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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Man oh man were the feeds good this morning! Of course, it was at nearly 5am BBT this morning, but hey I'll take it! haha Before I get into the Frank/Paul fight, I'll cover everything else that lead up to the juicy portion of the night. (err...morning. Whatever. lol)

Yesterday pre-veto comp (11:35am BBT), James apologized to Bridgette for putting her up on the block. He said he was pressured to put her/Frank up.

James: "I'll be honest with you, the house might want Frank out."

James said he hopes Bridgette can stay and he'll help fight for her to stay. Bridgette said she understands why he nominated her (he called her "collateral damage" being with Frank).

James: "Like I said, I'm really sorry I put you up."
He said he knows Bridgette can't forget that he put her up on the block, but he hopes that if she stays, they're okay with each other.

After this convo, Bridgette talked to Natalie and said it concerns her that James didn't put noms up that he wanted, and instead did what others wanted him to do. She also told Nat how Tiffany told her about the "Fatal Five" alliance.

3:19pm BBT:
HOH Room
The boys talked about splitting up Frank/Bridgette this week. James doesn't want the possibility of Frank/Bridgette winning HOH every week, back and forth.

Corey joins James/Paulie after using the HOH bathroom.
Victor joins a minute later.

Paulie talks about how hard it is (pun intended, btw lol) to not devour Zakiyah. He said he's trying to be a good boy on camera...

Paulie: "..but homeboy was about to make a porno last night." (*lol)
All the boys then talk about morning wood. Paulie chimes in that he's having "night wood" before even going to bed.

Moving on...

10:40pm BBT:
Feeds return from the OTEV Comp (which I posted about last night). Michelle won veto and has no plans to use it. Frank/Bridgette know their days are numbered. Frank's only option at this point, is to get Michelle to use the veto and get Da'vonne up & out this week, saving both him/Bridge. That's gonna be an uphill battle, however. Paul is dead-set on getting Frank out this week. (James threw veto, btw.)

Paulie wants to target Da'vonne/Michelle in the near future, but wants to use Victor or Paul to do it. He even talked to Victor (3:40am BBT) about if he wins HOH, to put Da'vonne up next to Zakiyah.

3:54am BBT:
Lounge Room
Frank is trying to get Michelle to use the veto this week. She tells Frank she'll vote for him to stay, but he's gotta campaign to stay. Frank said he's not going to campaign against Bridgette and he's been pretty vocal about that. He's not gonna campaign against the only person in the house that's had his back, especially when nobody else in the house had his.

Michelle: "Well that's my advice. I think that's they only way (you can stay)."
Frank: "I know another way...and that's if you use (the veto) and backdoor Da'vonne."
Michelle: "I don't wanna backdoor Da'vonne, she's not gunnin' after me."
Frank: "Neither are we!"
Michelle: "Bridgette would put me up in a heartbeat."
Frank: "She will after this." (*lol)

Michelle isn't interested, as she said she'll have "9 other people" after her if she does. Frank said he could get the votes.

Michelle: "Alright, well let me know."
Frank: "I need you to use the veto first!"

Michelle said she'd rather Frank stay, have Bridgette go home.
Michelle: "..I can't stand Bridgette."

Frank tells Michelle that she'll get further in the game if she works with himself & Bridgette, versus the other side of the house.

Frank: "You'll end up going home in 8th or 9th place."
Michelle: "Yep. I know that."
Frank: "But if you switch it's any mans game. (Bridgette's) one of the most loyal person in this house."

4:05am BBT:
HOH Room
James is worried that Paulie's gonna be Frank's "best friend" all of a sudden and things could flip this week. He hopes Paulie will respect his HOH, since James respected Paulie's HOH. James said that if the plan switches, he'd put up one of their allies.

James: "I'd be like okay, y'all wanna f*ck me? Zakiyah, have a seat."
Natalie: "I'd put Paulie up."
James: "Or that."

James is getting irritated that Frank's been talking to Michelle for awhile in the lounge room and is wondering if Frank's swaying Michelle to use the veto or not.

A few HG's tried to breakup the convo between Frank/Michelle, including Paul and Zakiyah. Frank asked them all to give them some more time alone. This set Paul off.

