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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sunday, y'all!! :D Today was "Sleep In Sunday", where I get to take a break from my 2 jobs plus blogging and actually sleep in for once. I literally slept for like 14 hrs and oh man did I need it! Okay, so let's get down to business...

Corey won Veto yesterday, which means that he will take himself off the block. (He had told Natalie at one point that if he won, he'd take her off the block, but then realized this was a major mistake and retracted it by saying it was just him joking.) Nicole's worried that she'll be Corey's replacement nom, but she has no need to worry because the renom won't be'll be Da'vonne. Frank and Tiffany want Day up & out this week, though I'm not sure how/where they'd get the votes to pull that off. Thursday is still a long ways away, so we'll see what happens throughout the week.

The Have Nots for the week are: James/Natalie
(The only 2 members left of "Team Unicorn", now that Bronte is gone.)

They get to eat slop (as usual) with beans and basil. Yum! :P

Yesterday afternoon (5:50pm BBT), Day asked Tiffany who the renom will be. Tiffany, of course, didn't give her an answer. Day leaves. Tiff tells James that Day is playing all side of the house.
Tiffany said she can't believe that Da'vonne told her to put up Corey because Corey was "coming after her", when he wasn't. James tells Tiff to go talk to Corey and mend that relationship. Tiffany says she will and has to be 'smart about it'.

5:59pm BBT:
Tiffany talks to Frank. 
Tiffany said that Day has been "f**cking her over since Day 1" and...
Tiffany: " have no idea how much sh*t she's caused!"
Frank: "..she's goin' all over the place." (*re: playing sides of the house)

Tiffany then reveals the Fatal Five to Frank.
Tiffany: "So us 5 girls, had a, called the Fatal Five."

Tiffany goes on & on about everything that Day has done...such as making a Final 2 with her (Tiff/Day), and telling her to go after Frank and get him pre-jury, etc. This is a good Flashback Feeds moment to go back and watch. It's on Cams 3 & 4.

6:50pm BBT:
Tiffany talks to Corey, per James' suggestion.
Tiffany tells Corey that Frank isn't after him, it's Day. Tiffany tells him how Da'vonne said she has "the numbers" to get Corey out this week. Tiff then talks about Day and everything she's doing to screw with her (Tiff's) game, such as making a Final 2 with her and treating her like crap/using her for info, etc. Corey asked Tiffany to talk to Frank and mend his/Frank's relationship because he doesn't think Frank likes him..but there's no need because at 6:58pm BBT, Frank joins their conversation.

Corey said that he's heard from 3 different that Frank's gunning for him. Frank deflects and mentions that if that was true, him/Bridgette would've put him up last week and sent him home.

Corey: "I agree!"

Tiffany promises Corey that Da'vonne will be the replacement nom. Corey said hearing that Day will go up, makes him feel more comfortable using the veto on himself. (**This kid. lol *face palm*)

Back-track a minute...
Before Frank joined Tiff/Corey, he was in the HOH room with Paulie/Paul/Zakiyah. Paulie is set on getting
Tiffany out ASAP. Frank deflects and defends Tiffany and how Paulie is comparing Vanessa/Tiffany's game play.

7:30pm BBT:
HOH Room
Corey asks Zakiyah/Da'vonne about the Fatal Five alliance they were in with Tiffany. Of course, they deny it. Paulie is still hell-bent on getting Tiffany out this week.

9:00pm BBT:
HOH Room
Corey tells Paulie everything that Tiffany told her earlier in the night. At first, Paulie deflected everything because it came from Tiffany. However, a few minutes later, he realizes that Day's onto "them" and she has to go. Paulie says it's them two (C/P) + James. The three of them have to stick together. Paulie now sees that Da'vonne is "onto them". Corey said that Da'vonne cried after Corey won the veto because she knew she was gonna be targeted by Tiffany as the replacement nom.

Paulie: "We have to get Day out before she gets us out, or links up with Frank."

9:50pm BBT:
Corey talks to Nicole about her Final 2 with Frank. Nicole denies it.

