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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Goooood evening, BB addicts!! :D Tonight's live eviction episode starts at 9pm ET as usual, so go grab your snackies and meet me back here for the live eviction! I'll cover the live show spoilers for those of you who won't be near a TV this evening.

9:00pm ET:
Show begins!

9:20pm ET:
Cody & Vanessa segment about their siblings being on this season of BB.

The Votes:
Michelle votes to evict..Tiffany
Zakiyah votes to evict..Tiffany
James votes to evict..Tiffany
Nicole votes to evict..Tiffany
Frank votes to evict..Tiffany
Corey votes to evict..Tiffany
Bridgette votes evict..Tiffany
Paul votes to evict..Tiffany

Evicted from the BB House is:

9:43pm ET:
Julie tells Tiffany about the Battle Back Comp (episode airing tomorrow, why the feeds are off until tomorrow night.) Julie also mentions that the teams and Roadkill Comp are over. (*YESSSS!!! So flippin' happy about that! haha)

9:54pm ET:
Julie just told the HG's that the teams & roadkill are over. "Everyone is on their own."-Julie
We're back to (2) noms per week now.

Tomorrow at 8pm ET is a special BB18 episode: Battle Back Comp
Sunday is HOH/Noms.
Weds is Veto.
Thursday is another live eviction.
No After Dark tonight or feeds tonight.
Feeds turn back on tomorrow night after the special episode airs.

Need the feeds for when they do come back on tomorrow?? No problem! They're only $6/m, nothing to download. (click the box below)
Thank you to everyone who has donated and bought the feeds through me this summer. You guys and gals are AMAZING!! See y'all tomorrow night!!


Unknown said...

They kill me with they way they edit the show. So much of the way they do this is out of order with the way it really happened in the house.

Jamie said...

yea, their editing tonight was off lol

Unknown said...

I get they are trying to create drama, but come on! LOL!! Btw...thanks for all that you do. I was keeping up with the feeds at one point, but I just couldn't do it. You are the real super star for being able to do it and maintain this blog!

Unknown said...

I hope to God she comes back! Do you think they won't allow her to talk to the rest of the evicted in order to have the winner come back knowing nothing (in case it's not tiff)

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Michelle and Paulie look sick! HA!!!

Victoria Stairz said...

So Paulie is slowly morphing into Paul? Is that what I'm seeing?!?

Unknown said...

No they don't let any of the evicted hg ever come in contact with other evictees while playing the game to re enter the game.
So I take it the HOH game is gonna be a long one? & The Battle of Block is as we know a long one..

Victoria Stairz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I don't know, but that cut is awful and he has to keep it that way all week!!

Jamie said...

Thanks Robin!!!

Diego said...

Hey thx for letting all of us Westside no know in advance. I really appreciate that.
One thread I want to start with this community (those lucky few that found this amazing blog..... thx again Jamie ������) is who we want to return back tomorrow.
It's a little biased but I want Bronte back so that she and all the girls link to fight the overpowering men in the house.(hmm how one can dream) but at this moment it looks as though the women are being swallowed by men example the speech Natalie gave (saw it on Twitter... ugh) lmao������
After my rant plz anyone let me in on your thoughts and once again thx soooo much jamie. Hope you receive the much needed break from the feeds.

Diego said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm rooting for Bronte or Tiff to come back! None of the guys have a clue how to play the game... We really don't need anymore floaters this season 🙄

Taz Caz said...

I LOVED Natalie's little nod to James. Bout time he got a lady. SOOO much more adorable than Meg. Call me stupid but they're ridiculously cute. I can't help it.

Unknown said...

I actually want Glenn to get a chance but I think tiff will be back

Taz Caz said...

Anyone else expecting a double eviction on Thursday?

kwood said...

