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Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! Last night on the $6/m live feeds was utter chaos! I thought for sure this week was already done before it even began (thinking that Bridgette would go up & out this week), but nope...Paulie has other plans.

Even though Paul is the HOH, we all know that basically Paulie is the real HOH this week, as he has Paul somewhat under his control. The Nominations Ceremony is today at some point, but not sure when that will take place now that Roadkill is done. (Nom ceremony used to be early on Friday's but now that RK is done, not sure when the nom ceremony will happen now.)

Oh, and the Have Not's for the week are the 4 HG's that had the lowest scores in last nights HOH comp:

Let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!
Paul asked Victor/Corey if any of them would be the pawn next to Bridgette. Victor said he's not okay with that because he just got back into the house. 

Paulie wants Da'vonne going home this week and as we all know, he's been on this "nominate 2 girls every week" kick for sometime now, so he doesn't want a guy to go up. 

But Paul wants Bridgette up & out this week. Not Da'vonne.

Paulie worked on him a bit more and Paul decided that while he won't put Day up initially, he's okay with her being the renom if it comes to it. He just doesn't want Day up all week and then cause some sh*tstorms in the house because of it.

At 11:21pm BBT, Paul assures Day that she's safe this week, Bridge is his target, and that he's gonna try to win veto to make sure everything goes okay. Day said she trusts him, but not others in the house. Shortly after this convo, Paulie talked to Zakiyah and told her that Day is going after the showmances, so she needs to go.

Nicole freaked out all night about possibly being the pawn. So she went and woke up Natalie, trying to convince her to go up as the pawn.

But Natalie wasn't having any of it. Later on in the night, Nicole talked to Paul and he promised her that if she goes up as a pawn, she's "1,000% safe" this week because either Bridgette or Day would go home over her. Then Corey offered to go up as a pawn.

"But wait, there's more!"

Paulie decides to be the pawn next to Bridgette. Why? Because it would help Paul in the veto comp to win veto.
Paul/Paulie will try to win the veto so that Paulie can come off the block, while preventing Bridgette from winning veto at the same time. Then Day will be the renom. While Paul is still wanting Bridgette gone this week, he said he'll be okay with what the "house decides". *head desk*

So in Paul's mind, Bridgette is the target (with Day as the backup).
In Paulie's mind, Day is the target (with Bridgette as a backup).

**And that's it for The Overnighter! We'll find out later on today if the plan is still to put up Bridgette/Paulie (as the pawn) and see if Paulie's plan to get Day up & out this week is still on the right track or not. I'll post the results of the Nomination Ceremony later on today. Today is my dog's 8th birthday (some of y'all will remember that when I blogged during BB10, she was just a puppy. Can't believe it's been 8 yrs already!!) So I'm gonna go take her for a hike as her birthday present and then toy shopping at Petco afterwards. lol But I'll be back after that. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!! :D


Anonymous said...

A www!! Happy birthday to your puppy. What's her name? Love your blog. Thanks for keeping me updated!

Jamie said...

Thank you! Her name is Miss Bella :)

Jamie F. said...

Personally, I don't think paulie wants to see Bridgette leave quite yet. He is friends with her at times. Great job on the blog as always. Even when it gets repetitive.

Jamie said...

Thanks, J!! <3

Olivia said...

Happy birthday, Bella!

And, as easy as it is to armchair quarterback, do these people not know how to play the game?????

-facepalm- What's happened to the Will Kirby's, Derek's, Janelle's, Dan Gheesling's of the game?? Strategic, charasmatic, didn't take it personal, loved the spirit of the game.... -rubbing my palms in to my eyes-

Jezabelle said...

Happy Birthday Bella!

TonyaB1027 said...

OMG, I want them to use Nicole as a pawn just because she is soooo whiney!!

UnionGrl said...

I'm wondering why no one mentions using Michelle. If she went home it's no great loss. I love the idea of back dooring Day ('cause she'd got it coming for sure) It's regrettable that there are no strong or strategic players (Day sometimes, she's just so dirty doing it)but often you must play the hand dealt.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Bella! Mine is tomorrow! Cheers

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Danielle!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bella!! Time really fly's, remember when she was just a wee pup. Love you Jamie and Bella. Thank you for all the hard and Bella for her patience, have a great BD weekend celebration!

Critter said...

Happy Birthday Miss Bella:-)))

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