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Monday, July 25, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

Good afternoon & Happy Monday to y'all!! As I posted this morning on Facebook & Twitter, I was unable to do the Overnighter due to problems on the blog. So if some of y'all have been getting an error/red screen, the problem should be fixed now. (I was up till 3am trying to fix it, but just was able to fix it about an hour ago. It was coding issue with my layout coding. #GeekTalk).

Okay, so anyway, the Veto Ceremony was held today at 11am BBT...

The Veto was Not Used
Frank is still slated to go home Thursday. 

There was a "house meeting" (if you wanna call it that) at 3am this morning, that wasn't supposed to include Da'vonne or Zakiyah, but Day ended up joining anyway and that's when Frank got the news that the veto was not gonna be used. James had been promising Da'vonne that even if by some chance it was gonna be used, that she'd be "1,000%" not going up as the renom anyway.

In other news, there was a disgusting thing that happened early this morning (5:12am BBT Cam 4) by Zakiyah. (I retweeted the clip over on Twitter this morning before I had to go to work.) Zakiyah changed her maxi pad right in front of James/Paul/Nicole/Michelle and then proceeded to put her hands in a bag of chips without washing her hands afterwards. *gags*

Also, at 10:10pm BBT last night, Frank mysteriously started looking around for...something.

Clues to the secret room, perhaps. Twitter blew up last night over this, as fans tweeted Executive Producer (Allison Grodner) for maybe giving Frank a tip-off to start searching for clues. This is just a theory, obviously, so who knows why all of a sudden he started looking around. The timing is pretty perfect though. Just sayin'. lol :P

**I'll be back tonight with a quickie post before bed. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

EDIT: I forgot to post the newely updated Alliance & Deals Chart, courtesy of the amazing @89razorskate20 on Twitter!


Razldazlrr said...

Oh good god!!! So it was that kind of pad!!! WTF? She seems like she would have more class than that - actually - I can't imagine anyone that would do that and why didn't everyone there scream???????

I'm with you - why would Frank be looking around all of a sudden? They must have told him something was hidden - they probably want him to stay for the drama.

Katie Mc said...

Z DID WHAT!? UGH!!! And in the pantry room? that is just disgusting! And you mean to tell me that nobody made a comment? Or were they just too stunned to say anything.
Frank - Oh man, if he is the one to find the "secret" room...totally production gave him a heads up and he knows not to say anything to anyone!

Unknown said...

Definitely don't want to see frank go, I think he's been playing a good game. With that being said, if he happens to "find" the secret room, I could see it being a reset button and reset this entire week. That would set up for some good drama and cause a little freak out with the other house guests.

Misstyree said...

So weird. I did notice that Paris was the only destination on the Departure list that said "now departing" the others had a time listed. And Zakiyah- that's nasty. Incredibly nasty. Trifling nasty!!

Unknown said...

When the Z incident was mentioned, I was like this has to be a mistake or exaggeration by some folks (i hadn't looked at Jaimie's tweet yet) because there is no way someone would do that. Then I saw the clip of it. I didn't get to the part where she stuck her hands in the bag because I was so disgusted and flabbergasted by what I saw. I couldn't have been in that storage room because I would have called her out and probably cussed her every which way but left. Man, what was she thinking.

Missy said...

During the meeting, when day crashed it , everyone went silent. Day and Frank went back and forth, frank saying he has to do what he can to stay and day replying that she respected that and would be disappointed in him if he didnt. Finally paulie told frank he was getting evicted and was not getting the votes. Frank thanked paulie and day for being the only ones with a backbone. Later he talked to day and blew up nicoles game. They talked it out and are on good terms, who really knows. Bridgette had a long talk with day at the pool and hashed things out as well. So it is kumbya in the house, which leads to very boring season. My only hope is that frank gets secret power, is back in the game and secretly works with day (completely unexpected) and takes out the sheep and the 2 of them make it to final 2. Cannot watch another season of unanimous voting.

Missy said...

During the meeting, when day crashed it , everyone went silent. Day and Frank went back and forth, frank saying he has to do what he can to stay and day replying that she respected that and would be disappointed in him if he didnt. Finally paulie told frank he was getting evicted and was not getting the votes. Frank thanked paulie and day for being the only ones with a backbone. Later he talked to day and blew up nicoles game. They talked it out and are on good terms, who really knows. Bridgette had a long talk with day at the pool and hashed things out as well. So it is kumbya in the house, which leads to very boring season. My only hope is that frank gets secret power, is back in the game and secretly works with day (completely unexpected) and takes out the sheep and the 2 of them make it to final 2. Cannot watch another season of unanimous voting.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Victoria Stairz said...

