weakest female casts in Big Brother.

Dianne said...

I only like James and Natalie. I do admire Paulie for sticking to his guns, Frank is like a used car salesman trying to sell a lemon. Z is pretty but no personality. Nicole, ugh & the rest of them meh. Except maybe zany Paul who definitely should open a bar called #Friendship.

JChism said...

"Bare" = play on words? Lmao!!

Victoria Stairz said...

When y'all get up off the couch, do you do it in slow motion and hear "...di-dum-dum-ta-dum..." in your head? Cuz I do...

Unknown said...

You're welcome!

Unknown said...

Would someone please explain this whole "friendship" thing? Paul says it all the time and it's always in a different context. Last night he told Paulie he was going to check the storage closet for friendship, and Paulie responded that they would get wasted if it was there ... Can't figure it out!

Unknown said...

I hate no drama. Keep tiff and day lol. Frank will kick it in high gear to win hoh. But I am really liking Paul now. Friendship. Who knows bit if I choose one to win, they will lose lol. I like james, Paul but frank is playing. If nat wins smh! Thinking vic will come back and game will be interesting.

Unknown said...

Thanks again Jamie for your hard work and insight.

Wow you guys all made such great points. Couldn't agree more these showmances are so annoying.

Unknown said...

Pretty Close. I would say both Paul and James are playing it low key not trying to bring to much attention to themselves but are striking when they can. Nicole disappionts me it her second time you would think be more about the game and making a love connection.

Clair20 said...

Hi, does anyone know if BB is going to have some more seasons?? Or maybe this is the last year,please let me know if anyone knows. Okay thank you in advance.

Clair20 said...

Hi, does anyone know if BB is going to have some more seasons?? Or maybe this is the last year,please let me know if anyone knows. Okay thank you in advance.

Unknown said...

It looks like they might have something going for keeping tiffay I'm watching the beginning of bbad and tiff might have Corey/Nicole for her to stay they need one more for five so potentially it would be Frank/Corey/Nicole/Bridgette/Michelle voting to evict da. I'd love to see that happen that have her come back into the house. Finally would be some drama

Unknown said...

Imagine if Vic comes back. Ooooh weee James would feel so insecure! Since Nat was feeling him first. Lol.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. This is overboard! Paulie's brother, Cody, even stated earlier in a video interview that he pretty much doesn't agree with how his brother is playing and that he is pretty much going against all the advice him and derrick gave him. Especially the showmance! He seemed very disappointed in his brother. It seemed that way, anyway.

Unknown said...

Not that I didn't expect it. But this is overboard and it seems like they are forgetting why they are there. It's getting repetitive and boring. Just my opinion.

Unknown said...

Not that I didn't expect it. But this is overboard and it seems like they are forgetting why they are there. It's getting repetitive and boring. Just my opinion.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. This is overboard! Paulie's brother, Cody, even stated earlier in a video interview that he pretty much doesn't agree with how his brother is playing and that he is pretty much going against all the advice him and derrick gave him. Especially the showmance! He seemed very disappointed in his brother. It seemed that way, anyway.

Dianne said...

Hmmm, I disagree, Cody had no strategy other than flirting and being Derrick's puppet. If Cody were playing this year he would let Frank talk him into keeping Tiff. She needs to go because she's a number fot Frank and Frank does not have Paulie's back. Paulie is not backing down gespite Frank's manipulation, Derrick played Cody like a fiddle.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I don't know what it is this year but it's hard for me to get into it! Maybe it's the showmances or just the players themselves. We need older players in there that know the game and can compete. It's like watching young people at summer camp. I haven't even watched several shows now but catch up on your blog, Jamie! Always enjoy your blog!

BB Bopper said...

When BB casts for the shows it seems more and more that it's more about youth and good looks with a dash of quirky characters (tats, funky hair/beards/rockers etc.) along with usually one or two gay and older people. It is apparently what they feel a successful formula for the show should be. But to me it should be more like chess players. You would want to watch the best most informed players to compete. It would be a much more interesting, exciting and competitive game to watch. Don't cast people who know nothing about the game and especially those who have never even watched the show!! Don't cast people who just want to be there for fun, romance, acting/modeling careers, to be on TV and get famous or to just make it to jury so that they can collect $ with no drive or intention to actually win a the $500k. Cast competitors, BB fans and enthusiasts. A wide variety of age groups. Maybe even some people who's greatest achievements aren't winning at beer pong or partying all night or shopping but who could possibly be able to spell, do simple math, figure out strategic plans, be willing to actually play the game and not hide in the corners and float by. Oh wait....I just woke up and found myself at my computer! I didn't say anything too stupid did I??

Unknown said...

(slow hand clap)...^^^This!

Celiac teen said...

He is rude and he thinks he is most powerful person in the game and that he is going to win but he made himself a target. And Paul vicor and frank are rude and mean to the female gender and I dint think they should be in the house

Celiac teen said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

BB Bopper -- right on! Who cares if they are "models" and such. We want to see some strategic game players and people who aren't all showmances. Cast some married people or people in solid commitments and get the game play on! Corey is just a frat boy -- agree with Jamie's (face plant) all the time when talking now about Nicole fawning all over him. Michelle is mean and for a dietician surely doesn't act like one and can't even really cook. Bridgette is just rainbows and butterflies. Let's get this game rolling -- break up the couples half that is weak and send those people home (Z, Nat, and Corey) and game on! Maybe I just never acted like this when I was in my 20s because I was married, had a baby, and had my own home -- but these kids just are hanging at camp. It reminds me of when I was 12 and the Girl Scout camp was across the lake from the boys, and we were trying to sneak a peak at them. Jr High all over this season 🙄

Unknown said...
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