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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday BB addicts!! Yesterday, we learned that Bridgette and Paulie were nominated for eviction. Da'vonne is who Paulie wants to get up & out this week, as Paul wants Bridgette up and out this week, but doesn't care too much which one goes. Paulie is only up there as a pawn to help fight for veto. Bridgette is trying to get a target painted on Day by telling Paul last night that Da'vonne threw the Otev Comp to help Frank, which isn't true at all.

The HG's will pick for veto comp players in a few hours. Bridgette asked Paul if it's okay to pick to Vic or Corey to play in veto if she gets HG choice. Paul told her to pick Natalie or Michelle.

Speaking of Bridgette, she's feeling very alone in the game now that her "ride or die" (Frank) has left the game. It's her VS the house, she feels.

She said she's gonna fight for veto and mentions that her knee hurts.

Paulie thinks the girls are forming an alliance and wants to see how Zakiyah reacts if he stays up on the block. He also still very much wants Day out this week. He said he's heard that she's mentioned his name a few times (re: getting the showmances out, etc) and that Day's game is to drive wedges in between people and have them go after each other. (*pretty sure that's called playing the game. lol)

11:51pm BBT:
Michelle was goofing around Paul and threw an apple at his back.
A mark on Paul's back appeared instantly.
Paulie: "That's a welt!"
Michelle felt horrible and kept asking if he's okay and if it hurts, does he want lotion rubbed on it, etc etc.

Paul: "You're fine, Meech! It doesn't hurt."
BB: "Michelle, please go to the Diary Room." (*Uh oh. lol)
James: "This is the last time we're gonna see her." (*lol)

At 11:59pm BBT, Michelle comes out of the D.R. crying really loud and then the feeds went to fishies. (They must've really scolded her in the D.R.)

Moving on...

Paulie slept with Paul in the HOH room, which of course pissed off Zakiyah. (*These women this season. Geez.) Paulie is over Zakiyah's drama and ready for her to go. Paul tells him to keep acting like they're okay until that happens.

And cue the Paulie/Zakiyah petty high school drama bullsh*t.
Paulie: "I don't do drama. In my life or in here.."

Zakiyah is upset because he never told her that he was sleeping in the HOH room and not sleeping with her. He just went up without talking with her. He said he's at fault for not telling her, but that he just wanted to focus for the veto comp. (*lol) Note: The fact that they're like 10 ft apart from each other, should speak volumes to her. Get a clue, Zak. He's "just not that into you", girlie.

Their argument/convo/whatever the hell it is, goes on until 4am BBT.  She started crying, Paulie never comforted her. He went back upstairs afterwards.

*And that's it for The Overnighter! The HG's will pick for Veto Comp Players and then play the Veto Comp this afternoon at some point.


UnionGrl said...

I like Z and think she's very pretty but immature. That little hissy fit she threw the other night (Don't you touch MY man!)has sunk her showmance and, I think, her game. It's the sad, sad truth, the dirty lowdown. The women need to wake up and not allow any female to be evicted- period. To passively stand by and let those rowdy boys run their lives is so stupid I can't believe young modern women are letting it happen.

Wake up!!

UnionGrl said...

My surprise with the apple toss was that she didn't toss it in her mouth - where EVERYTHING else seems to go.

Fuzzies said...

LoriBell...I think they did give Frank a talking too as well. He just didn't cry over it. My guess is that future HouseGuest's will get called out sooner, and eventually HouseGuest's won't be allowed to even touch each

Unknown said...

Omg Z gets on my nerves! This ain't no (yes my southern is coming out) dating show! Hello?! You're trying to win $500,000!!! Ya know, a lot of money from everyone else! Smh...

Jassy Tee said...

These hgs are the worst, and I had high hopes for quite a few of them at the start. Reddit boards have posted on the bullying Brigette has endured and it was saddening. Recently the mean girls have isolated and bullied Natalie for winning the Care package.

If anyone is interested in reading the bullying that's going on, the link is:

kwood said...

Did I miss something? Isn't Paulie a Have Not! How can he sleep in the HOH room?

Unknown said...

Kwood the have not hgs have been sleeping in the hoh room this & some past season. It doesn't seem that production is calling them on it.

kwood said...

@Tony isn't that a penalty vote though? If you can get a penalty vote for eating regular food while being a have not then you should get one for not sleeping in the have not bed. Just my opinion!

Carrie* said...

It seems like Z's main issue is simple: JEALOUSY.

She sees all of the snuggles & kisses that Nicole gets (plus "other bits"... ahem) and Z keeps reacting in a jealous way - which only has Paulie distanced himself even more. It's sad that someone as truly beautiful as Z (on the outside, at least) is so deeply insecure... And, honestly, before all of this jealousy bs - she really had some amazing insights on the rest of the houseguests. I was impressed. (Damn you, Paulie! lol)

And, I was SOOO excited for the "Girl Power Season" - and then that turned into a joke. I was heartbroken this fell through so quickly when it actually seemed like the girls would band together - for once. (Pfft!)

It seems like Nicole & Z just want to "hide behind" the muscles & float to the top. However, little do they know, there are plans to get rid of them... But, I wonder about that. Paulie & Corey know that their chances of winning against one another is far more riskier than standing against their showmance... So, who knows?

Also, for all of the chest pumping & dick slinging the guys do EVERY season - isn't it amazing that YEAR AFTER YEAR they're always PETRIFIED of the women. Hmmm. Be the "Alpha Male" you claim to be & go against the girls. Oh wait. You're too scared. (That's what I thought.) lol

~ Carrie* Out

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