I just want to go in this house and say "If y'all could see yourselves..." I'm just ahhh!
So here is my break down:
Paulie- love love love Paulie but Paulie and Z = Cody and Christine. He needs to cut it!
James- another love and I love him and Nat. They seem to have a genuine showmance.
Nicole- I'm done with her this season. She has been so disappointing. Ratting on people and playing Frank's games it's truly sickening. Then her and Corey, I'm just *head desk* every time I look at Corey I'm like "Doh"
Paul- has grown on me. I can actually say I like Paul!
Frank- how do you spell hypocrisy E U D Y this guy wants to get pissed at people for doing the exact dang thing he's doing! Oh Boy!
Michelle- this girl is smart, she play stupid but she knows her stuff. Don't let her fool you!
Bridgette- no comment
Tiffany- Vanessa made over, not as strategic but definitely her own worst enemy!
Da'Vonne- I like Da'Vonne. She might have been playing a double agent but that goes back to Tiffany. She was Da'Vonne own worst enemy too!
Paulie is the only one with a set of balls right now! Playing his own game!
My finally 3 pick- Paulie, James, Michelle!

Taz Caz said...

I think Dan and Danielle when I see Frank and Bridgette. Frank's season, he was clueless. If he can reign it in, he could "mist" his way through with his cabbage patch kid.

Taz Caz said...

I think everyone will look at Paulie as a big threat because he plays his own game. And I don't think anyone will want to take James to the end. I'm betting on Frank, Bridgette and Paul, hopefully with Paul winning, although if Frank gets that far, he probably deserves it. I think your descriptions are spot on.

Taz Caz said...

I bet the houseguests are kind of flipping that there wasn't an HOH comp tonight. They've gotta know something's up.

Taz Caz said...

Probably, but depending on HOH, she'll go right back out the door. I love how strong Da' is but she's on everyone's radar. She won't last much longer.

Taz Caz said...

Yes, thank you Jamie. You are She-Ra!

Unknown said...

Yeah she mentioned 4 competitions! Dang!

Unknown said...

Yeah she mentioned 4 competitions! Dang!

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...


BB Bopper said...

@Victoria Stairz: I'm glad you said something about Paulie's transformation into Paul because I noticed it right away. What is up with that?? His beard is longer and his hair is now cut just like Paul's!! Wtf is that about?? It gives me a very creepy vibe...yuk.

@Diego: I wish Bronte would come back but only "if" it meant the girls would actually band together and try to win this game. But too many of these girls are more interested in romance. They are playing the game by doing whatever their "man" or their "hormones" are telling them to do. I doubt it if Nat, Z, Nic or Bridgette would do anything that might jeopardize their love interest or adoration, so what girls are left?? D.... Exactly!! I would love for that to happen but sadly I just don't believe it's possible. So I'd just like the person that comes back to be able to shake things up, strategize and win comps. To put some good old fashioned fear into those boys and give them some real competition. Who do you guys think that would be?

Razldazlrr said...

OK - I want Glenn to come back in - I would love to get his take on what is going on in the house! And I think the way he got knocked out before the game even started was lousy.

Unknown said...

But I really hope that tiff comes back. I think that would really throw some people off. I hated that her being related to vanessa is used against her but paulie being related to cody isn't used against him. My final 3 would be james, tiff and paul. Paul has grown on me.

GMAGS said...

Most people loved Cody and hated Vanessa. Plus, Cody played a few seasons ago where Vanessa played last year - still fresh in peoples minds. That's probably why it was much harder for Tiff to overcome it then it was for Paulie.

GMAGS said...

As for my vote on who I would like to see come back into the house…..Glen is probably the most deserving since he wasn’t voted out and really never had a chance to play the game. BUT, I would like to see Bronte come back. To me, she was the only one that really understood what was going on in the house and looked like a good player. Same with Tiffany but she would have to win HOH or she would probably go right back out the door next week.

Mr, Sinister said...

It would be a nice change if they did battle back comp, then the returning house guest would be able to play for HH instead of the same old BS where the HH comp is first then the return comp. My pick is for Tiff or Bronte

Jeremy N. said...

