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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D Well..maybe not "happy", as Frank is still slated to go home this evening. While I try to not be biased on the blog (..which I sometimes fail at because I am a true fan of the show first, blogger second...), I gotta admit that I am super bummed that Frank is going. He's one of like 3 people actually playing the game. And he's been playing hard. So I will miss the heck out of him on the feeds, that's for sure.

This season is more like a mixture of High School drama + The Bachelor. lol There's so much non-game related talk and I have to fight tooth & nail everyday just to rummage through all the bullcrap that's not even game related. Then I have days like yesterday...where I got home from work, turned my laptop on to do an afternoon post, only to find that all the houseguests were still in bed sleeping (minus Natalie) at 4pm BBT (6pm my time), which left me with nothing to post about. Literally nothing. lol So that's why there wasn't an afternoon post yesterday.

Okie dokie, so let's do some cliffnotes first, then some detailed convos of the overnight happenings, shall we?!

*Paulie wants Day out.

*Day/Zak don't trust Nicole.

*Paulie told Corey that he thinks if Bridgette wins HOH, Corey/Nicole are going up.

*Frank told Nicole to not take his eviction speech tonight personally. Nicole asked if he's gonna call her out. He said "not necessarily". (*hmmm..)

*Then Frank went and tried to get Nicole's vote later on in the night. (*lol)

*Paulie is still on his "get the girls out" kick. Wants 2 girls nom'ed every week.

*Paul wants Nicole gone, according to Paulie.

*Nicole/Corey are worried that Bridgette/Day could win HOH. Think they'd gun after them.

*Nicole wants Da'vonne out and toyed with the idea of keeping Frank this week, but then in true Nicole fashion, flip-flops back to wanting Frank out.

*James promised Natalie that she's his Final 2 and that he'll gun after anyone who tries to take her out.

*Paul/Paulie don't trust Corey.

*Da'vonne really wants Nicole out. Paulie (who wants all guys in the house), suggested taking Nicole out and keeping Corey.

10:37pm BBT:
Lounge Room
On "Big Bachelor" last night, Zakiyah was mad that she didn't get a rose ...err...mad at Paulie for letting Nicole rub his head. She doesn't want Paulie to think that "in the real world", that stuff would be allowed. She plans on getting back at Paulie by sleeping in bed with Victor.

Zakiyah:" I'll play games. And I play dirty!"

11:04pm BBT:
HOH Landing
Victor tells Paulie how Zakiyah wants to sleep in his bed with him. Paulie said he doesn't play games and doesn't know who she's been dating, but he doesn't do games. He then says that he thinks Day/Zak are trying to "do something" (to go against the boys).

11:43pm BBT:
Bridgette asks Zakiyah is something happened..
Zakiyah: "Kinda." (re: Paulie/Nicole)

Zakiyah is irritated that Paulie's not giving her attention after saying she wants to sleep in Victor's bed.

Zakiyah: "I tried to one-up somebody and it blew up in my face."

She tells Bridgette that she wanted to sleep in bed with Victor, but then Victor asked Paulie and then told her they (Z/V) can just swap beds. lol So that's how it blew up in her face. Bridgette says that Paulie is just naturally flirty. Zakiyah said she knows and she has to just deal with that about him.

12:50am BBT:
Michelle tells Bridgette that Paul was spreading rumors of Frank campaigning against her (by saying that Bridgette wants to leave this week) and to not believe Paul because Frank's never said a bad word about her.

1:05am BBT:
Nicole wants an alliance with herself/Corey/Paul/Paulie/James. (*as someone on twitter said this morning, "Look who wants to get Britney'ed". lol) Corey asked if Natalie can be included and Nic said ok.

1:05am BBT:
Looks like all is well now, as I just saw this as I flipped through the flashback feeds.

2:15am BBT:
Lounge Room
Frank talked out loud about how he "screwed up" because he's going home this week.
Frank: "Mom...F*ck. I screwed up. Maybe. Maybe the odds were against me the whole time. Either way, I'm bummed and defeated. Ashton, I'm ready to be home and see you. But maybe my card will have the roundtrip ticket. I highly doubt it. But you never know."

Bridgette walks back in the lounge room.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So Frank is still going home tonight, nothing has changed there. And depending on wins HOH tonight, there's a list of targets that are in danger of getting up & out this upcoming week. I'll be back tonight at 9pm ET to blog the live eviction show.

