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Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Monday to y'all!! I have to leave for work in 30 mins, so I gotta make this short & sweet this morning. Today is the Veto Ceremony, where Corey (veto winner) will take himself off the block and then a replacement will go up.

Last night, Frank and Tiffany did a lot of talking to HG's to try to save her (Tiff) this week, but Paulie is not interested. Period. End of story. He wants Tiffany out this week, then Frank, then Da'vonne. That's his pecking order. Even though Tiffany told Paulie about the Fatal Five and everything, doesn't matter. He wants her up & out.

Frank has his own pecking order, though. He told Bridgette that he wants to get Corey/Paulie up on the block next week if its a double eviction. (Break up the showmances.) In other news, Nicole told Corey that she wants Day out. She believes what Frank's been telling her. Speaking of Frank, he told Paul to not try to win comps for a little bit because he'll be seen as a threat. This could be Frank trying to get Paul's teammate (Day) vulnerable to being put up on the block and keep her from winning HOH so that she doesn't gun after Frank, though.

Michelle/Paullie had a talk last night about getting Tiffany out this week. The plan is still on to get Tiff out this week, and Michelle adds that Frank will take Day out if he wins HOH, so no need to do that for him this week.

At 11pm BBT last night, Nicole/Corey talked about wanting Da'vonne gone this week. They know they have Frank's vote as well, and Bridgette. That's 4 of the 5 votes needed. But Nicole doesn't wanna tick off the whole house just to get Day out this week, so getting Day out this week isn't likely to happen. Nicole wants to gun after Day next week, but Corey reminds her that the house wants Frank out next week.

So it looks like Day will go up this week, as Frank/Tiffany are trying really hard to get Tiffany to stay and get Day up & out. It's very unlikely and at this point, it looks like Tiffany will be leaving. However, we have the Battle Back Comp which could lead to Tiffany's return, if she does get evicted.

I'll be back later with the Veto Ceremony results! :D


Unknown said...

Anyone else notice how Paul was the ultra obnoxious Douche the first couple weeks until somebody or CBS told him to tone it down? Then he basically disappeared, dialed back all the offensive talk and actions.
Now that he thinks he's latched on to a powerful group, he's back to being an insufferable tool.
I believe the Paul you saw early on is WHO that guy is in real life.

Razldazlrr said...

Oh yea - I think the early Paul is the real Paul

Unknown said...

I think Paul is great and I'm hoping he wins somehow. Imagine him and Zach in the house at the same time haha

Stevie said...

Trust me, Paul has not dialed it down. It is actually hard to watch the live feeds when he is up and about. He is sooooo loud and talks about himself 24/7. Everything from how cool his friends are, how nice his house is, how many people he knows from England, blah blah blah. He is the worst!!

Victoria Stairz said...

Wait... has Paul been to Berlin? Lol jk

Nmeerleveld said...

Remember when Julie used to interview the HOH on eviction night? Why doesn't that happen anymore?

Unknown said...

And what happened to the have have not comps. They were always alot of fun.

Dianne said...

Paul is zany, but if you don't take him too serious he's kind of entertaining. James is doing a good job of staying out of the heat as is Michelle and Paulie is pretty level headed. He seems a lot smarter than Cody, but it may be just that he learned from Cody's mistakes.

Brandy said...

Heck yeah this is the real Paul,he calmed down for a couple of weeks because his alliance was gone and he had no one and was on the he is off the block and feels safe with his new group, hence the return of the old Paul.

rigs said...

I agree, Paul is obnoxious and has to go after Da and maybe Michelle should be gone after Da. Michelle is not a good person. I didn't like Frank much until Paulie started showing his true colors and now Paulie has to go. He is much less desirable than Frank.

What is all this talk about Tiffany playing her sister's game from last year. She wasn't even playing the game until she found out Paulie and his crew were going to boot her. She was not playing Vanessa's game at all. Vanesa was playing the game from day one. Those who say her tears are phony are bad judge's of character. I like seeing the new Tiffany, the Tiffany who will stand up for herself.

Brandy said...

They are playing the road kill comp instead, this should be the last week of road kill and they probably will do a couple of food comps.

Brandy said...

They are playing the road kill comp instead, this should be the last week of road kill and they probably will do a couple of food comps.

Unknown said...

I was just watching the feeds. And if James calls you mean, you must be mean. Holy moleeeee michelle is a brat to the core. It was cringe worthy. Wow!

Unknown said...

After this week's return hg, they will shortly remove the BBQ roadkill & go back to just 2 nomination from high.

Unknown said...

After this week's return hg, they will shortly remove the BBQ roadkill & go back to just 2 nomination from high.

Unknown said...

And what happened to the have have not comps. They were always alot of fun.

Unknown said...

And what happened to the have have not comps. They were always alot of fun.

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