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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thurs: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D The past week has been the same talk over and over again: can we get Tiff out or not, with Nicole/Corey flip flopping all over the place. Mix that with showmance crap, and it's been feeling that movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. lol

So where are the votes now? We'll, let's see.

Nicole tried to patch things up between Da'vonne and herself yesterday (1:44pm BBT)..
..but it didn't seem to work because a little while later, she tells Corey that things are still weird between them (D/N) and to try to get Day out this week. Frank approaches Nicole about her vote and she tells him she's voting Tiffany out but wouldn't mind seeing Da'vonne get voted out, though she will only vote Day out if everyone else is on board. (*I'm pretty sure I've typed this exact convo like 4 times this week. lol)

The biggest hurdle in all this? Paulie.

He's not budging. He wants to get Tiffany out this week and Da'vonne another week. Sure he thinks Day should go, just not this week. Corey even told Tiffany that their biggest problem in keeping Tiffany this week has been because of Paulie.

Speaking of Paulie, Frank once again went to Paulie (5:45pm BBT) to try to convince him to get Tiffany out and said that if he (F) wins HOH next week, he'll even put Tiff up on the block.

 Paulie doesn't believe Frank will do this, however, and continues to say how Tiffany is 'just like her sister'. Frank leaves the HOH room. Nicole enters and tells Paul that Da'vonne said he's playing all sides of the house. Nicole begs him to not tell Da'vonne about this convo.

Fast-forward to 12:15am BBT, Nicole/James talk. Nicole asks James if he'd vote Day out this week. James replies that he'll vote with the majority and that Paulie wants Tiff out this week, so he's going along with Paulie. Nicole is more or less defeated in her efforts to save Tiffany and just accepts that it is what it is.

Nicole then goes and fills Frank in on the fact that Tiffany will be voted out this week. Frank's not happy with this and mentions that if Day stays and wins HOH, then Frank's going up on the block and by getting Day out this week, it'll keep her from getting to the jury house.

So at this point, Frank has to either get Paulie on board in order to get Day out tonight, otherwise Tiffany is toast.

As a reminder: The feeds will be going off today and returning after tomorrow night's special Battle Back Comp episode. So enjoy the next 2 days off from the feeds. Go say hi to your friends and family. Go swimming. Me? I'm going to catch up on some much needed sleep! lol :P

I'll be back tonight with a new post to blog the live eviction show. See y'all tonight at 9pm ET!! :D


Unknown said...

Thanks Jamie for your blog I have a question for you, so tonight they won't show who won the HOH so will Friday show us who the battle back comp or do we have to wait until Sunday to find out. Thanks again

Unknown said...

I believe we will find out tomorrow night,but unsure. Cbs didn't tell me. :/

Unknown said...

I'm a bit confused. It's like they didn't realize at any point that they have the votes to get Da'Vonne out. Also, you play this game for you, not for anyone else. No reason that Paulie should have any say. Maybe they don't realize that he doesn't vote. I had high hopes for this season, but I'm disappointed in casting for the year.

Gross said...

Pauline doesn't want day gone because I'm sure he doesn't want awkwardness between him and zakiyah.

lol. Duh frank.

Gross said...

That's the hilarious part! Paulie has zero power!!

If I were frank, I would have told Paulie -- that I'm putting his arse on the block next week. Too bad they're on the same team.

I'm excited to see who comes back to the house. I'm secretly hoping that whoever wins the buy back....wins HOH immediately...and feels salty about getting evicted in the first place.

I think things might get interesting, but if Paulie is safe ..... Then it'll be boring.

I like Paulie, but the same side has been safe for wayyyy to long!

It's a strange season. I'm not drawn to a single player. I find myself just switching through the cams constantly.

A part of me thinks they casted "safe" people this year to avoid any type of controversy........on the media.

Brandy said...

It's been awkward between z and Paulie since day 1. Lol

Steve Robbins Art said...

This is another instance where blind vote results would solve so many problems...0

LoriGB said...

I'm over the "team" thing....hopefully that will be gone this week when someone comes back in from the Battle Back!

LoriGB said...
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Dianne said...

