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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Early Afternoon Post + BB18 The Saga (New Video)

Good afternoon & welcome to the Early Afternoon post! Earlier today, James/Tiffany had a talk about this weeks eviction. James said he wouldn't mind seeing Paul get evicted this week and that maybe she should talk to Corey/Nicole about it. Tiffany said that she already has them (Nic/Cor) for votes. James asked which HG's she has for votes so far, and Tiffany says DaVonne, Michelle, Corey, Nicole..she just needs one more. James said that he'll vote for her to stay if everyone else does and it's the majority.

After their convo, James went and told Da'vonne about their talk and how Tiffany thinks she has 4 votes. They then went and talked to Michelle about keeping Tiffany this week. James said he'll talk to Corey/Nicole and that he thinks he can get Natalie to keep Tiffany, too. Day says to talk to Corey first, and then he can talk to Nicole. Day said that if they keep Tiffany, she doesn't care if it pisses Frank off because it'd be one more person (Tiff) fighting for HOH and gunning after Frank.

Michelle mentioned throwing the HOH so her team doesn't win, making Frank vulnerable to eviction this upcoming week. James said that Paulie will do the same (throw HOH). James is just worried that Frank will win veto, but Michelle said that they can just get Bridgette out then, since she's Frank's "right hand man". James/Day said that if Nicole/Corey are on board, then they'll keep Tiffany. Michelle brought up a good point, that if Frank is on the block and wins veto, and Tiffany is still in the house, then he'll just gun after her anyway...she'd be a target in front of the rest of them. James said he's tired of playing Frank's game. Michelle agreed and said they're sending people home that would target Frank.

James gets called to the D.R. and Tiff/Da'vonne have a talk. She fills Tiffany in on getting James to keep her this week. Tiffany got excited. Day told Tiffany to go talk to Nicole/Corey to make sure she has their votes.

So it looks like the tide is shifting in Tiffany's favor! Will it work? We shall see.

In other news, Frank talked to Bronte about how Double Evictions work. Bronte said it sounds intense and that she might puke on that night. Frank said it is intense and that he almost puked during his season on D.E. night.

**And that's it for the Early Afternoon post!! And now, for the newest BB18 Saga Video...

Hilarious as always!! :D
See y'all later, enjoy watching the $6/m live feeds!!


Unknown said...

I love Wil's videos!!

Jamie said...

right?! omg me too!!

daryl42 said...

Your blog, Wils videos, the actual BB show is my order of favor

Jamie said...

aww thanks Daryl!! <3

hebtz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Is this the second saga video? I saw the first one already and don't want to miss one.

Unknown said...

Is this the second saga video? I saw the first one already and don't want to miss one.

JChism said...

I think the latest one is #3 as #2 had the scene with the mayo in the lotion bottle. Too funny.

LilyPearl0560 said...

I love these videos.

Fred said...

Already not a Tiffany fan!

Fred said...

Already not a Tiffany fan!

laura said...

So Tiffany is aware she was the original target this week????

Unknown said...

Not so sure the plan to keep Tiffany won't blowup everybody's game. She might start winning and running things like her sister Vanessa did in her season.

Unknown said...

Not so sure the plan to keep Tiffany won't blowup everybody's game. She might start winning and running things like her sister Vanessa did in her season.

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