Watch BB18!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Afternoon Post

Good evening, ladies & gents! The afternoon in the BB18 house has been rather uneventful. Frank is still slated to exit on Thursday, nothing has changed there.

In other news, it *appears* (but not yet confirmed) that BB19 will be this Fall. This is due to an article on Reality Blurred and former BB houseguest Becky saying that her agent sent her the info that BB is casting for BB19 this Fall (she posted about it on Twitter). As soon as I get 100% confirmation, I will definitely let y'all know. And yes, I will be blogging BB19, no matter when it'll take place. lol

So, to recap:
-Frank is still getting evicted Thursday
-Nicole is still whiny
-Paul talked about tattoo advice for a long time
-James did his HOH blog & took pics

That's really about it.

I actually listened to Paul go on and on (and on) about tattoos, simply because I wanna get more tats done and was listening to his advice on finding a good artist, how to take care of them, etc etc. I probably listened for way longer than I should have....I was bored. lol Anyway, it's actually pretty good advice for anyone who wants to use the Flashback Feature on the live feeds.

 Paul talking about his stomach/chest tattoo.

Paul explains that he had his nipple filled in black because it's part of his eagle wing and wanted it to blend in, but it needs to be done again because the skin didn't take the ink well. He doesn't have his other nipple tattooed fully because he "tapped out" and was about to vomit from the pain. lol
Showing his side tats.

"Love Sucks" tat right above know. lol :P
**I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the $6/m live feeds!!


Unknown said...

I can't view ur blog as a mobile site anymore. Not sure if it's just my phone or had something to do with the error

Jamie said...

i switched it from Mobile Friendly to View Website.

Victoria Stairz said...

Is this a permanent change? No offense to the web version, but it is sooooo much easier to read (for me, on my phone) on the Mobile Friendly option. Obvs, it's your website, you can do what you want, of course, but I just thought I'd weigh in! :)

Unknown said...

I also strictly read the blog on my iPhone and it took some getting used to but I like it now! At first it sucked and I was trying to change it back but it's all good!

BB Bopper said...

I am just now watching BBAD from Mon night and I just witnessed a new way to dry dishes! I watched as Corey was washing the dishes and Paul holding food in his left hand, which he was eating, picking up a clean dish shake it in the air to get some of the water off and put it away. He did this over and over with dishes and silverware etc. In other words they weren't even dry! He didn't bother to use a towel to dry them off (he couldn't he had the dish in one hand and food in the other). What was up with that? Did anyone else notice him doing this?

Also Jamie until you showed those close up screen shots of Paul's tattoos I had no idea that big black blob on his chest was an eagle! Whoever did that tat did him a disservice because a good tattoo artist would know how to use shading and gradients and other techniques to add light to that bird so that you could actually make out what it was. It looks really ugly to me...but that's just mho

Unknown said...

I think it's a cover-up piece do it looks too dark for that reason. But I do agree it's dark. :(

Walkrock said...

He has a horrible chest tattoo

Unknown said...

I would rather have the mobile friendly version back please. So much easier especially if I've missed a day of the blogs! Thank you Jamie for all you do!

Unknown said...

I the non mobile. Old school. Lol. Either way.. Thank u

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