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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Saturday to all of you BB addicts out there! Hope your weekend is off to a great start. Last night, we found out that Frank won the Roadkill Comp and put Bronte up as the 3rd nom. Up until last night, Bridgette was Frank's HOH puppet doing what he wanted. Well, that's about to change. Bridgette found her backbone, apparently.

This weeks target was Tiffany, but depending on who wins veto today, Paul looks like he might be in trouble. Let's see what happened last night, shall we?!

There's a new alliance chart, made by the wonderful @89razorskate20 on Twitter!!
(I'll put it on the top right-side of the blog for future reference & update it as needed.)

8:00pm BBT:
London Bedroom
James and Paulie make a "Derrick & Cody" Final 2, which just tickles my heart! :D My two favs teaming up. Ahhhh..I love it!

Paulie: "I think we could do some damage."
James: "I think so too, man."

James goes on to say that he doesn't think anyone would suspect that they are that close. Paulie agrees.

But then at 11:26pm BBT, James tells Day about Paulie "looking for a new buddy" in the house since Frank is about to get blown out of the water. Day tells James that there's no way that Frank will let Paulie/James get enough time alone to talk in a room. Hmm.

8:48pm BBT:
HOH Room
Bridgette is seeing that Frank & "the boys" have been controlling her all this time and is just now getting upset. She tells Bronte that if she (B) wins veto, she'll save Bronte from the block and then get the votes to get Paul out. Bronte said if she picks "Houseguest Choice", she'll pick Natalie because she knows Nat would pull her down off the block. Bridgette said she'll pull Bronte down if she wins veto.

9:36pm BBT:
HOH Room
Bridgette/Natalie/Bronte (aka Spy Girls Alliance)
They think they can get the votes to get Paul out this week, and not Tiffany like Frank wants. Bridgette now regrets putting Tiffany up on the block. If Tiffany wins veto, Corey will go up because Bridgette doesn't wanna put up a female.

Bronte then revealed a "big secret" (that wasnt really that good of a secret anyway lol)..that she's the "secret nerd" in the cast, as she's an aspiring mathematician. *yawn*

10:05pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Frank, who is unaware that he's the biggest target in the house, tells Nicole that he wants to get Paulie/Corey out eventually because they're physical threats to them.

Frank: "I like'em, you know I do.." (re: Paulie/Corey)..."It's just I want it to be as easy as possible towards the end."

They talk about the OTEV comp that BB has every year and how Frank doesn't want them (Paulie/Corey) to play in that comp. Nicole adds that she can't beat boys in the OTEV comp. She says boys can climb the slick wall "without any hesitation".

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Comp and that will determine pretty much everything for this week. I'll be back later with the Veto Comp Results as usual. Until then, enjoy your Saturday!! :D


2thDoc said...

How dumb and cocky is Frank?!?! Telling Nicole you want to get rid of Corey?!?! Uh duh!! Just another reason to get Frank out. I love the 8 pack alliance and think they should keep taking the other side out because only ONE of them can re-enter so they will still have the numbers. But Frank is too much now. Thinking he's the ruler in that house. Can't wait to see his face when he's on the block

Andy Tatnall said...

Do the girls have the votes to get out Paul, though? They'll need to get a couple of people from the 8 Pack to vote their way, and most of them seem fine with Tiffany going this week even though they want to target Frank.

Diego said...

Based on the chart from last time and today's it looks like da'vonne is pretty much covered game wise if she does not blow up! My question is what happened to Nicole? She was covered with a lot of final twos and now she doesn't.

Lea said...

What is the deal with Bronte? She reminds me of a character in a bad 90s movie. Especially when she wears those headbands!

Unknown said...

It's Tori Spelling you're thinking of.

laura said...

YAASSS!!! That's exactly what I told my husband on the night it aired. Tori Spelling for sure!

KathyC said...

Bridgette reminds of the Ally Sheedy character in The Breakfast Club!

Unknown said...

I don't know if you guys know the car insurance commercial where the girl names her car Brad and ends up wrecking Brad, etc etc. Well my dad says Bridgette reminds him of her. So now when I talk about Bridgette with my dad we say Brad and he knows who we're talking about LOL

Unknown said...

Bridgette is getting on my last nerve with always laughing especially when she with Frank he's not even funny.

Unknown said...

Bridgette is getting on my last nerve with always laughing especially when she with Frank he's not even funny.

Lea said...

Yes!thank you Ronald!

Lorenzo baptista said...

I'm not surprised. Last time he was in the house he was Mike Boogie's right hand man. He was trained by the biggest ego in big brother, it's likely he adopted that ego from him.

Lorenzo baptista said...

I'm not surprised. Last time he was in the house he was Mike Boogie's right hand man. He was trained by the biggest ego in big brother, it's likely he adopted that ego from him.

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