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Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & TGI-Friday!! The weekend is here! w00t w00t!! Okay, so as we learned last night, Bridgette is this weeks HOH and Victor is least for now. He will battle against either Glenn or Jozea in the Battle Back comp, so there's a possibility we haven't seen the last of him.

Nicole/Corey/Tiffany are Have Nots for the week. (Paul had mentioned that if he was a Have Not again, he'd go nuts. Was kinda hoping to see that happen. Darn. lol)

7:58pm BBT:
Poor Corey tried out the Bumper Car bed (where Have Nots sleep) and yea..its not gonna work very well. He looked up at one of the BB house cams and..well...I'll let the pics speak for themselves. :P

Before last night's HOH comp, a lot of the HG's were on the "get Frank out this week" bandwagon, but Bridgette winning HOH put that plan on the back-burner since Bridgette's team (Frank/Paulie/Michelle) are safe this week. After the feeds came back on, Paulie told Nicole/Corey that Frank's gotta go next week, since they can't pull the trigger this week. They decide to gun after Tiffany this week instead. Frank wants Tiffany up & out this week, so unless Tiffany wins veto, I fully expect that to happen.

Frank plans on getting inside Tiffany's head before the veto comp tomorrow to make her "frazzled". He wants to go up to her after the nom ceremony and tell her it's in her best interest to keep his name out of her mouth for her own game sake.

Along side Tiffany on the block, will be Paul. This will be Paul's 3rd time on the chopping block this season. Paulie suggested putting Bronte up next to Tiffany, but Bridgette is in the Spy Girls/Power Puff Alliance with her, so she shut that talk down pretty quickly.

So basically this is Frank's HOH and he wants Tiffany gone this week. And so, it shall be done. Today we have the Nomination Ceremony and the Roadkill Comp. I'm anxious to see who the 3rd nom will be (though it'll most likely be Bronte, depending on who wins it.)

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Today, things should heat up as Noms go on the block and gaming starts back up again, plus Tiffany probably freaking out as usual. Good stuff! I'll be back later with the Nominations Spoiler. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!


Unknown said...

Is it just me or are the Calafiore's floater magnets? Here we have christine 2.0 (Michelle) gravitating towards Cody Light. Ugh.

DeniseG said...

How are the have nots determined?

BBFan9891 said...

Have nots are the first team to be fully out of the HOH comp (Freakazoids were all eliminated before all of another team) or the team who gathers the least whatever in the comp (Big Sister had the fewest berries at the end of the comp)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The team had the had the worst score in HOH competition win the Have Nots.

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