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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Veto Comp Results (Spoiler)

Good evening, ladies & gents! The live feeds switched off at 8:40pm BBT for the Veto Comp and returned at 10:41pm BBT. Without futher ado...

Winner of the Veto Comp is:

Michelle will not be using the power of veto this week, as she stated multiple times this evening already.

It was the OTEV Comp that BB has every year. Frank said "This is the 2nd season that I'm gonna go home on an OTEV comp."

Michelle/Zakiyah/Da'vonne/Nicole all did a celebration dance in the storage room.

Frank/Bridgette are sad that it's the end of the road for one them. They both feel defeated.
James tells them it's just a game. Frank said "it's alright." Then as James was hugging them and about to leave the room...
Frank: "Just please don't let them f**k her next week." (Bridgette)
James (barely audible, but basically says he won't let them do that."
Bridgette laughs sarcastically..

Bridgette: "You said you weren't gonna put me up, James."
Frank: "Yea, come on!
Bridgette: "F*ck you, man. Don't lie to me."

Frank is pissed that Bridgette, "the girl that's been picked on all f**king summer", is up on the block. James responds with how he only 4-5 hrs before he had to do nominations. James said it's "just a game" and that he could get out next week and be right behind one of them.

The feeds are pretty interesting tonight! It's almost 2am where I live, and tomorrow is "Sleep-in Sunday" for me..which means I'll get to the Overnighter as soon as I'm doing sleeping in. (Between 2 jobs and BB, I need one morning a week to just sleep as much as I can. lol)  Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! :D


Dianne said...

Yay! So over Frank. Bridgette has a right to be mad but broken promises are part of the game.

Fuzzies said...

Bridget is taking on too much of Frank's nasty mouth. She insulted the Fans because James was America's Fave...well girlie, he didn't lay around swearing like a sailor and pouting and acting like a spoiled, entitled brat! Believe it or not, MANY fans are quite happy that you and Frank are on the block! I can't even stand listening to Frank and Bridge talking. I have to mute them until the camera switches. I feel like Frank has destroyed Bridget for this season. I liked her ok at the start. Sadness to see her stooping so low.

Christina said...

Amen! So tired of the victim strategy and the "bully" word thrown around so easily. Bridgette chose to make herself a target by giving 100% of herself to Frank. She chose a side and there is a difference between being ignored and bullied. I honestly think if she had won the veto, Frank would have let and even suggested she use it on him, lol. The sad thing is, she really could have gone far in the game by laying low and not taking up Frank's causes.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Well said, Christina!

Unknown said...

Apparently it was a busy night in the house last night. Watching the feeds now (9am EST) and Michelle and Da are still up and are talking about Zak getting into it with someone? (I'm assuming Bridgette) and punches were thrown?! Can't wait for the overnighter because Jamie is going to be one busy woman! :)

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Great. Showmances dominating the show from here forward. Hopefully Victor blows it up.

Unknown said...

Paul confronted Frank in the kitchen around 430am and was very animated...can't wait to see how the show edits it!! Hahaha

Unknown said...

Frank and Bridgette were the best part of bb18 !! Now all I have left is Bridgette :(

Figures the ultimate floater Michelle stopped Frank's in his tracks :(:(:(

Disgusted :(:(:(:(

Unknown said...

Punches were thrown???? I can't wait to hear about that!

Julie said...

Diary room might give frank a big hint (hopefully!!!) and he'll get the special power. I'm thinking coup d'etat. And then he can get the real threats out!

Unknown said...

Jaime must have her hands full with the Overnighter! Even though I know everything that happened I still love to read Jaimes spin on things...the best!!

Leroy Janecek said...

What happened?

Jamie said...

Thx Scott!! <3

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