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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Veto Comp Players

Happy Saturday afternoon, y'all!! Today is the Veto Comp and the players were just picked. But first, let's back up to yesterday's HOH Comp...

Apparently James told Bridgette that she wouldn't be nominated if she dropped from the endurance comp, and James put her up anyway. So he apologized to her this afternoon and said that "people were in his ear" about putting her/Frank up. (Da'vonne also threw the HOH comp, fyi.)

Since James put up Frank/Bridgette, the house has been claiming they didn't want Frank up like they told James, when they all actually did. (This was during the time the feeds were down, so we'll have to catch up on Sunday's show for all the details.)

Frank will be fighting for veto for himself, as Bridgette will be fighting hard for herself. Natalie also promised Bridg' that she'd take her of the block if she wins veto, too. (EDIT: Veto Comp players were just picked and Natalie was not one of them, so there goes that plan.)

There's a lot of things can happen this week and today will be a huge indicator on how this week will begin to unfold. I gotta say, I'm actually excited for this week!..when I haven't been for the past couple weeks. Seems like the game is finally starting to pick up steam. Giddy up! ;)

At 2:18pm BBT, the feeds came back from the Veto Comp players being picked.

Veto Comp Players:
Natalie is the host.

With the exception of James, Frank doesn't have much competition in this veto, let's be honest. lol :P
I'll be back after the Veto Comp is played! :D

UPDATED @ 6:53pm BBT:
Still no Veto Comp, so it'll be hours yet. :(


DeniseG said...

I keep forgetting about Michelle-does she ever talk game or is she the ultimate floater?

Unknown said...

Michelle who?

Big brother! said...

Yeah! Michelle who? Her face was priceless when Julie told them the teams were over! Her floating days are over! She hasn't done anything this far but float! We shall see?

Unknown said...

I caught that too! Priceless!!

Unknown said...

I chuckled when I saw that. Her face was like "oh crap!"

Dafney77 said...

I feel
Like Michelle is a floater too! I belong to another group and those people say they don't think she is. 🤔

Unknown said...

Are we able to go back and watch the hoh comp?

ThunderRoad69 said...

Paul is the most annoying, low self esteemed, name dropping liar to ever play Big Brother. I have been searching for all of the brand names he claims to have and they are non existent. This jerk off claims to know someone in every field of the entertainment industry. I bet he is a bike messenger if he could even pull that off. This "your boy" crap is going to lead him to a seat with Julie because the other house guests are sick of hearing him flap is low self esteemed tales. He should write fairy tales. He is so frigging annoying. He should take a hint from Victor and be humble...

ThunderRoad69 said...

It is hard to watch the feeds without taking Excederine because he never shuts up...

ThunderRoad69 said...

Your Boy is probably a fluffer in the adult entertainment industry...

Karen W. said...

Is anyone watching the live feeds on a tablet? Seems like since the live feeds went off and came back on I can't enlarge the chat screen or the camera screen. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks!

Karen W. said...

Is anyone watching the live feeds on a tablet? Seems like since the live feeds went off and came back on I can't enlarge the chat screen or the camera screen. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks!

T-Town Chick said...

Michele looked scared to death when Julie said the teams were done. She knows she's going to have to start playing instead of hiding behind the safety of being on Paulie's and Frank's team.

Unknown said...

James is playing a scared game and is low man on list of the showmance trio so why he put up frank and Bridgette makes no sense to me it's a small move by a small man the nominations make no sense

Unknown said...

Natalie needs to dump James' ass before she becomes victim to his stupid ass game play!!!

Unknown said...

This is the sucky part about living in the east coast. Gotta stay up late to find out who won lol

Unknown said...

Looks like Michelle pulled it off.

Unknown said...
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Nicorey1Fan said...
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Nicorey1Fan said...

She won POV this week.

Nicorey1Fan said...

She won the POV

Unknown said...

Michelle who?

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