4:52am BBT:
Frank/Paul have start arguing.
**This is a must-see on the live feeds, use the flashback feature. Don't have the feeds? Why not?? They're only $6/m. Cheaper than a month of Netflix for 24/7 feeds! Use Cam 1 (for Frank) and Cam 3 (for Paul).

Paul: "What's your end game, Frank?"
Frank is baffled as to why Paul walked into the kitchen and just started yelling at him. Paul says he's worried that the veto will be used and he/or anyone else can go up as the renom. Frank reminds him that he doesn't have the power to put up a replacement nom.

Frank: "I dunno why you're so worried right now.."
Paul: "Because I've been on the block for 3 weeks and 2 of those were probably because of you." (Roadkill Comp nom).

Frank said he did put Paul up the 1st week and that he went up the 2nd week to compete well against Tiffany. (*I think Paul is forgetting all the times he volunteered to go up on the block. lol BB amnesia, perhaps. :P )

Paul says he's tired of people saying one thing, and then actions prove to be another. Frank gets irritated and yells at Paul.

Frank: "I'm on the block, bro! What do you want me to do?! Roll over and die? I'm not throwin' your name under the bus.."
Paul: "But you HAVE thrown my name under the bus."
Frank: "When??"
Paul: "Multiple times."
Frank: "When!"
Paul: "There's things you do, and things you say, and they don't add up in head."
Frank: "That's fine. That's the way game is, bro."

All HG's are listening from different parts of the house..HOH landing and by the bedrooms.

Bridgette and Zakiyah are in the kitchen with Paul/Frank during all this.
Frank: "I don't know why you're comin' to me, I'm on the block! I don't have any power!"
Paul: "I'm not coming at you.."

Paul mentions how Frank just told him to leave him/Michelle to talk privately. Frank points out that he just did the same thin to Zakiyah, too.

Frank: "I asked her (Zak) to leave, I asked you to leave, I asked Da'vonne to leave, I asked James to leave..I asked ALL of them to leave!..because I was tryin' to have a private moment with Michelle who won Veto."
Paul: "I understand that.."

They then move to the lounge room to talk privately.
Frank breaks down everything for Paul, and that he wants Da'vonne up and out this week. That's his goal. Victor enters and tells him the same thing. He tells them that if he can't get Day up this week on the block, then he won't campaign against her and he knows he's going home.(*James tells Day at 5:35am BBT that he won't make her the replacement nom if the veto is in fact used.)

5:15am BBT:
Paulie is in on the convo now. He says that Day is on his "hit list". Frank leaves to check on Bridgette. Paulie says that the guys gotta stick together and as long as they win HOH, to make sure 2 girls are always up on the block, including his own girl Zakiyah. He said he can't take a shot at her, but that she's fair game to get up & out too.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So it seems that unless Frank finds the Secret Room that Julie was saying "could change the game", his days in the BB house are numbered. Even if Michelle uses the Veto, James isn't gonna put Day up as the renom. Frank has a lot of work to do to try to get James and Michelle on board. It's an uphill battle for sure, and it's not looking good. I'm just happy that it finally seems like the game is getting good!!! A lot of plotting, drama, fights...ahhhh yesssss!! I love it!!! :D Don't forget that tonight's BB18 episode is the HOH endurance comp where James won. Can't wait to see the Diary Room Sessions and everything that happened during the comp. Have a great Sunday, y'all!!

(keep refreshing as I post...)


Unknown said...

Before I finish reading I just have to stop and lol at Bridgette! Concerned that names didn't put up who he wanted? 😂 Does she not realize her hoh was Frank's? And that is why she is in the predicament she is in?

Kmm7743 said...

Exacty Lauren!!!! Like I said on one of Jamie's posts a few days ago, Frank needs to win solely on the fact that he is really good at playing major mind games (ie. Tiffany and Bridgette). I don't care for him one bit. I truly believe he would have talked Bridgette in to using veto on him had she won it.

Unknown said...

Paul is an absolute disappointment. If you're going to be a Villian you need to FIGHT ABOUT SOMETHING THAT MAKES SENSE. You're mad at frank talking to Michelle?! Why shouldn't he?! Paul is such a lame try hard.

Dianne said...

