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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D It's been a long, loooong week for us BB fans but today is the day that we will see Jozea finally get evicted, followed by a new HOH being crowned. I can't wait to see what this upcoming week has in store for us!

Before I get to the Overnighter, I wanted to give y'all an updated Alliance Chart, courtesy of the wonderful @89razorskate20 on Twitter.

Okie dokie, let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!

7:50pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Jozea is still confident that he's safe this week and that Paulie is trying to "out social-game him", but he can't.
Jozea also mentions that Day was voted out by white people on her season, so she won't side with them. *head desk* Victor/Jozea talk about who to put up if they win HOH. At first, Jozea said Nicole, but then switched it to James/Corey, so that Nicole would be left by herself. Umm...that's not how the game works, Jozea. But ok. lol :p

8:06pm BBT:
Natalie asked Nicole about Victor asking her (Nicole) out on a date post-BB. Nicole said he mentioned that he liked her and wanted to spend time together outside the house, but she just thinks it was strategy. Even so, Nicole said she doesn't like him like that. Natalie said she doesn't like Victor like that either, and that she just doesn't like Victor lying about it.

9:19pm BBT:
HOH Room
Frank and Zakiyah are talking about Tiffany. Frank mentions that he wouldn't mind seeing Tiffany go in the next few weeks. Frank said he wouldn't mind if Tiffany goes next, after Jozea and Victor.

Frank: "We got the numbers, at that point."
Zakiyah: "Yea."
Frank: "Natalie and Bridgette aren't threats."
Zakiyah: "No. They're not." (laughs)
Frank: "I'll win the Roadkill Comp and put (Tiffany) up anonymously."
Zakiyah: "She makes me nervous...she makes herself seem suspect."

10:13pm BBT:
Frank is telling the girls that Jozea is probably gonna get voted out. Natalie said she's not going back on her word, she's gonna keep Jozea (doesn't matter, Jozea is still going). Frank encourages her to vote anyway she wants to vote and that he (Frank) isn't gonna vote out his teammate (Paulie). 

Natalie: "I'm not a person that says something, and then not keep it. It's just not my style."

10:42pm BBT:
London Bedroom

Natalie tells Bronte/Victor she feels like Jozea will be evicted this week, and not Paulie.

Victor: "I really want Jozea to win Head of Household. I really do."
Natalie: "Jozea's going home tomorrow. I just feel it."
Bronte: "If Jozea goes home, we have to hustle."
Victor: "I don't think so.."
Natalie: "You really think Frank is gonna vote against Paulie?"
Victor: "Yep."

Bronte/Victor still think Jozea will be safe tomorrow and Paulie will go.

11:03pm BBT:
Natalie said she wanted to talk to James about how she's hearing two sides of the story of the whole Nicole/Victor date thing. James said he's straight up and doesn't lie. Natalie said that's why she wanted to talk to him.

Frank: "That's why I told you (Natalie) that James is not a malicious person."
Natalie: "I know that."
James: "I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna hurt your feelings, I didn't know if it would..that's why I was like, just be careful."
Natalie: "Yea."

11:14pm BBT:
London Bedroom
Natalie tells Bronte she's keeping Jozea but

Natalie: "I'm voting for Jozea (to stay), I'm keeping my word, but moving forward..I'm not gonna go against the house. And tomorrow, we're gonna find out who 'the house' is...I'm not gonna make myself a target..they're all targets."
Bronte: "Yea."

Bridgette walks in and asks Natalie if she's okay. Natalie said yea and that she's already made a promise to keep Jozea and so she's keeping her word.

1:02am BBT:
London Bedroom
Tiffany/Nicole/James is crying and freaking out about Frank being a male chauvinist. (NOTE: this is all because Frank felt like Tiffany was grilling him about why he told Natalie about Jozea possibly going home.)

Nicole hugs her and asks her what she wants to tell Frank for her. Tiffany doesn't like that she's crying and says she hopes BB shows other people crying, too. James jokes and said if he could cry, he would.

Tiffany: "Say 'she's fine, she just needs some time.'"
Nicole: "Okay."

Tiffany asks James to stay in the room with her. Nicole offers Tiffany to sleep in the HOH room with her. James: "I know how Frank is, he does that to me too."
Tiffany: "But why me??"
James: "That's how Frank is...he was my hero on Big Brother, but he's really sassy, man."
Tiffany: "I feel like I walk on egg shells around him...I don't like to fight.."

Tiffany said that Frank doesn't do it to any other girls, just her. She also said that Frank is always sarcastic and never knows if he's serious or not. James chimes in and says he's told Frank the same thing, he never knows if he's joking or not.

