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Monday, July 11, 2016

Veto Ceremony Spoiler

Good afternoon! At 11:42am BBT, the live feeds came back from the Veto Ceremony being held.

Bridgette did NOT use the Veto

So this means that Tiffany (the target this week)/Paul/Bronte are still up on the block. Tiffany is still unaware that she's gonna be the one evicted Thursday. She did, however, ask Michelle is she should be campaigning and Michelle told her not to worry about it. Oy vey. To add to the fire, Paul told Tiffany she didn't need to campaign either. lol

Da'vonne/Tiffany talked and Day told her about everyone wanting to gun after Frank next week and then Bridgette the week after. Speaking of Frank, he told Da'vonne that Paulie/Corey will have to be put up at some point to split up the showmances. (Might be kinda hard to do if he's evicted though. Just sayin'.)

Other than some fun in the sun in the backyard today, the HG's have been in chill mode again today.


Unknown said...

I was just thinking if Jozea wins the battle back he would be a good person to take to the end. I feel people are unlikely to vote for someone who received a 4 week break. Plus he'd be at a huge disadvantage in the final comps where they have to recall what happened on certain days.

Stacia said...

How does Miss Travelling Nurse, Bridgette, not know how to wrap her damn ankle?! Unless she's playing helpless for Frank. Smh.

Razldazlrr said...

Stacia - good point! Tiffany is so annoying - I"m fine with her being gone this week

Bob fanboy said...

I'd wish Tif & Frak would really commute to a pact

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