I think Frank had the potential to win BB18, but he blew it by running around making Final 2 deals with 1/2 the house.* If they keep him, they are beyond stupid. Also Paulie is talking way too much and playing too many angles, even talking smack about Z. If that gets back to her she will go off. Paulie and Z are not cut out for each other, IMO, but that's beside the point.

*Frank is the male version of Day, no wonder he hates her!

Unknown said...

I literally said "What the hell?" when I read that part about Bridgette. Um, hun? You let Frank run your HOH so shut up.

And yeah, went back on the live feeds to watch that fight. It was about nothing, he sounded stupid. Smh

Unknown said...

I literally said "What the hell?" when I read that part about Bridgette. Um, hun? You let Frank run your HOH so shut up.

And yeah, went back on the live feeds to watch that fight. It was about nothing, he sounded stupid. Smh

Unknown said...

Wasn't much of a "call out" of Frank by Paul. It barely got heated. I'm not sure what Paul was trying to prove by his call out, but he didn't say much, and Frank pretty much told him straight up what was going on. The interesting part was when Paul went up to HOH and told what happened, made one wonder if he had listened to his own conversation with Frank. I do wish Paul would stop talking for five minutes his voice makes Bridget's squeal delightful.

Big brother! said...

Hope Frank or Bridgett don't find the hidden room this week! Paul is sliding by because of Paulie being on his hip! Some of these HG have no clue what's going on half the time! Wow!

Missy said...

James beyond is a disappointment. He made a deal with Bridgette not to pUT her up if she dropped and gave him the hoh. I know the game is about lying and backstabbing but they're is also an honest game that can be played. Thought james was better than that.

Missy said...

James beyond is a disappointment. He made a deal with Bridgette not to pUT her up if she dropped and gave him the hoh. I know the game is about lying and backstabbing but they're is also an honest game that can be played. Thought james was better than that.

Lea said...

LOL - perfectly said. I've been referring to him as Beardy McAngry Face because he's clearly quite angry but I have no.idea. what he's angry about. I mean, the guy is making muffins (???) on BB - how angry can you be??

Lea said...

LOL - perfectly said. I've been referring to him as Beardy McAngry Face because he's clearly quite angry but I have no.idea. what he's angry about. I mean, the guy is making muffins (???) on BB - how angry can you be??

Kmm7743 said...

Yeah and I'm not sure how Day is a 'slut'??? She hasn't hooked up in the house or aligned herself with a showmance. And by no means am I saying that the girls that are in showmances are sluts, but that is a very strong word to use against any female.

Big brother! said...

Yes, very strong word for a lady, she hasn't even been with anyone in the house! Don't like her or not, that's not a word to use! Just my opinion

Unknown said...

If Frank wins anything in the house that lets him will prove to me that Big Brother is rigged....the only one who what's him is BB for the ratings!!!

Ashlee Lopez said...

I love james an frank!

Unknown said...

I am so over Nicole, I want her out ASAP!

Rachel said...

Exactly. I don't like James much anymore. He's too invested in Natalie, he likes Day, he's a big follower, and that lie with bridge just pissd me off and I'm like bye James. He's nvr gona win playing like that he'll end up like last season..not making final 2

Rachel said...

Read what I wrote to jewel

Rachel said...

Read what I wrote jewel.

Fred said...

Another wasted BB. This cast is horrible! What happens when they have to turn on each other?

Rachel said...

Ditto. She's annoying with all that flip flopping

Rachel said...

That won't happen til the numbers are down to 5-6. Everyone is gona do what everyone else wants. It'll b unanimous votes again like previous lame seasons. If Frank goes the season is over cuz everyone else is on the same side. So it'll be koom-bye-ya. BB needs to change something so this isn't a constant prob every season.

Unknown said...

I think James was right to put Frank and Bridgette up even though it was breaking a deal. He really is no enemies and wanted Frank out anyway. If he put up Frank and Victor he could have very well ended up having both of them be safe and have to put up someone he considers and ally.

Rachel said...

Nahhh. Bridge is smart, I'm hoping she puts the thought in her head n then tells Frank so they'll both be fake. It's not going to be a fun season when everyone else in the house is on the same side lol. It's too early for Frank a great player to go. He's playing a good game, he plays hard. It's way better than ppl who follow or float.

Unknown said...

