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Friday, July 8, 2016

Nominations Ceremony Spoiler

At 9:25am BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Nomination Ceremony. Bridgette is this weeks HOH (..though Frank is pretty much running the show this week..) and we can expect to see Tiffany/Paul up on the block today, with Tiffany being this weeks target. Later on today, we'll have the Roadkill Comp, which the winner will then put up a 3rd nom.

As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler below!

Nominated for Eviction:

11:40am BBT:
Feeds are back!

Tiffany and Paul are nominated for eviction this week. Tiffany has vowed to gun after Frank & Bridgette if she survives this week. Oooo this outta be good! :D

Bronte/Bridgette are in the HOH room right now talking about an incident that happened between Frank/Day yesterday (Friday 1:28am BBT..I just retweeted a short vid of it over on Twitter). Frank has slapped Day & Zakiyah on the butt and the way Frank is treating them is pissing them off. Bronte told Bridgette that Frank apologized to Day and Zakiyah after Paulie had a talk with him.

I'll be back later with the Roadkill Comp results and any post-nom ceremony drama! :D


Unknown said...

This is taking so long. The feeds have been down for 2 hours (maybe more?). This is unusual for a nomination ceremony.

Unknown said...

I'm curious to know, was it a group decision or was it Frank telling Bridgette who to put up?

Unknown said...

I'm curious to know, was it a group decision or was it Frank telling Bridgette who to put up?

Lea said...

Jamie you're on the West coast in the same tone zone as BB, correct?

Unknown said...

Blogs keep posting about a Zaulie show mance brewing on blogs. Is that true? Is CBS not showing it because it's interracial? They usually spotlight romance in the house. I'm surprised they don't think James is being paid for all his practical jokes

Jamie said...

I am Central time, Leah.

There's a little bit of a Zak/Paulie flirtmance going on, they haven't kissed or anything though.

Anonymous said...

i don't believe frank will survive past next week over bunnghazi, day has reached her limit...

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