Another twist could be that the returning evicted houseguest is the new HOH?!?!? Maybe thats why there was no HOH competition last night?!?!?

Unknown said...

@ Jeremy I would love that!

Jeremy N. said...

Im on the fence between wanting Tiffany (for entertainment/strategic value) or Glenn (never having even gotten a true chance to play) to re-enter ... Hell, I would even be OK with a reinvigorated Bronte re-entering to the game (if she goes out for blood like she said she would).... I'm excited for tonight! After last summer, I wasn't going to watch again but congrats to BB for at least putting together a more interesting cast than the last disaster.

Obsidiandog. said...

Glenn would be absolutely lost. I'm sure production will customize some comps in their own inimitable way to steer either Tiffany or Bronte back.

prtymirror said...

I am unsure who I want to win BUT I want the returning member to win their way back into the game as HOH. It's a bit unfair but I'm tired of having the person that returns being just a free week for everyone else to scheme about the future and just vote the returning player out again. It's boring. Give the returner some power for revenge :)

Jeremy N. said...

@prtymirror --- it would give that person one week to (re)establish relationships instead of getting sent right back out... Sounds good to me! I think that is what is actually going to happen. Just a gut feeling.

GMAGS said...

Not sure handing the return player HOH is the way to go. Don't forget, the return player had a chance to play the game and was voted out by the house. They should be grateful to be back in the house and have a 2nd chance. However, I do think they should play the HOH comp AFTER the battle back comp and allow the return player a shot at winning HOH.

Unknown said...

Yeah her only chance is winning hoh this week unless everyone decides to vote the returning person right back out 😔

Unknown said...

I think last year the returners competed in the hoh competition and the last returner standing got to stay and if they we're the last one standing in the comp they won hoh too

Unknown said...

Or maybe a co hoh or safety for the week

Unknown said...

Ditto to what you both said. My hope is that Nicole and Corey's deal alliance with Frank gets exposed to Paulie and the others. That might take some of the heat off of Day. However, even if it somehow came to light Paulie probably wouldn't believe it. Oh well.

Gross said...

I want tiff to come back, evict day, and go "I beat you, I beat you, I beat you" in her goodbye message.

bbwatcher said...

Yeah! It was down to him and corey, imagine what the game would have been like with Glenn. I think the only one that would miss him is Nicole.

bbwatcher said...

Yeah! It was down to him and corey, imagine what the game would have been like with Glenn. I think the only one that would miss him is Nicole.

Unknown said...

The suspense is killing me!

Unknown said...

The suspense is killing me!

Big brother! said...

I think after the battle back shows they will play for hoh and give the return a chance to win it! Hope it's not victor or Jose! I think also the Sunday night show will be hoh winner and nominations for evicte!

Dnev said...

Im sure I'm in the minority, but I'm going to miss the Roadkill. I think that, with no more teams, it would be more effective as only the HOH would be safe. Much larger pool of people to choose from. They could've done away with it when 8 or 9 are left.

Teresa s. said...

There seems to be a trend with the guys on BB. They just use the women for their vote.derek and Cody won because whoever they decided to evict they had 4 votes off the top. This the only reason Z is in Paulie's face.

Clair20 said...

Yes i wanted Glenn to win also. Poor guy didn't get one night in the BB house, now we get more vic...ugh.

Clair20 said...

Yes i wanted Glenn to win also. Poor guy didn't get one night in the BB house, now we get more vic...ugh.

Unknown said...

But I really hope that tiff comes back. I think that would really throw some people off. I hated that her being related to vanessa is used against her but paulie being related to cody isn't used against him. My final 3 would be james, tiff and paul. Paul has grown on me.

Taz Caz said...

I don't anyone would take James to the end. He's too likeable. I had Paul, Frank and Bridgette, but after this week's noms, I don't know...

Unknown said...

Total agree Daniel.

Unknown said...

Total agree Daniel.

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