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Monday, July 4, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

Today the houseguests had their Veto Ceremony. This whole week, Paulie has had a "backdoor Victor" plan in place and since Paulie (HOH) won the veto, he had all the power this week to do whatever he wanted.

The Veto Was Used to Save:

The Replacement Nom is:

Victor is still this weeks target and I doubt that will change in the next few days, but this is Big Brother and anything can happen. Victor was shocked, but not upset (at least not yet). Paul, who has known about the plan, is still playing dumb to knowing that his good buddy Victor was gonna go up today.

How will the rest of the day play out? We shall see! Enjoy your 4th, guys & gals! :D


Lui said...

Victor should have used the road kill on himself so he could have a chance at veto, that was his best out to getting "back doored."

Unknown said...

As soon as the BB roadkill was announced, I thought the same thing. If you know the plan is to backdoor you, wouldn't it be in your best interest to self nominate?

DeniseG said...

Victor didn't think he was going to be back-doored hence the shock.

Obsidiandog. said...

Victor's devotion to Jozea, a guy he just met, is disturbing. You have to wonder about a guy who listened to all that demented crap and actually bought into it. Most guys have a built in BS meter but Victor's was shut off. He really deserves to go home, and I hope neither show their faces around BB again.

BBFan9891 said...

I doubt that BB would allow the Roadkill winner to self nominate...sure its anonymous but still that would be dumb. Yes you get to play in Veto but youre still putting YOURSELF on the block. Lets just wait for the week to be over...Victor will be gone and then the 8pack can get around to getting Bronte out of the house. Gods I hope that someone outside that alliance or is influenced by them wins so that it will actually be a bit exciting. Though not holding my breath

Lui said...

Victor is a terrible player, I never doubted that. His heart is in the right place but unfortunately that place is not the big brother house. He needs to go back home and dance with the ladies xD

Unknown said...

Victor is an easy target. I would get rid of Tiffany while they have a clear shot. Remember how hard it was to out Frankie and Vanessa? Those HGs passed up easy opportunities to evict and then they came way to close to final 2 !!! Tiffany and then Bronte should go!!!!

Razldazlrr said...

Both Tiffany and Bronte drive me nuts - if that's a good reason for them to go! ha ha

Mikomama said...

Honestly, right now I don't mind Tiffany or Bronte, at least they try to strategize, and they seriously think about what's to come...silly ass Natalie, on the other hand, drives me nuts, she giggles and laughs at everything, she can't be serious for one second...she's very annoying to me.

Mikomama said...
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