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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, ladies & gents! Tonight we will see Frank most likely get the BB boot, unless something drastic happened while the live feeds were off this afternoon...or unless Frank has the roundtrip ticket from the Secret Room.

Let's see how tonight unfolds!

9:00pm ET:
Here we goooo!!

BB is going over the last few days of stuff. Michelle's (edit) diary room session revealed that she regrets not saving Frank with the veto and is "really, really hurt" that he's going home this week."

9:09pm ET:
Showing how Paul figured out the code to find the Secret Room. He dialed "P-A-R-I-S".

9:20pm ET:
Meg/Jason/Mike Boogie/Hayden are coming up on BB after the commercial! (*OMG Jason, my love!!!)

*Meg is cheering for James, will always have a special place in her heart.
*Jason still lives in his moms basement and has all bets on Day winning.
*Hayden doesn't think Nicole playing in a showmance is good for her game but supports her.
*Mike Boogie thinks Frank is playing a "horrible game" because he told everyone when he won the Roadkill Comps and he didn't have to.

9:31pm ET:
Frank's speech basically said he hates everyone in the house, but loves Bridgette and tells her to never change and she's a class act.

9:32pm ET:
With a vote of  9-0...

Evicted from BB18 House is:
Julie will open up Frank's envelope after commercial to see if he has the roundtrip ticket.


Frank does NOT have it. 

9:37pm ET:
HOH Comp is next!

The New HOH is:

Paul's target is Bridgette. As I type this, he's trying to get either Victor or Corey to go up as a pawn next to Bridgette so that they have a better shot at winning veto so they can send her out this week. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!


Unknown said...

I can't stand Da I want her ass and lying ass zJames I use to like him but he is so full of his danm self I hope Bridgette wins HOH and puts up Da and James

2thDoc said...

Continued great job Jamie!! Love reading your posts. And I agree!! I'm soooooo happy Frank is gonzo!! Sorry guy you didn't get the round trip ticket. Now maybe the house can play a decent game without lies and bad mouthing everyone. No more manipulation. True karma...Tiffany first then Frank. Sweet justice!!! Two big mouths and low class people in my book. They don't care about anyone else on the block but when it's them, they cry the loudest. See ya never!!

Unknown said...

Do you have any idea when the feeds will come back on? I feel like we haven't got to watch any of the competitions this season

Unknown said...

Thanks again Jamie for the info you provide.

Franks downfall was a bit of his ego and rough play with girls and joining up with Tiffany when all the house wanted her out. He played to fast and furious in my opinion.

I hope Da anx James get it together and make moves that get them to the end.

Jamie said...

After West Coast airing.
and you're welcome, Tony!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

I wonder how much they paid Meg to pretend to be friends with James. I thought they didn't speak anymore ...

HurlyBurly said...

Half the reason to get the live feeds is to be able to watch the end of these comps that run over. They have not let us do that once this year. As Paul might say - pissed.

Jamie said...

i hear y'all! im gonna write my CBS contact about this. im furious.

Jamie said...

Kim..Meg/James dont talk. not sure why/how she was on the show. weird.

Unknown said...

Kim and Jamie....I think I remember hearing Da'Vonne, Nicole or one of the other vets say something about them being on contract or available for one year after being on the show. That might be how they were able to get Meg on to talk about James.

The least CBS could do is let us see the comps since the actual live feeds suck. The only time this bunch really starts to talk game is when normal people go to bed. The only reason I haven't canceled the feeds is because of the way CBS edits the show. I want to know how things really go down in the house. Well, that is when things game related actually happen.

Unknown said...

Paul is the new HOH!!

Cody Fisher said...

Ugh, Paul!! ��

Unknown said...

Why would anyone want to watch this show anymore. Everyone has to be nice and polite. Of course no lies or backstabbing. Frank playing the game as it was intended got him evicted. I'm so tired of waiting week after week for something to happen. The last three seasons have been so predictable a Nd boring.

Razldazlrr said...

actually frank was an interesting part of this show - this is a meanie group! I expected to come on here and see who won HOH - ha ha

Sophia said...