Pretty sure the end of the teams are ending with the upcoming HOH comp. Not likely, but I hope Day wins HOH to stir up drama. :) I can't wait till Frank is gone, his campaigning for Tiff is over the top, glad Paulie sees through him.

Candle Lite Quilter said...

Question...why is BB always telling them to Stop Singing on BB After Dark? I think it's funny when they sing!

Steve Robbins Art said...

@ Candle Lite Quilter
Probably for licensing reasons. Beyond 6 seconds, CBS would have to pay for each "performance."

God, our fair-use laws are phenomenally broken...

Razldazlrr said...

Thanks Jamie! What a bunch of blockheads this season. I think James just goes on to see if he can hook up with women he would never meet in real life. Nicole truly gets on my nerves - she is an ER nurse but just seems so clueless - book smart but street smart - no. Maybe it's because she lives in a smaller town, not sure.
Day has some brains but it is hard for her to keep her mouth shut, like it would be for me! LOL

I wish we could do the casting like they do for Survivor - people on Survivor are huge fans and know how to play the game - I know there are BB fans out there too - mix it up - different ages and backgrounds - not so much flakiness!

Bren.ML said...

I'm confused as to why Paulie hates Tiffany so much. What did i miss as far as i can tell she's not like her sister.

Anonymous said...

It makes no sense they can't coordinate, Paulie is irrelevant. It really doesn't matter to me who goes home but these people are just stupid.

Victoria Stairz said...

Can you explain why you feel that? (I'm honestly asking, not being snarky) I can only imagine how expensive it would get for CBS if the houseguests sang the Beatles back-catalogue one evening just for fun!!

I'd have to wear tape over my mouth because I absentmindedly sing (poorly) CONSTANTLY! Lol

Unknown said...

Are we gonna be preimpted by rnc?

Rachel said...

Exactly!!! They played it off last week when they switched up the votes, they can easily do it again this week. I hate Paulina's followers and yes I meant to put Paulina lol I'm a dick.

Rachel said...

I love Frank. He is 110% playing the game. I love it. He doesn't back down and fights for what he wants. If everyone played like that then the BB house wld be insane. Day fkd up her own game again. Talking too much shit and not knowing when to stfu. She'll be gone soon enuf so take her all in while you can lol.

Rachel said...

I do want Day gone but I don't want her having a chance to get back in the house. Sooooo I'm ok with tiff goin and then how funny wld it be if she won her way back in lol lol. Paulina's hoh wld be a total waste Bahahahaha. He wld shit a cannoli in his pants. He's playing an emo game like the girls. He just doesn't like Tiff cuz she's taller than him and she's not impressed by Cody nipples and trex arms. He's getting way too cocky and it's uglier than Vanessa's cry face.

I love Frank's game play. He nvr gives up on pushing for what he wants. He is fully invested in playing this game. I wish others wld play like him. I hope he wins hoh or someone he's aligned with does. Everyone will be dropping bombs of fecal matter all over that BB house lol. Can't wait to see what unfolds tonite and who gets back in the game. This hoh is gona be good!!! Like soooooo good. I have a BB Boner. I'm not on Twitter but feel free to hashtag BB Boner. #BB Boner ======0

Anonymous said...

No they will start network coverage right after at 10etc.

Gross said...

Just last night he was embracing her like crazy in the bathroom......

Gross said...

Yeah I'm calling him Pauline, but I like Paulina better!

Gross said...

I think because he has zero control over Tiffany.

Unknown said...

Lmao!! You made me lol!! This was too good of a read. Hahahahaaaaa. I'm soooooo rooting for frank! I've literally been praying he or Bridgette wins HOH!

Unknown said...

His brother Cody even stated that he cannot understand this either! I think Paulie is going to get ripped a new butthole by his family when he gets home. Especially Cody and derrick! He's frustrating.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I feel that because a crummy, amatur performance of a song in the public vernacular is deemed a viable reason to take a person or company to court if they don't pony up.

Mandaeff said...

So am I the only one who digs the showmances?!?!

Victoria Stairz said...

Oh, I see. I guess exceptions could be built in for amateurs. Makes sense.

Karenisthebiz said...
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Karenisthebiz said...
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Karenisthebiz said...
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