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Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Monday to all you BB addicts! Hope your weekend was amazing! Yesterday on the feeds, nothing much happened..until later on at night.

Okay, so today is the Veto Ceremony. HOH, Bridgette, won it on Saturday. She also won her team ("Category 4" with Frank/Michelle/Paulie) an Outback Steakhouse dinner during the Veto, which they ate last night around 7:15pm BBT. They were able to pick another team to join them, so they picked Team "Big Sister" (Day/Paul/Zakiyah). Nicole told Da'vonne that she thinks her team was picked so that they weren't alone in the house with her (Nicole's) team. A little later on (8pm BBT), Nicole/Corey were talking and Nicole mentioned that she doesn't trust Da'vonne and how she put a target on their back. (Later on the in the night, Nicole talked to Day and she feels better about trusting her now.) Corey mentioned how he thinks it'd be better to get Bronte out this week (*Oh please, yes!! That voice..ugh. lol) and Nicole agreed, but doesn't think Day would vote Bronte out.

After the Outback dinner, the participating houseguests were a little tipsy from the booze. Bridgette was pretty much bombed and went upstairs to her HOH room to pass out. Frank was already in the room on the bed, so she cuddled up in bed with him.
Both have significant others back home, so this was a little odd to see happen. Frank mostly talked about other HG's: he mentioned how he doesn't like people who doesn't like him 'for no reason', such as Tiffany.

Frank: "Day's dangerous, too...she just is. She's an influencer."

Bridgette went on to say that she thinks Zakiyah is a floater. Frank agreed and said she'd be easy to beat in the end because of that. During this chat, Frank confessed to Bridgette that he won the Roadkill Comp week 1 and put her up on the block and how he won this week and put Bronte up. He said he put Bronte up because she's a good competitor.

Moving on...

10:45pm BBT:
For Zakiyah's birthday, the boys did a little dancing for her. Paulie then gave her a lap dance that made me jealous! haha

(*Oh sweet fancy Moses, yessss!!!)

11:18pm BBT:
Day/Nicole talked in the downstairs bathroom about Frank.
Day told her that Frank is coming after her (D) and that Paulie told her that. Da'vonne said if she wins HOH, she's putting Frank up.

11:40pm BBT:
Zakiyah/Paulie talked about evicting Tiffany this week and then they can all go after Frank next week. Bridgette will either be the backup plan to Frank next week, or they'll get her (B) out the following week. So the order is Tiffany this week, Frank next week, and Bridgette the following week.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony, so I'll be back with those spoilers later on. Until then, enjoy your Monday and enjoy the $6/m live feeds!


Kingboo985 said...

You have a mistake in your blog. You have Michelle retreating to the HoH room when it's Bridgette who did and today is actually Zakiyah's birthday

Jamie said...

THanks, King! Corrected. I dunno why I typed Michelle. I forget shes in house most of the time haha Like the Victoria of this season. Same with Bridgette. When she won HOH, someone on Twitter tweeted that "someone from production won HOH", I nearly peed myself. lol

Unknown said...

Get some coffee Jaime.. We forgive you ;)!!

Jamie said...

oh honey, i need more than just coffe, i need a coffee IV drip at this point lol Or to sleep for like 2 days. :P

Unknown said...

I am deeply offended by CBS. If a man touches a women's but it is a misdemeanor in most states. It can actually qualify as a sex crime. To know that CBS is supporting this behavior without at action is negligent and wrong. He should have been roved from the the house immediately.instead they allow the young kidd wAtching this program to think that behavior is okay.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diego said...


Unknown said...


HurlyBurly said...

People need to stop with the I'm so offended stuff, let alone "deeply". Get over yourself.

Victoria Stairz said...

I think this is a good example of what Mom always said, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt". In this case, gets their feelings hurt, or gets their game hurt, or gets butt-hurt for any reason. Ideally, people wouldn't grope in the first place, but if they continue AFTER they are asked to stop, it is inexcuseable.

Paul's aggression would bother me more than Frank being handsy, but that is just my preferences.

Victoria Stairz said...

I think this is a good example of what Mom always said, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt". In this case, gets their feelings hurt, or gets their game hurt, or gets butt-hurt for any reason. Ideally, people wouldn't grope in the first place, but if they continue AFTER they are asked to stop, it is inexcuseable.

Paul's aggression would bother me more than Frank being handsy, but that is just my preferences.

Keaco said...

Also Paul learned Frank is target next week and told Bronte to watch who she talking to

Keaco said...

Also Paul learned Frank is target next week and told Bronte to watch who she talking to

Kingboo985 said...

Anytime Jamie. Drunk Michelle was also the highlight of Sunday night feeds, am I right?

Unknown said...

I don't watch the live steams but I think the but pinch wouldn't have happened it'll d would have talk to Frank along time ago about how she feels about it. That how adults do things talk about it. In the episode she even continues a slut joke. I'm not say grabbing her but is okay but she should have said something earlier

Unknown said...

I don't watch the live steams but I think the but pinch wouldn't have happened it'll d would have talk to Frank along time ago about how she feels about it. That how adults do things talk about it. In the episode she even continues a slut joke. I'm not say grabbing her but is okay but she should have said something earlier

Sammie said...

I don't know exactly the situation, but I think confronting guys on stuff like that especially in a game situation like this might be difficult for fear of blowing up her game, especially with Frank running the show this week. Day isn't the only one that's bothered by it it seems, but none of the other girls said anything either. Perhaps Day was worried that confronting him about that, even in a nice way, would ruin her game. Maybe Frank would think she's too sensitive or something and turn on her next week after Tiff is gone. Just my thoughts. The game is stressful, so I don't know exactly what runs through each players' heads. But they don't always make the logical decision since it's hard to think straight.

Cyn B said...

Thank you Samantha....I think Day just avoided saying anything thinking that he would not do it again and again and again...the house knows he's running it so for her to say anything, for any girl to say anything would be detrimental to their game. They already feel out numbered by the guys anyway so complaining might not be so good. To me, Frank should know that this is not acceptable to everyone.

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