I think if Frank goes there is still hope for this season, if some of the low end of the totem pole people pact together, or if the girls can win some hoh comps and shake up the boys. I guess sometimes it pays to throw comps but I want to see everyone going for every comp. I just hope the secret room isn't a reset that undoes this week 😫

Diego said...

Now she is lying to everyone bout the final two with Frank. Ugh own it and move on

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Completely agree Rachel. If Frank goes here's the order of next to go:

All that's left are two showmances and Paul/Victor.

James made the same dumbass move last season allow the twins, Austin, and Vanessa. While James latched onto Meg and Becky.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

He should have tried to make a "go big or stay home move" and put up Corey and Nicole. Could have had votes on his side from Frank, Bridgette, Natalie, Paulie, Da,

Unknown said...

2 things that annoy me this season. 1 Frank and Bridgettes reaction at being put up on the block James did the same thing last year to Clellie. Why are they surprised. 2 how everyone is lying to each other but when they are caught they are all offended that people lied. It's Big Brother you are supposed to do whatever you need to do to get ahead and win. As of now Frank and nicole need to go. Nicole whines too much and Frank seems to be shocked that anyone else is actually playing the game. Does anyone else think Day shouldn't have thrown the HOH comp?

Kmm7743 said...

I agree. I don't understand why she keeps throwing comps when she is on everyone's radar!!! Makes no sense to me at all!!!!!!

Kmm7743 said...

Agreed. She's really get to on my nerves!!

Kmm7743 said...

Something is clearly wrong with him IMHO.

Unknown said...

I actually think it wasn't a bad move on Day's part to let James have it. She knew he wouldn't put her up and it allows her to play in the next HOH, which might be more important for her anyway. Also, this is the only one Day threw. She has just lost everything else. Another thing, Day isn't sure that she is on everyone's radar. I think she is getting suspicious and is keeping her eyes open though.

Kmm7743 said...

This is true Robin. Good insight 😊. I thought she threw a veto comp a few weeks ago, but I might be wrong.

Unknown said...

Exactly Lauren! Another case of BB amnesia.

Unknown said...

Karen Kevin Leah LoL
He's clearly thirsty for csmera time.

Unknown said...

James actually went for a big target this time. It seems like everyone else is too scared to put Frank up. Frank was safe because of the team thing. Last year everyone seemed to be tooscared to put up Vanessa. If james hadn't nominated Frank and Bridgette it would of come back on him esspecially since there was talk about getting frank out after an endurance comp.

Unknown said...

I hope Zak does hear what he says about her especially to put her up against Da for eviction. Blowup his game.

Unknown said...

Ur so right Kelly

Unknown said...

If the veto is used everyone else would tell James to put up Day. He already has proven that he'll do what the house wants with the noms. Everyone wants someone else to do the dirty work for them. The only way to stay safe is to earn it yourself. It seems like they forget that all of them want to win the money for themselves not for another player.

Unknown said...

Kelly that so true. It's BB not best friend's honesty camp.

Dianne said...

James is doing just fine in my book. Paulie is going off the rails, talked about nominating Z yesterday & today. I hope it gets back to her. He's not good bf material, will always put his bros first. If Frank doesn't go this week, I am gonna scream. Bloody murder, lol.

Unknown said...

James has a f2 with day. He wouldn't put her up. He is using the house to do what he wants other than he was going to put vic up with frank. Smarter to put bridge up with him so she chins pull him off and be safe with pov. Vic will win next and put girls up. if they are not careful, he will win. Lying is just pay off it who cares. It is all about lying and back stabbing. But I hate the everyone votes the same and telling them before they go. Twists aren't enough. They need folks to play and be their own even if it was secret even the road kill wasn't used well. Just quietly be deadly. Just going next week will be more interesting. Bridget winning hov lol

Unknown said...

James has a f2 with day. He wouldn't put her up. He is using the house to do what he wants other than he was going to put vic up with frank. Smarter to put bridge up with him so she chins pull him off and be safe with pov. Vic will win next and put girls up. if they are not careful, he will win. Lying is just pay off it who cares. It is all about lying and back stabbing. But I hate the everyone votes the same and telling them before they go. Twists aren't enough. They need folks to play and be their own even if it was secret even the road kill wasn't used well. Just quietly be deadly. Just going next week will be more interesting. Bridget winning hov lol

rigs said...

