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Friday, July 29, 2016

BB Care Package Chaos

At 11:52am BBT, we saw Natalie get the first BB Care Package on the live feeds.

Natalie reads the Care Package card..

Natalie: "...get to enjoy warm showers, a comfortable bed, and all the food you can eat all summer long. Thanks, America!"
And cue the chaos!

*Michelle thinks Nat got the care package because she's in a showmane with James.
*Michelle/Nicole/Corey are glad they didn't get the care package because they think they'll just get better
and better as the weeks go on (*yep).
*Paulie's jealousy shows through immediately by saying "now you have no reason to not be on the block", since Nat used the excuse that she didn't wanna go up as a pawn because she's already a HN this week. (er..was.)

*Speaking of Paulie, he calls natalie "FT" for "fake t*ts". That's nice.
*Nicole's jealousy towards Natalie also started to show through quickly.
*Paulie is now pressing for Nat to go up as the pawn next to Bridge.
*Paulie thinks Nat is being "arrogant" now because she jumped up and down in excitement for getting the care pacakge.

*Nicole & Michelle agree with Paulie (*shocker) that Natalie "has changed" to being cocky now.
*Paulie compares Natalie to being another Victoria or GinaMarie, gonna float her way to the end.
*But then Paulie said that he wants to use Natalie like a Victoria/GM..put her up every week since she does nothing anyway.

*Zakiyah joins in the jealousy of Nat getting the package and says Nat is a floater. She told this to Nicole/Corey and Michelle.

*Paulie then pitched to Paul how everyone "hates Natalie".

*But Paul said he's keeping his word and gonna get either Bridge or Day out this week.

*Paul thinks it's smarter, strategy wise, to put up Paulie VS Bridge.
*Victor doesn't want "his boy" to go up on the block (Paulie).
*James told Nat how Nicole wanted her to go up on the block this week and to watch out for her.
*Nat is now worried she's going on the block.
*But Nat has nothing to worry about, as the plan is still on for Paulie/Bridgette on the block.

**Holy moly!! The feeds are really starting to get heated up today. Okie dokie, I'll be back later with the Nomination Ceremony spoiler. Enjoy the live feeds!!


Unknown said...

So according to Paulie, Natalie "does nothing". If that's the case, what about Zakhia? She has won no competitions and I've yet to see a diary room monologue from her. I don't even know what her voice sounds like!!! And don't get me started on Nicole. She is whiney and pretty hopeless at everything. She flip flops like a fish in a boat. She hasn't won a single competition that I'm aware of, and was only HOH by default.

Dianne said...

Re these talking trash about Natalie: They are petty, immature idiots, and I can't stand them.

Andy Tatnall said...

Part of me wonders if America gave this care package to Natalie maliciously, because she seems to enjoy the bumper car beds so much. But I suspect not.

Also, I was a fan of Michelle earlier in the game, but her ugly, jealous side is really starting to get on my nerves.

Ryan P said...

"Paulie thinks Nat is being "arrogant" now because she jumped up and down in excitement for getting the care pacakge" Seriously! this guy is making me sick along with the rest, these personal attacks are just getting really hard to watch. I hope Paulie gets a big shock for allowing himself to be a pawn! what game are these people playing? if these people were really playing they would see the opportunity they have here.

P.S My first time here just want to say thanks for all you do Jamie I've been visiting for a long time and since I'm in Canada I can't get the live feeds :(

Anonymous said...

Can we trade Paulie back for Cody?

LilyPearl0560 said...

Can one houseguest receive more than one surprise package? It would be great if Nat got it every week. LOL

GMAGS said...

Nope - once a HG get's a care package, they are no longer eligible to get another one. That's why some of the HG were happy that this one went to Nat and not them. She is no longer eligible to get one and they believe the care packages will get better and better every week.

Diego said...

Okay not to be like the haters of the house, but I have seen Paulie talking bad about Day and Natalie and I hate this side of him. He's becoming a new member of the "mean girls". He says that Day is the female version of Frank but I think that Paulie is.

UnionGrl said...

What is with telling James to 'humble his girl'? What? We just nominated a female Presidential candidate and these 'boys' are asking permission from each other with regards to the women in the house. (Vic asking Paulie if Z could sleep in his bed, clearing with Corey and James about putting their women up for evection,etc...) Children. I don't remember anyone putting a ring on it - do you?

What century are these people in?

kwood said...

Just curious! How is Paulie getting to sleep in the HOH room when he is a Have Not?

BB Bopper said...

**Jamie:. I keep seeing this *head desk* what does it mean?

How does Paulie think it's OK to call Nat "FT"? That is VERY rude and condescending. Why doesn't somebody say something or call him out on it? Man if it was Frank he'd sure catch hell for it! And what's with Paulie's plan to put up two girls every week? Does he think that if he gets rid of all the girls and there's nothing but guys left that he has a better chance of winning? Although there doesn't seem to be very many strong competitors either girls or guys, having nothing but guys left doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Paulie's logic seems very flawed.

BB Bopper said...

Another thing, why the hell can't someone "Nat" be excited about getting a surprise??? When did that become a crime? It wasn't as if it was something against any of them or that would directly effect their game. Telling James that he needs to "humble his girl"!!!! Who the he*l does he think he is?? Man he is sooo out of line it's shocking. Humble his girl!! Omg what a misogynistic thing to say. I'm disgusted with him.

Anonymous said...

Natalie is a snake and horrible person. She basically false
Yelled rape to get a player out who was playing his game
Fairly. If ur the worst in the house from
Th start why is that anyone problem

Plus she now has a very loose mouth about people not even in the house and starts the shit talking seems like a fake to me

Anonymous said...

Not to mention she is playing James for the sucker he is. Clearly he's inexperienced and she has no love interest other than big brother: James says it himself he doesn't cuddle
They don't kiss or anything. Why is she now
Also making fun of a real Relationship Corey and Nicole why is it shocking that they have actual physical anything

Plus the low blow about losing respect for zakiyah

This girl taken what Paulie
Said which was clearly reciprocated plenty to all the guys for them to be comfortable and made it into a sexual harassment at that exact moment so she is a full hypocrite since she chose to ruin a persons reputation just to get him out of a game that he was winning /leading fairly

Anonymous said...

Natalie was crying every night in the have not room and was scared to walk the house now she has
Balls to Talk Shit and initiate every shit Talking . James also said 500k is nothing compared to
Her and is willing to lose bc he thinks
He has her. Natalie put him In the friend zone months ago America what are you all seeing she literally is crushing the poor guy

Anonymous said...

Everyone talked about getting her out all the time because she was ranked last in the brain section and comps. She has her bloated face left now I'm sorry I'm
Never one to go so mad I write on these things. But she is def the biggest snake next to PAUL the beard. And watch season ends and they'll never be a coupl friends only and James is a true sucker that he is blinded by a rusty penny. Once again sorry for the anger but America is making me compare his nonsense to why someone like Donald trump is running for president like wtf

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