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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Tuesday, BB addicts!! Just a quick recap...Jozea/Paulie/Bridgette are all nominated for eviction. Jozea is definitley going home this Thursday, while Jozea and the "Rookies Against Vets" alliance think that Jozea is safe. Oh boy.

Before I get to the Overnighter, I have the very first BB18 Saga video to share with y'all and it's a good one!!

Love it!

Okay, moving on...

Da'vonne and Frank had a talk yesterday (4pm BBT) about how she's scared of a Paulie/Zakiyah showmance blooming and Paulie taking Day's ally away. Frank mentioned the pecking order be Jozea this week, Victor next week, Bronte, then maybe Paulie.

In the newbies world, Bronte/Natalie had a talk yesterday, where Bronte said she'd be scared if Jozea goes home this week. Bronte also said she wants a girl to win BB this season, but then said if she wins HOH, she'd put up Corey and Nicole (who's been having a flirtmance lately.)  Later on in the night, Bronte/Natalie wondered why Paulie isn't scared of going home this week. (*lol) Paul thinks it's because Paulie has "accepted his fate". These newbies crack me up. :P

Not only does Jozea not suspect he's going home, but he thought about not even packing his bags this week because of how confident he is in staying. (6:34pm BBT)

Victor told him to pack anyway, as it wouldn't look good if he was that cocky to not pack. Late in the night, Paul/Jozea talked about winning HOH next week and who to nominate. Ahhh, I love the delusions. ;)

For the 2nd time, Da'vonne brings up a Final 2 scenario with Nicole (7:30pm BBT), saying that she wants to go to the end with her. Nicole didn't really seem excited about it, but didn't run away from Day like she did the other day, so I guess that's progress. lol They plan on possibly using a newbie to take out the 2 boy vets, James/Frank, down the line.

The "Fatal 5 Alliance" is already starting to crack under pressure. Da'vonne and Nicole think Tiffany is too emotional and Day wouldn't mind if they had to let her go. So much for an all-girls alliance lasting this season!

Bronte has a crush on Paulie that she keeps trying to mask and even mentioned how he's "the most beautiful thing" she's ever seen. (I can't argue with that...look at this guy! Geez.)
At 3:05am, Paulie was flirting with Bridgette. (I'm telling y'all..he's using his good looks and flirting to get the ladies on his side. I could be wrong, but if I was him, that's what I'd do.)

Oh, and last night (8:42pm BBT), Bridgette and Paulie talked by the hammock. She told him a story about partially biting someones ear off during a college drinking party.

Paulie asked if it was provoked, to which she said no. Hmmm. Ooook. *side eyes Bridgette*

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I'll be back in the afternoon with an update post on the BB18 house happenings. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!


Unknown said...

That video was hilarious!!!

Unknown said...

That video was hilarious!!!

Jamie said...

right?! i love Wil!!!

Unknown said...

That video was a hoot,so funny.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Jozea is a jackass!
I think Nicole should align with Day. Both of them are strong enough together to make it through to the end.

Beard-Paul is also a jackass. His raging, full-throttle hate-boner he has towards the vets is amazingly unattractive in the DR moments on broadcast.

Unknown said...

Wil is the MVP of BB every year and the rest of 'em don't even know it! LOL

Joe said...

At first I thought the roadkill comp would really go after floaters since the more competitive players are going to be winning and nominating. In this BBC world it just makes the social game that much more important, so to me.. advantage veterans.

I wasn't too thrilled frank already shared that he had won it. Definitely the better move to keep it a secret. James certainly didn't give frank the celebration he was used to from boogie.

With that awkward exchange in mind and then also considering the way Nicole kind of walked away from a final two with Day.. these vets aren't exactly thrilled with each other. I don't think they will stay aligned much past the halfway point.

Unknown said...

Good points, Joe!

Unknown said...

What is the tv schedule this year? Is it on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays?

Ashlee Lopez said...

It was funny! Wished Glenn could have stayed... He would of had a good social game, i think.

Fred said...

I can't wait to see Jozea's face on Thurday when they announce who has been evicted! That's what Big Brother is all about, the unexpected. #BlindSide

Unknown said...

Wednesday, Thursday,Sunday with evictions on Thursday

Unknown said...

Wednesday, Thursday,Sunday with evictions on Thursday

Unknown said...

I can't wait for him to leave because I am tired of seeing him run around in his underwear. Put some clothes on. I mean do you really need to cook like that. It's one thing if you live alone, but you are in a house with 15 other people.

Unknown said...

I really hope the bearded butthead goes home soon. I really thought he was gonna be cool but the more i have to watch him the more he annoys me. As for jozea he is just trying to be frankie and completely missing the mark.

Jamie thanks so much for all your time. I have been reading you blog for 4 years smd cant make it without ya

Unknown said...

Thank you! :)

Razldazlrr said...

OMG - that video is so damn funny!! He is so talented!

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