Also, I want to extend a HUGE thank you to every single person (yes YOU!!) for supporting the blog by either getting the live feeds through me and/or making a donation to keep me here all summer long blogging for y'all. I literally could NOT be here without your support! So from the bottom of my humble heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Jen said...

Z and Paulie were cute at first, but she's showing her CRAZY. No way will he date someone who is so jealous and possessive outside of the house. She needs to CHILL.

Nicole Chenault said...

hahaha - didn't get a rose - no doubt! These girls kill me with how insecure they are with men they have their eye on 24/7...can you imagine when they ARE in the real world and live and work in separate places?!

Jamie said...

oh i hear ya! haha Zakiyah blamed her jealousy on "just being a girl"...wanted to reach through my screen and slap her for that comment. lol I'm a girl and i dont act that way. dont give all of us girls a bad rep! haha

Nicole Chenault said...

Exactly! I've never acted that way either - if I feel the need to be jealous, then I'm obviously in the wrong relationship and I bolt! She needs to blame it on "just being an insecure person"...'cuz that's what it is, not being a girl. smh...haha

Olivia said...

Well, at least there was SOME game talk for Jamie to blog about...

Karen W. said...

I had such high hopes for this season with the Vets returning but with all the showmances and distrust for each other I'm not sure how I feel yet. I luv Frank but felt like he tried to play too hard too fast when they had it made...such a shame!

Jamie said...

FINALLY, Olivia! lol

Razldazlrr said...

haha - it is a combo of high school and the bachelor/ette!! No doubt - these chickies are mighty insecure considering they are in a closed environment! I can't say I love anyone in this crew - each one seems to be their own kind of fool!
I agree - at least Frank was playing the game - it's rather bazaar how they seem to forget where they are!

Unknown said...

Karen W. & Razldazlrr you are so right.

becca said...

At first I did not like Frank because he was making too many deals too quick but he grew on me and I am praying that he has the golden ticket to get back into the game. Nicole and Zakiyah needs to go because they have not done anything in the game except ride the coattails of their "showmances". I can't wait for tonight to see what's in Frank's envelope. Great job on the blog as always Jamie!!

GMAGS said...

I am so disappointed with the returning vets this year especially Nicole and James. Nicole + Showmance = Eviction. Did she not learn this the 1st time around? And James during his HOH has shown that he is NOT a good player. 1st he talks about making a big move by putting up Frank/Bridgette. How is doing what everyone in the house wants a big move? Then he throws POV because he (cringe) doesn’t want any more blood on his hands BEFORE the 2 nominees were out. James – you have to wait for your nominees to be eliminated before you throw the comp. He’s a nice guy, funny and a fan favorite but not a very good/smart player.

GMAGS said...

And – How lucky is Victor? He was voted out, won his way back in and no one cares. Have you ever seen a house-guest get voted out, battle their way back in and fly so low under the radar?

Gross said...

I like how victor is just nobody now, faded into the background.....

Such a bizarre cast.....

I wish AG really casted people who want to win the game. :( these folks just want jury....

Michelle disgusted me on Wednesdays show- what a mean girl!

I'm hoping frank stays---- he did mess up by playing too hard too fast and not being able to keep his mouth shut.
But he's the only one playing. I'm shocked that Michelle (super fan) didn't listen to Frank's idea.

I do think some drama is bound to happen, but it's HS type drama :(

I really think they casted "safe" people to avoid any potential media controversy.

Brandy said...

The fact that the house guests were mad that Frank was campaigning to stay in the house another week,said it all for me.I pray Frank has the round trip ticket tonight,that would mess them all up.

Unknown said...

Man. This is gonna be boring without Frank.

Razldazlrr said...

I would love it if Frank stays too now - after last nights show!

Unknown said...

After Frank gets evicted it will be another year of boring "no blood on my hands" "I need to go with the house" and "respect the HOH" BB. Sad. I used to love BB back when people actually played the game and made big moves.

Unknown said...

I wonder what Hayden thinks after seeing how Nicole is this season. And I'm so disappointed with how mean Michelle was to Bridgette on last night's episode.

LilyPearl0560 said...

I found the time stamp for Bridgette's idea on meditation. 7/28 2:53am cam 4. It lasts until about 3:00am. It really is funny.

Anonymous said...

Awwww. Happy birthday to your puppy! What's her name? Love reading your blog. Thanks for keeping me caught up on all the stuff they don't show on the show.

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