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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Weds Afternoon Post

Drammaa!! ;) There's still some tension that was leftover from last night and the tension was so thick this early afternoon, that you could've cut it with a knife. Also, Bronte has quickly become one of the most hated HG's (next to Jozea/Paul) for her racial comments the past couple days about James. Let's get caught up!

HG's are on inside lockdown as BB builds tomorrow's live show comp. I'm sure being trapped in the house isn't helping the tension. lol :P

10:44am BBT:
Victor yells that James' pranks are "f*cking petty!".

10:49am BBT:
Jozea/Paul/Victor/Bronte are in the kitchen. Paul says he's gonna "sh*t in James' bed". Victor said he's gonna sh*t in James' mouth  (because of all the pranks James has been pulling..the latest one involved crackers). Paul then said he hopes Nicole gets melanoma (skin cancer).

10:55am BBT:
Frank fills Nicole/James in on what the kitchen crew just said. Nicole thinks they need to lighten up. James said he's ready to go downstairs and "stir up some sh*t". And then he does just that.

11:02am BBT:

Paul is complaining about the pranks, specifically the ones that involve food because of the ant problem they have in the house (as they do every season, but they arrived early this year) and Paul said he's getting bit on his neck by them. Victor then chimes in and him/James go rounds.

James: "Black ants bite?"
Victor: "The f*ck does it matter if they bite or not? They're ants, nonetheless."
Paul: "Black ants bite, though."
James: "They don't bite."
Victor: "I don't care if they bite or not, I don't f*cking want them anywhere."
James: "You're gonna have'em regardless."
Victor: "Yep! And it makes it easier if you keep throwing sh*t in our room, man."
James: "You need to lighten up, bro."
Victor: "You need to stop doing that sh*t, bro."
James: "You need to lighten up, bro. Lighten'up. Big Brother 18, man. Have fun. You're not at home anymore. You don't have to be so wound up."
Victor: "It's not about being wound up, man."
James: "Where's the kid in you? You have any kid left in you? Or you just a I can't do anything fun, it's not in my can put crackers in my bed, if you want."
Victor: "But I don't."
James: "You should. It's fun." (*lol!)

James: "You'll laugh. Laugh is good for the soul."

This is definitely worth the look on the Flashback Feeds.

11:28am BBT:

Bronte is talking badly about James to Natalie.

Bronte: "I don't know why James did this. Like, he's on our team! Why go out of your way to have bad blood, little f*cktard. I seriously could beat James up right now. It was just so unnecessary. ..and I wanna kick his little Asian a** back to Hong Kong, or wherever he came from."

Natalie just sighs and looks down at her nails.
Bronte goes on and on about how much of a liar James is (see the Overnighter for details on why). What's interesting, is that it was Bronte who made all this drama up and she's pinning it on James.

Around 11:23am BBT, Bronte said that the HG's this season are "ratchet". Such a sweetheart, this one. ;) lol

11:40am BBT:
HOH Landing/Chess Area

Paul patched things up with James by appologizing. saying he doesn't want things to be awakward between the three of them (Victor/James/Paul) since they're on the same team. James said he'll go talk to Victor one on one and that Victor needs to lighten up.

12:20pm BBT:
Corey tells James that when he (J) walked away from the kitchen convo earlier, Victor mumbled "don't punch him, don't threaten him". James said he's glad he didn't hear it but it's good to know he said it. Nicole warns Corey to stay out of the drama. James tells Nicole that he was gonna apologize to Victor, but not now. Since Victor is on James team, James wants to throw the HOH comp to make Victor vulnerable to being nominated.

James: "I've never been so ready to lose a competition." 

*And that's it for the Afternoon Post! Other than that, and Frank wanting to desperately take off the pixels costume, nothing much has happened. Lots of napping and laying around for now. Tonight should be another story, though. If you haven't tried out the feeds, you really should! Stuff is finally starting to get good and tomorrow's blindside eviction is just gonna be added fuel to the fire! haha They're only $6 bucks a month, nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get'em up & running. Just click right here to go get the live feeds & support the blog!!

PS Tonight's BB18 episode airs at 8pm ET!


Unknown said...

You should change your Twitter bio from bb17 to bb18 lol. Nice blog though.

Unknown said...

Oooo Haha just changed it thx!

Fred said...
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Fred said...

Is anyone hearing a crackling sound during BB on CBS?

Jamie said...

no it was fine for me, Fred.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I swear to god, Paul and Victor are going to take themselves out early if they keep acting like this! Seriously! Did they not watch last season? This is what James does! It's called Mind Games, and it's a lot more effective then threatening to clock someone for crumbs in the bedroom.

Unknown said...

Seriously, don't these people know they are being watched 24/7!? I mean look what happened to Aaryn in BB15!

Jen D. said...

I wouldn't use her as an example lol she lost her job but now has a super successful YouTube channel and just had a baby that she now films with which will bring in more money. She also has a successful and expensive etsy store. She didn't learn a damn thing from the backlash of bb. Gina Marie would be a better example as she still has nothing going on in her life. Or even spencer lol. On a side not if you've seen Aaryns channel you'll see GM and spencer were in her wedding. Yikes!

Victoria Stairz said...

And why are racists always so misinformed, too? I mean, does she think that is a tattoo of China on James' arm?!? Does the fact that he is of Korean heritage, rather than Chinese, matter to her? I just can't with her!!!

Taz Caz said...

I get sick to my stomach when these supposedly educated people talk race. It just shows how awful they are. If I heard it in real life, I'd punch somebody. Wish I could get in there. Obvious question, but don't these people realize they're on camera??? Hope karma bites them when they come out.

Steve Robbins Art said...

@ Jen D-
I think Aaryn was just a dumb kid. I was grossly offended by her, but I got the feeling she didn't have enough experience to understand cause-and-effect. That's not me giving her a pass by any means.
Gina Marie and Spencer, on the other hand... >:(

@ Shannon Caswell-
I truly hope Paul's clothing line suffers, and the Armenian community distances themselves from him. Jozea is a jackass, and clearly has his head up his butt, but Paul and Victor are unforgiveably awful.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Odds-Making Time:
2:1 Another casually racist and/or homophobic thing is reported before the live broadcast
3:1 Julie says something nuanced about these comments
10:1 Julie says something pointed about these comments
20:1 Paul follows through on his threat to be destructive
50:1 CBS airs some of the controversial dialogue that is mostly being discussed by feedsters and social media
100:1 Jozea survives elimination, and Bridgette or Paulie goes home
Over-Out: Nothing controversial is said on the feeds

Place your bets, people! Let's see how much fake money you'll rake in!

Anonymous said...

I know it's early but I am Team Frank. :)

Anonymous said...
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JChism said...

I think BB researches their candidates pretty thoroughly and deliberately chooses a few controversial, uneducated idiots as houseguests knowing they will create drama. The racial remarks are disgusting.

Razldazlrr said...

I just love some of the trivia people have here - Jen D - Aaryn with a baby and a youtube channel - frightening! She was just so horrible on the show - she's probably leading the pretty Texas rich girl life now.

Bronte - very strange female. James - I have to admit, I would get tired of the pranks all the time, once in a while is ok.

Tonite should be interesting!

Taz Caz said...

So is Bronte. She told both Paul and Tiffany she'd like to kick his ass back to Hong Kong or wherever he comes from. SMH

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