Love seeing Mike Boogie. I literally re-watch season 2 at least once a year, sometimes more. Such a good season!

Unknown said...

Great, an entire week more of hearing "your boy" yelling in every diary session. Maybe he'll have the balls to shake things up. Probably not, he'll probably just go after Bridgette since that's what the "house wants". "No blood on his hands"

Unknown said...

Ugh, the last person I wanted to win annoyed!

Unknown said...

Another boring week of predictable behavior

Taz Caz said...

What's going on with the mobile site?

BBFan9891 said...

Who- other than Bridgette- could have won and it not be "Predictable behavior"? Hell even if Bridgette had won it would have been easy to figure out who shed put up. When you watch the live feeds and follow so closely you know what any scenario could/would/should be. People stop bitchin. Youre not in the house so quit trying to armchair things

JoyNSoul said...

Paul was the last person I wanted to see win HOH! He's loud, obnoxious, and seems to be pretty forceful and controlling about what he wants to happen. And enough with yelling, "ohhhhhh," and constantly saying "your boy!" I actually think I find him as annoying as Frankie Grande! Are any of the other house guests targeting him? I wish they would. And I'm praying he does not have the round trip ticket!

Was hoping to see Bridgette win HOH just to see other houseguests turn on each other. Guess the best thing is to just get Bridgette out of the way so they have to turn on each other next week. Or it might be fun to see Bridgette win POV this week. Wouldn't that screw up all their plans for this next eviction (and add a little excitement)!

Unknown said...

Can someone please help me understand what is wrong with Paulie! He started with so much promise, but I am really starting to dislike him. He is trying to plan everyone's HOH (kinda like Frank). I hope Paul and James talk and compare notes on what paulie is saying. He just more or less lied on James (saying he (J) is ok with Bridgette staying). I love how James walked away from the lets get Day out conversation between Corey and Paulie. Here is to hoping some of these house guests wise up to how Paulie is trying to run everything. It's sad that Natalie is one of the few to pick up on it.

Unknown said...

Ok, how does James keep getting away with popping the exit door open after the houseguest leaves so they can see the audience??!! I thought they weren't allowed to touch the door!?

Unknown said...

Paul better be careful with the double eviction coming up!

Razldazlrr said...

well, bridgette would have been the only interesting hoh - now she will be leaving and then they will have to start battling it out between them. Paul is foolish to get her out though - they can get her anytime.

It's funny how victor came back in and now no one seems to care at all about him.

Paul really gets on my nerves - I'm sorry but that tattoo on his chest is horrible - it just looks like a big blob of black. Can you imagine what it will look like in 2o years and why does his beard always look like it's wet and sparkling?

how about that michelle crying breakdown on the show last night because frank was leaving? That was pretty bazaaro!

UnionGrl said...

I have a bottle of champagne on ice for popping when Michelle gets booted. I usually don't react to the HG with as much venom as I feel toward her. There is a 4-letter word that sums her up but can not be printed here. Her motivations are sketchy (I liked you but you liked her - what?), she is always shoveling food in her maw, and her voice is nails on a chalkboard to me. Phew, I need to meditate for a moment.

Paul might surprise us all - unlikely but possible. I was really hoping for Bridgette.

Stevie said...

Why aren't we talking more about Michelle's WEIRD break down over Frank. I couldn't believe it what I was watching.... LOL she's wacky

UnionGrl said...

That breakdown is an example of the weird Michelle stuff she does that makes me crazy. You have the veto silly cow, don't cry - use it! And all the "who will be the pawn" lists never mentioned Michelle - the perfect patsy. As a "super fan" I'm sure she wants the experience of being on the block - so give it to her!

Unknown said...

What irritates me about the last couple of seasons is asking someone to be a pawn. The game is about putting two people up there YOU want and going with it. I swear the "don't want to offend people" crap is the reason why BB is starting to go to crap. NO! lol

Unknown said...

I agree. This is just another reason BB has become predictable and boring.

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