1:00am BBT:
Da'vonne knows she's gonna be going up as the renom. Day says how Tiffany is saying she's in a lot of alliances but that's not true. James mentions The Fatal Five alliance she was in.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! We'll have to see how this week plays out. It'll be an exciting week for sure!! Tonight's BB18 episode is at 8pm ET as usual, so make sure to tune in to watch! Today's Sunday, my "day off", so I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! See y'all then!!


Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie!!I try to watch the live feeds but sometimes I can't get through it because of how annoyed I get with some of the HGs! Lol. So I appreciate the break down so much!!

Unknown said...

Absolutely welcome my dear!! It's as hard sifting through everything! Haha xo

Kmm7743 said...

Well this is just a bunch of crap!! I'm starting to feel like they should've got Tiffany out last week. Frank is really playing some major head games with everyone (well mostly everyone). I had to turn off after dark last night, cause everyone is fill flopping so dang fast I can't keep up anymore. Just wait til Victor or whoever comes back in. That's when the sh%* is really gonna hit the fan!!

Kmm7743 said...


Unknown said...

Haha yassss!! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Yup!! I can't wait to see the look on their faces!!!! And the thing I keep thinking is are all of you so dumb into not thinking about the bigger picture!! You can't be one big happy family forever!! They should keep frank to do their dirty work, because people are eventually going to have go out the door! Think ahead people...think ahead!! This is going to lead to some major backstabbing!! I guess I can't wait!! I really can't bring myself to like any of them right now!! Too many showmances for me!! People not thinking with their heads! Anyway, that's just my thoughts!

UnionGrl said...

I think things will get interesting when Michelle is considered, or Z. I listen to the list of who goes next and chuckle that things don't always do what you want, when you want. I'm curious to know if Paulie can maintain his Zen calm when on the heat turns up.

Unknown said...

I know Da has been doing some really shady stuff, but what really kills me is that Frank is flat out lying about what he did and find the say to Da'Vonne. It's also starting to look like Tiffany and Frank are going to flip the house to vote out Da'Vonne. I know in the end Da won't last too much longer, but it kills me that these folks are forgetting that Tiffany is doing exactly what her sister did. Oh well, I don't know how much longer I will watch if Tiffany stays i the house. She will do to them what her sister did last season.

Rachel said...

I like Frank n Paul. Why do ppl not like Frank? I dislike Paulie I don't find him attractive, he really needs to stop trying so hard cuz it's not working, put your shirt on tool bag. Not a fan of Day last year or this year. Just shut ur face girl! I didn't like Tiff but I kinda feel bad for her now and am so glad she's blowing up ppls games and telling Frank everything lol. Michele is a mean girl, I liked her a lot but now I just throw poo at the tv when she's on. That brings me to Nicole..I loved her on her season but this year not so much. She has become a mean girl too and deserves a fecal matter sandwich. James is cool not much to say about him. Natalie is sweet n just kinda follows what everyone else wants same with Zakeya. Z and Day were sooooo mean to Tiff when she was crying and put her bandana the over her eyes and Z n Day made faces and laughed. That's just being a nasty person. Like Day hasn't cried or had a melt down haha. Corey is just there. Bridgette is ok I guess, she's on Frank's side so she's cool in my book.

Well there's my opinion no one asked for lol. I haven't commented at all yet so I just had to get this out haha. This season is great so far lots of drama. I thought it was kinda dumb to bring in Vanessa's sister and Codys brother, I wasn't fans of either. And the 4 vets was not a favorite twist it's kinda like they didn't have enuf interesting ppl to cast this year so they had to get some vets lol

Ok I'm done bitch'n...for now! :) :) :)

Unknown said...

I don't really think tiffany is doing the same as her sister!! Those girls were mean to her. Like not this is a game mean but just flat out bitches!! Especially Michelle!! Then Z and day! Her explanation to Paulie in the feeds seemed sincere!I actually feel sorry for her. And I never once felt sorry for her sister!! Vanessa had no reason to be paranoid but tiff definitely did!! They were slimey!That's just my opinion though! No disrespect to yours by the way!! 😃

Unknown said...

