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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tues: The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, everybody!! As we learned yesterday (scroll down 1 post), Paul was the 1st to find the secret room. Inside, were 12 envelopes with 1 of them containing a round trip ticket. Houseguests are not allowed to open them up until they get evicted and is on the stage with Julie. If they open them up, they are voided out. If they open up another HG's envelope, they will receive a penalty (unspecified). Whichever HG is evicted and has the round trip ticket, will automatically be sent back into the BB18 house.

James joked yesterday that they keep evicting people and they keep coming back, it's hard to just make it to jury. lol He's right. It's gotta be frustrating. If I remember correctly, the HG's only have 4 weeks to use them, so it's not something they can carry with them throughout the game.

Since this gives Frank a 1 in 12 shot at coming back in the game on Thursday (yes, he's still slated to get evicted Thursday), Da'vonne said Bridgette is "acting cocky" all of sudden, thinking that herself or Frank could come back into the game if/when evicted.

In other news, Nicole/Corey are still nauseating to watch on the feeds. Nicole was upset at Corey yesterday because he found out the right code to dial for the secret room and wouldn't tell her, as Paulie/Zakiyah shared that info with each other. Nicole did her usual "Are you mad at meeee??" whining that made me cringe and switch to the other cameras in the house. lol Nicole eventually got the code from Victor, and like clockwork, Corey/Nicole made up and are fine. For now.

Moving on...

Paul told Paulie last night that if he (Paul) wins HOH, he wants to put Natalie up on the block because she's done nothing in the game except for floating through it.

Funny enough, James told Natalie (2am BBT) she doesn't have win HOH this week because she's anyone's target. He said while he'd never tell someone to *not* win HOH, he doesn't think she's in danger of being nominated any time soon.
James: "You're not on anyone's radar. Bigger fish to fry. You could probably go 2 or 3 weeks (without winning HOH)."

Nicole started to cry to Corey last night (11:21pm BBT) because of how she might be perceived on the show this year. The D.R. asked about her being upset with Corey, which made her wonder how she'll be shown on the show.

At 2:21am BBT, James and Natalie went into the Secret Room (*is that what we're still calling it? lol) to just hang out and talk.
They said BB never said they couldn't go back in it, so they think it's allowed. (BB never called them out on it, so I'm guessing it's okay for the HG's to use the room.)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the HOH Pics and Blog, so expect to see James running around the BB house with the camera later on. I'll be back with an afternoon update post later on. Until then, enjoy the $6/m live feeds!! :D


2thDoc said...

Why do I feel this is just a ruse to keep Frank in the game. I hate these "buy backs" and battle backs. Once you're evicted, you should be evicted. Just like in Survivor. It's not fair to the HOH that sent someone packing or for the evicted houseguest to hear the goodbye messages that could be revealing. Next year make it "one and done". You get voted out, buh bye!!!

Jamie said...

totally 100% agree!

Razldazlrr said...

Oh good god - what is wrong with these "girls" this season? Nicole is just so gaggy and whiny - Cory will be running from her when they get out!

And agreed - so now everyone will be very guarded with their goodbye messages thinking the person could be coming back in! one surprise battle back was fine but now the envelopes - ugh

DeniseG said...

Corey is also whiny, he keeps asking Nicole is she's mad at him over and over. They're not going to last 2 minutes outside of the game.

I like James for the win!!!

Olivia said...

2thDoc (Great name btw) - I agree! But I think production cares more about what "the viewers" (TV only people) want than what us true fans want. :/

Dianne said...

People were sure BB would rig it for Amanda & that didn't happen.

Victoria Stairz said...

I am often more interested in the art direction than the people in this game, lol, so where is that secret room on set? Is it the same room as the room where where the Reset Button was a few years ago?

Jen said...

can we just evict Nicole already? She decided weeks ago that it's more important to make out with Corey than play the game. Such a huge disappointment.

UnionGrl said...

Who I'm finding I dislike more and more is Michele. I hate to watch her eat and she is always eating it seems. She's also a mean girl, which I don't like either. Maybe I'm missing something - I don't get the feeds, just BBAD - but I can not warm to her.

Unknown said...

I like Michelle especially after she stood up to Frank & Bridgette about vote & how ahe acts to them in the house.

Nicole is such a disappointment this season but whatever.

James needs to get his head in the game. And stop giving Nat bad advice. You should always play hard for hoh. Its not summer camp its a game.

Dianne said...

James is on the love boat lol

Unknown said...

I seriously think Nicole thinks she is on a dating show. And yes, we (BB fans and viewers) think you're an idiot for wasting $500,000 on ANOTHER boy. Good job..

Unknown said...

I just read on Reality Blurred that BB is casting right now for season 19 to air this fall?!...has anyone else heard this rumor?

Unknown said...

Liked your old format better. Easier for non-technical person to keep up. I cannot stand Michelle. She is the most horrible mean girl I have ever seen. I would have hated going to school with her. Hate falseness. She thinks she is true. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chiciesq said...

I keep wondering what the hell Nicole is thinking with the showmance that will prevent her from winning this game (although I think top 5-6 was her best shot anyway.) And I figured she came into the game with the same prediction in mind - if she is not going to win the 500K, why not take it to jury with the weekly stipend, and get a great looking BF out of the deal? That is the only thing I can imagine at this point - it is ten times worse than Hayden (and, aside from Brenchel, I cannot think of a more annoying, tight showmance ever.)

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