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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Show Day!! Yesterday, the HG's got up suuppperr late (around 1pm BBT/4pm ET), so there wasn't much to report for an Afternoon Post before I headed to bed. But the night was full of game talk, mostly geared about "I don't trust (so and so)", and "When should we get Frank out?" talks.

Tonight is the Live Eviction Episode, where Victor will be sent packing. He'll have to compete in the Battle Back Comp (against either Glenn or Jozea, whichever one of them one the 1st round) for a shot to get back into the game. We'll get to see all the Battle Back Comps and ultimate winner of the comp on Friday (yes, a Friday..special episode) July 22nd. Until then, we won't know who won.

Okay, let's get to the Overnighter!

The day started off with more talks about how to get Frank out. Paulie thinks it'd be best to target those who would support Frank, get them out and weaken Frank, then gun after him to take him out. (*Not a bad plan.)

Corey thinks maybe they should go after Frank this upcoming week before Frank targets one of them. (*Even better plan. lol) Paulie's concern with that though, is that they'll be down to 8 women VS 4 men.

There's a new alliance:  Day, Zakiyah, Paulie, Nicole, and Corey. Michelle is more of a tag-a-long with this alliance when need be, as well. Zakiyah likes Paulie idea of targeting Frank supporters in the house first, then going after Frank head on. Paulie thinks they should get rid of Bridgette before Bronte, since she'd be a more likely vote for Frank to stay in the house. Michelle wants Bridgette out, so she'd be all for it. lol

Nicole is on the anti-Da'vonne wagon now and mentioned that she doesn't trust her. (*Saw this coming a mile away.) Nicole said that if she wins Roadkill, she'd put Day up as a nom.

Later on in the day at 6:24pm BBT, Nicole/Paulie/Corey discussed the possibility of backdooring Frank this upcoming week.
In other news, James/Natalie continue their flirtmance. Laying together in bed, flirting..then Natalie tells us live feedsters that they're just good friends. Mhmm..suuuure. ;) lol

**And that's it for The Overnighter! There's mistrust all over the place and Frank is walking around with the biggest target painted on him and he doesn't even know it..yet. This upcoming week will all depend on who wins HOH and which alliances choose to remain intact for this week to get someone out. Usually I have someone I reallllly want to win HOH on Thrusday nights, but tonight ...hmm..not sure! I'd like to see a lot of people win it just to see what they'd do and have some of the HG's freak out a bit. lol :P Ahhh, Big I love thee!

I'll be live-blogging tonights show and I'll be posting spoilers during the show. I'll see y'all then!! :D


Razldazlrr said...

Interesting how the alliances keep switching around. I don't really have a favorite - Bronte's voice drives me crazy and Tiffany is a head case like her sister was. Some of the people are still falling under the radar with so many people there. This HOH should be interesting.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Bridgette... You occasionally say that name, but for the life of me... I have no idea who you're talking about...


Nicole Chenault said...

I don't have a favorite either - nor anyone I really care if they go home or not. I do enjoy Day's diary sessions and Nicole and James I probably like by default, since I already watched them once. But yeah, I'm pretty even on all.

I suppose that makes it better come eviction time, as I won't be bothered if my "fave" gets the boot! :)

Jess said...

I would love to see what would happen if Frank won HOH.

Unknown said...

Hey, Jamie. Saw Becky from last season's tweet that Bronte is her sister. Is this true?? If so, how come no one is talking about it??

Anonymous said...

Why does Nicole not trust Day anymore? I missed that.

Unknown said...

I can say that while there definitely houseguests I prefer over others, this season has been good thus far. Much better than the past couple years for sure. Mayer it's the roadkill that puts a nice spin on it? Who knows.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Interesting, since they both claim Denver

Unknown said...

Interesting, since they both claim Denver

Diego said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
South Dakota BB18 fan 1 said...

Frank is MVP if he stays. Running around telling everyone what they want to hear. all the time the others all know they are getting played. He'd have my jury vote for best game play.

South Dakota BB18 fan 1 said...

Oh and thanks for doing the blog u rock!!

Gilbert said...

Idk about the roadkill do we know who really wins the opposed to who they say won it...i say we just let elissa pick the 3rd nom

Gilbert said...

Idk about the roadkill do we know who really wins the opposed to who they say won it...i say we just let elissa pick the 3rd nom

LilyPearl0560 said...

Frank is beginning to get on my nerves. Last night I think it was Michelle mentioned she might cook some chicken and Frank said something along the lines of "Why don't you cook that tomorrow, I am not that hungry tonight". I didn't realize that he decided when and what was cooked for dinner. :)

Susie said...

I do not like the show so fair, I am just reading Jamie's addicted...............

Mikomama said...

Come know who she is...the freakin' cookie girl. Her strategy is to bake her way to the half

Mikomama said...

Come know who she is...the freakin' cookie girl. Her strategy is to bake her way to the half

Stacia said...

@Alice V, I hadn't heard that rumor yet, but looking at Bronte now, her and Becky do have similar mouths. Hmmm. Also, on BBAD last night, Bronte brought up the sibling rumor to Brigette.

Susan Johnson said...

Jami, Have a restful day, and take care of yourself.

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