Haha. I feel very similar! I love frank!! Michelle is a total wench and I hope to God frank wakes up!! Every time they talk and he's sincere with her she looks at the camera and says "sucker!!".. I don't find that funny at all.. Because mind you he's never talked crap about least not to my memory.. She is a horrible person in my opinion and such a leach!! Can't wait til it dwindles down dang it!! Who will she have then?? Cuz honestly I don't think frank would target her anytime soon!! But she forgets that Paulie has Z. Corey has Nic.. And James has Natalie!! She will definitely be target before them!! What a dummie!! Can you tell that i Can't stand her! Lol

Terry said...

I am in Frank's court. Mama Day has to go!

Unknown said...

I get what you are saying, but she started blowing up days game before the safari room thing. I don't blame Tiffany for some of what she is doing. It's her only move, but in the end it was an emotional move. As for Frank, he did call day a slut but he has conveniently forgotten all about it. Also, Tiffany did in fact state that she was going to go after Frank before Day went and told Frank.

I don't know, I don't really like when people use tears to get at people (in real life or the game). Tiffany told Frank that the tears were real and part strategy. I've had some really major things happen in my life, so it bothers me when people use tears for that purpose. Maybe that's cold hearted of me, but I'm not feeling Tiffany. What she is doing right now only proves what the others feared with regard to her. Oh well, it's just a game.

Unknown said...

I know I have said this several times, but I really can't stand Corey and Nicole!! Now they don't trust Michelle.

Unknown said...

If they keep Tiffany, I hope it comes back to bite them in the butt!!

JChism said...

Would love to see Day win the whole thing but she's not good at comps. She is very entertaining but if you can't win comps, you're a sitting duck.

Unknown said...

I think she's a total fool too and hope she's on the block soon bc she's a super floater. On the other hand, if you hate her that much than she's doing her job! That's exactly why production put her in there!

Victoria Stairz said...

Due to my schedule, I usually record BBAD and try to catch up later. This is all I hear, though:

* " the end of the day..."
* ¡CRRUUNNCCHH! (chomping on food)
* "100%"

... and repeat.

Mr, Sinister said...

I'm with you, last year my cable company didnt have POP channel as part of my "station options". This year they picked up, so I was excited to see what was going to happen & to my surprise.....nothing...notta.... just a bunch ppl waiting to go to sleep. Boring as hell I now watch the recorded show to fall asleep...

Mr, Sinister said...

@ Jamie: thanks for filling us in on the live bad these ppl & the way the "American" version is set up is kind of boring at times. I'll keep watching the UK version from YouTube. If you haven't seen UK's 2016 season yet it's crazy. I think the production crew of the US version needs to take notes.

Unknown said...

Jamie - enjoying this season and rely on your blogs so thank you for your hard work. It is very appreciated. Last season the very overused phrase was "getting blood or not blood on your hands" I think it drove us viewers crazy! Without even getting the live feeds (canadian here), this season's overused phrase is "100 percent". Have to laugh!

Missy said...

What I find convenient is that day never explains that frank was first called a douchebag, he said he wasn't a douchebag and either z or day said he was so he said then your a slut. I am sure he doesn't remember it because it isn't how he feels about her and was responding to what he thought was a joke. The problem is it goes both ways but frank takes all the heat. Frank talks to everyone in the house socially and no one seems to note how complimentary he is to everyone all the time.

Missy said...

What I find convenient is that day never explains that frank was first called a douchebag, he said he wasn't a douchebag and either z or day said he was so he said then your a slut. I am sure he doesn't remember it because it isn't how he feels about her and was responding to what he thought was a joke. The problem is it goes both ways but frank takes all the heat. Frank talks to everyone in the house socially and no one seems to note how complimentary he is to everyone all the time.

Razldazlrr said...

Tiffany just drives me crazy.

Day is so pretty but what is with all that hair and piling it up on her head?

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