OMG, when Z started reachin' for that chip bag without washing her hands, I would have snatched that bag away so fast it would have sounded like a lightning strike.

slnc said...

Wow Unknown ^^^^ Da's a classes bitch?🤔🤔...crazy..why though??

slnc said...

Why were Da' and Z left out of the "meeting"???🤔🤔🤔😒😒😒

dappledog said...

Can believe Paul didn't say anything?? Gross!! Really production!? Why don't you just tell him where it is?? Sooooo transparent you told him something!! *Eye roll*

slnc said...

Why were Da' and Z left out of the "meeting"???🤔🤔🤔😒😒😒

Big brother! said...

This is typical of cbs wanting Frank to stay and put a bug in his ear that something could save him! Not fair at all, I like him but he's just been so making this deal and that deal and then lie and try throw someone else under the bus to cover himself up to look good! Yeah it's big brother but have a little loyalty with other people other thank brig! As far as z that's just disgusting and nasty! And Paulie wants her? Okay let him know house guests what she did! Crazy house and a lot of shady people!

Rachel said...

Totally agree!!!!!

Rachel said...

Ya that'd be totally cool to see! Even tho I don't like day

Clair20 said...

Yes the Z incident is just gross, production should have a " no putting your hands in your underwear in the storage room!" Like the please quit singing voice that is said to them. I don't get some people but hey it's Big Brother!!

Clair20 said...

Yes the Z incident is just gross, production should have a " no putting your hands in your underwear in the storage room!" Like the please quit singing voice that is said to them. I don't get some people but hey it's Big Brother!!

Big brother! said...

I so agree! People eat out that bag of chips she put her hands in after changing a pad! Omg! It's making me sick to even think about it!

Big brother! said...

Yes, might as well, he absolutely know something! Just so not fair! Tell all house guests about it is only fair

Dianne said...

sinc: Frank was trying to get Mich to take him or Bridge, not sure which, off the block by using the POV so James could put up Day and the house could vote Day out. The meeting Frank called was to discuss this so obviously Frank didn't want Day there, or her friend Z. It didn't work.

Re Z: It was indeed gross but I feel sorry for her, there are probably GiIFs & clips of it all over the Internet that will follow her around for life. I can't imagine what she was thinking, maybe she's cracking up!

slnc said...

Thanks, was lost!

slnc said...

Thanks, was lost!

bbwatcher said...

Yeah, I'm sure Frank got a tip because he started to talk about the lights making a loud noise. When he said it, it sounded like he was pretending to be surprised. He got up and went towards the safari room as if following the sound. But isn't he supposed to be looking for a room? He appears to be searching for a "hidden idol" instead? Lol

Big brother! said...

He's the only one looking for stuff?

Unknown said...

As if lately, they all are now.

HokiePokie said...

I think some of the HGs were trying to discuss Day as the next one to be evicted, and they didn't want Z to blab to her about it.

HokiePokie said...

He quit his job to go on the show this season. Why would he do that for a "chance" to win money. I suspect production guaranteed him to make it to final 2.

HokiePokie said...

Why on earth would Z do it right there?? Were they not allowed access to the bathroom?? I'm so confused!! Ew ew ew ew ew

HokiePokie said...

Why on earth would Z do it right there?? Were they not allowed access to the bathroom?? I'm so confused!! Ew ew ew ew ew

Unknown said...

Who are the Have-nots this week!?

Unknown said...

What. the. hell?! I am totally disgusted by what Z has done. TOTALLY look at her differently now. That is SO unlady like and I can't believe someone didn't say anything? Wow wow wow. Totally speechless. If I was her family I'd be embarrassed!!

I totally hate to think that production does crap like that. My husband keeps telling me it's rigged (only cause there's not a whole lot of black people on there lol), but the more I read the blog and watch the live feeds I totally believe it. I didn't know til this year they were getting paid weekly? Or getting paid for making it to jury? That's according to the chatrooms on the live feeds. Anywho, I really hope production isn't :(

Jamie said...

All HG's get a weekly paycheck of $1,000.
Vets returning this year get a flat fee (much higher), but get more if they make it to jury.

HG's have always gotten paid a weekly stipend since it first began. :)

Unknown said...

HokiePokie.....Who knows. What has me tripping is that no one stopped her or said anything. Maybe they were all dumbfounded by what she was doing.

Unknown said...

Lmao! 😂

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