Well, James proved again this year that his word isn't worth being spoken. He gave his word on national television and he broke it. What a low life he is. If I was Natalie, I would drop James like a hot potato. James can't be trusted. No wonder his relationships don't last.

He didn't have to make a deal, Bridgette was about to fall. James seems to delight in betraying people. I guess it is just another way of "jumping out of the closet" to scare people. James is a loser. He has no back bone.

And the girls, why are girls soooo dumb? They had it made, they had the boys on the run, they had the numbers and they blew it. Evicting Bronte maybe was no big loss for the girls but evicting Tiffany leaves the girls with no chance of winning the game.

BB Bopper said...

I remember there use to be a lot of deals and bargains made. Like you don't put me up and I won't put you up for the next HOA. Or if you don't put me up I'll promise you a vote against whoever you want, or if I drop or throw the comp etc. I'll be safe for the next two weeks etc., etc. There doesn't seem to be much of that going on. Except for this last HOA of course where James won and promised not to put Bridge up...and lied. The problem with that lie is who is ever going to trust him again? He's done that both seasons he was in now so I sure wouldn't trust him. None of these girls with the exception of Da are playing for themselves. Their heads are too tangled up with boys to even think straight let alone play the game. I find that very disappointing. :-(

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with others - it was wrong for James to make a deal and then break it - he should have just held on, he probably would have won. People in the house are definitely not going to trust him - there's a lot of game left

Unknown said...

Ok so Zak just changed her pad in front of everyone and then sat and ate chips and dip with the same people that watched her do it...without washing her hands!!! Wtf is wrong with these people hahaha

Lea said...

I'm so mad that Day threw the competition.

Carlos said...

Ewww!!! Ppl today r so disgusting.

Unknown said...

It seem some have BB amnesia here. James told Bridgette he wouldn't put her up againat frank after the HOH challenge, not during. Frank was the one making deals with Da'vonne to drop at the sametime as Bridgette. Ad to James lying (or actually doing what quote the house wanted) well welcome to BB.

Razldazlrr said...

Scott Childs - "Ok so Zak just changed her pad in front of everyone" - OK - I almost hate to ask but what are you talking about?

Unknown said... 5am or so Zak was in the storage with Meech Nic Paul amd James and they had chips and dip...Zak changed her pad in front of them and with the same hand went into the bag of chips they were all eating!! I don't think anyone called her out haha

Stevie said...

Everyone is complaining about the cast, but I still think this is a GREAT cast compared to the last 3 seasons! James is playing the game and I'm all about it. I'm really hoping that Day realizes how crappy of a friend and ally Nicole is. I know she's on to it, but I want her to GET IT. I used to like Nicole, but her true colors are shining through this season. I want Day to win HOH and switch things up!

dappledog said...

Jamie I was watching this morning and Bridgette mention about how Michele fainted and someone claimed that she (B) was going to shave off her (M) eyebrows. Why did Michelle faint and is the statement true? Thanks!

dappledog said...

Jamie I was watching this morning and Bridgette mention about how Michele fainted and someone claimed that she (B) was going to shave off her (M) eyebrows. Why did Michelle faint and is the statement true? Thanks!

Unknown said...

At some point Frank had a conversation with Day and I think she gets it. Like you said she was already on to it and suspicious, but after the convo I think she GETS IT. Hopefully Bridgette will put Nicole and Corey up if she wins. Frank told her to do so if she won HOH. If only Frank and Day wouldn't have been so blinded by their dislike of each other they might have been able to work together to break up showmance power alliance. Oh well.

Unknown said...

James, just proved to everyone that he's a b****. After Frank leaves the whole show is down the toilet!

Julie said...

CBS if you read this - we don't want frank out. Please give him a hint to the secret room!!!!

slnc said...

Woow!😫😫,A slut?? Why?? She's not getting fingered in the BB that's slut-like material..but....😒😒👀👀

Unknown said...

This is a game. It's what gets YOU farther, not what gets you and your showmance further. I respect Paulies game regardless if Zak gets screwed by it. What has she done other than latch on to Paulie that hasn't gotten her this far anyway?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Jared said...

Could not have said it better Lauren! She has a short memory. That's what happens when you have no backbone.

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