1:25am BBT:
Frank said that Tiffany is doing exactly what Vanessa used to do (regarding the crying thing).

**And that's it for the Overnighter! James/Corey/Frank are now wondering if they should get Tiffany out of the group (which Frank is just itching to do lately), and bring in Natalie. The only question they have, is if the other girls in the group would be okay with that or not .So we'll have to see how that develops this upcoming week.

Tonight's eviction will still be a blindside to Jozea and I can't wait!! Frank joked earlier in the night that he asked production for a polariod camera so that he could snap a pic of Jozea's face when he gets evicted. lol I'm sure there'll be memes and gifs of his reaction all over Twitter tonight. I'll be sure to post a couple here. ;) haha

If you wanna watch the live feeds, they are suuuuuper cheap! $6 bucks a month, nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get'em up and running, I promise you! It's so easy. And!!!..the 1st week is free, which is even more awesome. Please use the links/banners on the blog to signup & support the blog. I literally could not be here without y'alls support and/or donations. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported the blog this season, you guys are rockstars!!! :D

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Fred said...

Bring on the blindside!!! Let's go! #BB18Blindside.

Unknown said...

Just found your blog spot again! Yeah! Bookmarks replaced from last year and here we go! My new drug for the summer ! Lol

Jamie said...

lol! welcome back!!

Unknown said...

Will the live ep be streamed online?

DirkKouglas said...

@Dawn Matusz

If you have CBS all access you can watch CBS live television by clicking Live TV on the banner of

SDfan said...

Hey Jamie. Thanks again for blogging and keeping us fans updated. I will be donating to you once again (after next month's payday).

Did you hear a rumor that they won't be announcing the vote counts at eviction? That's awesome if true. People wouldn't need to "vote with the house". Your thoughts?

Katie Mc said...

Oh I like that they won't be announcing the vote count - it will drive them even more crazy trying to figure out what the count could have been! YEA!!! I LIKE! (just hope it's TRUE)

JChism said...

That would be a game changer.

Susie said...

I am not into the show yet, too many I do not like.....I still like James and with two girls from Michigan I hope they click in....i am in Mi that is why

Unknown said...

Racism is ignorance really. Shop someone back? Where do you think we came from unless American Indian. I am 2nd generation only. These are ignorant selfish folks who let us watch them and citizens them. I do not have the who to stand it. I would cry after being ripped up line they are. But drama and discussion causes viewers for money etc. There are too many I don't like usually but I watch to see them go. This year there seems to be very clueless folks there. Paulie isn't nervous because no one told him he is going. Classic. Tonight will be fun to see the reactions. James may not have to throw it too much with emotions running high. Btw I didn't like Day but now live watching her. I was team frank back in the day. He was a beast but love him more. The vets got the emotional stamina and been there done that attitude to make it work. Sorry I am team frank because anyone I like never wins. But cannot wait to see if J packs, his face, reaction as well as Paul and vic. No happy dance lol

Unknown said...

Racism is ignorance really. Shop someone back? Where do you think we came from unless American Indian. I am 2nd generation only. These are ignorant selfish folks who let us watch them and citizens them. I do not have the who to stand it. I would cry after being ripped up line they are. But drama and discussion causes viewers for money etc. There are too many I don't like usually but I watch to see them go. This year there seems to be very clueless folks there. Paulie isn't nervous because no one told him he is going. Classic. Tonight will be fun to see the reactions. James may not have to throw it too much with emotions running high. Btw I didn't like Day but now live watching her. I was team frank back in the day. He was a beast but love him more. The vets got the emotional stamina and been there done that attitude to make it work. Sorry I am team frank because anyone I like never wins. But cannot wait to see if J packs, his face, reaction as well as Paul and vic. No happy dance lol

M Jamaar Davis said...

Racism, crying, blindsides in the first week, a new twist in the rules...all the classic signs of a promising season!

Glad to be back amongst you all!!!

M Jamaar Davis said...

Racism, crying, blindsides in the first week, a new twist in the rules...all the classic signs of a promising season!

Glad to be back amongst you all!!!

Gilbert said...

Frank is just as dumb as the newbies when it comes to playing the rather see someone unpopular who can play win... frankie could outplay frank any day of the week

Gilbert said...

Frank is just as dumb as the newbies when it comes to playing the rather see someone unpopular who can play win... frankie could outplay frank any day of the week

Cutie pie said...

Jamie I live in California and I get the show two hours later do you have a link to where I can see a if your time. I know you had one about five years back thanks Jamie love your blog

Jamie said...

If you have CBS all access, you can watch the show live. Links are all over the blog :)

Fred said...

Paulie won HOH?

Fred said...

Paulie won HOH?

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