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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

So it's Sunday and we have the week pretty much wrapped up at this point: Bridgette won HOH, she nominated Paul/Tiffany. Frank then won the Roadkill Comp and put up Bronte. Yesterday was the Veto Comp, where Bridgette won, so we'll see tomorrow if she decides to pull anyone off the block and name a replacement nom but doubt it.

It seems that Tiffany is still this weeks target, though who knows what will happen this week. Tomorrow will definitely let us all know what direction things are gonna go for Thursday night's live eviction. It doesn't look like Bridgette will use the veto to switch out noms, so I don't expect anything to happen there. In Frank's mind, Tiffany is already up & out this week and is giddy at the thought of sending her off with a nasty goodbye message for Thursday's show.

If you're wondering how Tiffany's taking all this, she thinks she's safe for the most part, so it'll be a blindside (kinda) if she goes home this week.

In showmance news, James saw Natalie flirt with Corey the other day and mentioned that he "might have to cut that one loose". Since then, he's been keeping his distance from Natalie and she's starting to notice. Nicole/Corey talked last night about whether or not to tell James that Natalie mentioned (to Corey) that she doesn't like James. They decided not to tell him, though.

As I posted last night, Bridgette hurt her ankle in the Veto Comp, but is already feeling much better. Frank was worried that he injured her, but she assured him he didn't and that it was the way she landed on it that messed her ankle up. Since she's the outgoing HOH on Thursday, she won't have to play in that HOH comp, but Friday she'll have to play in the Roadkill Comp, so we'll see how fast she heals up this week.

At 2:40am BBT on Cams 1 & 2, Nicole was watching James pull a prank when she started laughing so hard that she literally peed her pants! lol She ran to the shower, as James yelled "She's drippin'!".

It's a great Flashback Feeds moment to watch.

Tonight's BB18 episode will be Nominations and the Roadkill Comp. It starts at 8pm ET as usual, so make sure to tune in! Until then, enjoy your Sunday and the live feeds!!


Unknown said...

I thought Bridgett won the veto comp??

Unknown said...

Bridgette did win the veto comp. Maybe she meant that if Bridgette uses it Frank will have to put up a replacement nom? Cause I was confused too lol

Unknown said...

Bridgett did win veto but I think this is Jaimes clever/sarcastic way of saying Frank is controlling her HOH lol....maybe not!?

Jamie said...

sorry! typo. you can always tell when I havent had coffee lol thanks guys!! fixed :)

Fred said...

I really don't like the way Day is making Frank out to be. Frank is just a bigger version of James. He's just an easy going, fun person.. Day is a drama queen.

Steve Robbins Art said...

No, it's sexual harassment, and she has every right to be upset at how he's touching the women in the house. I've seen shitike this happen in real life, and it's a power play by frank, knowing that none of the women'll fight back, in fear of retaliation. If they complain, they're bitches. If they don't, their complicit. If anything, I'm shocked that CBS hasn't pulled him out of the house. This sort of behaviour would get him fired in a heartbeat in the real world.

MirrG said...

^^What Steve said. I was thinking the same thing on power play. You don't see him insulting the men in the same fashion because it doesn't work in a way that benefits him.

Stacia said...

I was so glad they showed what Frank did to Day and the other girls tonight. I really thought CBS might not show it, or edit it in a positive light. I really think Frank's days are numbered.

bbwatcher said...

Wait...on tonight's show Natalie said James is someone she would date outside the house. Can someone explain what's going on?

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you. I wondered if they were going to portray things the way it really went down and they did. I'm proud of Day for not going off like she would have last year. I watched the feeds for Frank's original season and all he did was talk about people in the house. He was bitter then and he is still bitter now.

Stacia said...

Oh man, watching BBAD and Bridgette is super drunk (Michelle is too, but on a different camera). Hope she doesn't spill the wrong thing to Frank! They had their Outback dinner. Heard them say Jeff and pregnant Jordan were there! Can't wait to see that. :)

Oh now, Frank just said to Bridgette (about having a possible target on his back from the Day situation) "nobody looks at me in a bad way right now." I laughed so hard!

Cyn B said...

Frank is nothing like James....James is a prankster...Frank is sexually harassing the women in the no way is it ok for him to pat/tap/touch them on their backsides....and if he does this to his granny, he's sicker than I thought....

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Olivia said...

I thought the same thing! Unless she's trying to keep a target off of their back? I guess we won't know for sure until they are out of the house or she comes clean one way or the other inside the house. I'm rooting for a Jamalie couple! ;)

ShowtheLoveBetheLove said...

I can actually see both sides. He is very much like a couple people that I know. They really are just joking around, but, if she had ever opened her mouth and told him how badly it upset her it would have not gotten as far as it did. I also see her side being a woman and knowing that it can feel degrading to have your butt slapped. What's the saddest part? All of this could have been avoided with just a little communication. I actually think this would be a perfect strategy to make final two with those two if they would just jump on the opportunity

Unknown said...

Give me a break on this whole butt slapping thing! He's done it several times before and she's laughed and giggled about it. Now she hates him so she's decided it's offensive. Has he done it again since she got upset? No.
Secondly, she goosed his rear-end earlier in the that's ok?
James is constantly manhandling the women in the house, and no one blinks an eye. Because they like James!
They're all a bunch of flirty, silly butt grabbers. I've seen so many tush slaps this season I couldn't even count them.
Frank is being a douche in so many other ways, so now HE'S now being labeled a sexual harasser? Not a Frank fan, but this is unfair for him.

Fred said...

I agree with you..

Fred said...

I agree with you..

Fred said...

I agree with you..

bbwatcher said...

Yeah, I thought the same about not wanting to get targeted. That's pretty smart of her.

bbwatcher said...

Yeah, I thought the same about not wanting to get targeted. That's pretty smart of her.

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