Watch BB18!

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Overnighter

Goooood morning, BB addicts!! Welcome to the very first Overnighter of the BB18 season! :D Last night, the live feeds went live at 10pm BBT (PT) as planned, though the houseguests didn't realize the cams were on for about the first hour. lol

Before I get to the Overnighter, let's do a quick recap of what's going on:
*Nicole is HOH
*Jozea and Paulie are nominated
*looks like Paul is a 3rd nominee for eviction (unknown how just yet), making it 3 noms
*Have Nots are done as of last night (was Day/Jozea/Paul/Zakiyah)
*Bronte, James, Natalie, and Victor are safe for first 2 evictions
*Mystery Punishment for Frank/Bridget/Paulie/Michelle was that they had to walk around practically naked with pixelated blurs on them.

Okie dokie, let me use the Flashback feature on the feeds to get everything together! (PS The flashback feature seems to only be working after 1am BBT for me.)

1:03am BBT:
Bronte, Natalie and Bridgette talk about how they'd be okay with voting Paulie out. Bridgette says that he's "gonna have to go at some point anyway", so why blow up their game to save him.

1:16am BBT:
HOH Room
Mama Day
Da'vonne talked to us live feedsters. Paul just left the HOH room and Day talked about how she wanted to laugh while he was talking to her (she doesn't like him, as we all know.)

Day: "...clearly I don't get along with Paul but, know..he's on my team, the newbies have kind of pulled me in, I gotta be nice to them but..oh my gosh..(laughs)..this is the game I chose to play this time. Paul has done several things that I could of cussed him out...but I'm tryin' to (play the game) different."

She then talked about the newbies this season...
Day: "They so damn stupid..they tell you everything." (*lol)

**I'm actually gonna stop the Overnighter here because there wasn't much that happened last night game wise and because Flashback didn't work for the first 2 hrs of the night, which doesn't give me a lot to blog about, sadly. :( 

Some other things to note...
*Jozea wanted to call a meeting at 2am but never invited James/Corey/Michelle/Tiffany. The meeting never happened though, because Jozea was too tired.

*There's an all girl alliance called "Fatal 5", which includes Nicole/Da'vonne/Zakiyah/Tiffany/Michelle.

*There's an 8 person alliance: Frank/James/Da'vonne/Nicole/Michelle/Corey/Zakiyah/Tiffany (Frank told James they also have Paulie/Bridgette on "their side" too, during this conversation about the 8 person alliance.)

*James is up to his old ways again! lol Both him/Bridgette had a pillow fight around 12:30am BBT. 

Ok, that's it for The Overnighter!! I'm gonna go work on the BB18 houseguest banner now. I'll be back later with an Afternoon update about what's shakin' on the live feeds!! :D


Razldazlrr said...

haha - I saw you say work on the banner and I thought, what? then when I went to write my review I realized what you meant when I had no pictures at the top to remember names! I really did not get the motivation behind putting Paulie up with Jose - why are they so sure he won't be voted out? I bet his brother was screaming at the tv - no, no, no - don't do it!

I hated to see the first eviction - I wanted to see him stay around for a while - I thought he could be some great comic relief.

Unknown said...

Does anybody know what's going on between James and Meg anymore if anything?

Unknown said...

Just friends :)

Unknown said...

Lol @ banner :p

Unknown said...

OK one thing I got from last night watching (I stayed up till 4am central time watching) I do believe the 3 nom is going to be called road kill. I do believe that is a game that will be aired on Sunday. This is getting so good! Thanks Jamie love all your blogging!

Anonymous said...

Re: James/Meg...I was listening to Rob Has a Podcast (RHaP)'s BB Preview show & some very interesting Meg/James info came out. Apparently, James got a REALLY big head after BB17 and irritated a lot of former HGs & fans with the arrogance. Also, they said that Meg is dating Mike Holloway (Winner of Survivor: Worlds Apart {Blue Collar vs. White Collar vs. No Collar}) but they were trying to keep it under the radar. James, in his Post-BB arrogance and bitterness over Meg not being attracted to him, must have outed Meg & Mike's relationship on Twitter and REALLY pissed Meg and others off. That disappointed me because I loved the James & Meg friendship. :(

Unknown said...

I read on Twitter there was a special comp that Frank won and he got to nominate Paul for eviction.

kb said...

Gosh I hope Jozea goes! I cannot stand this guy.

PhillyDan said...

Hi Jamie, long time blogger reader here. I haven't purchased the live feeds yet but will through your site very soon. Have a question for you. Have you ever met a big brother house guest or went to one of the wrap shows? Just curious with all you do for big brother?

ShowtheLoveBetheLove said...

So glad I found this!!!! Thanks for feeding us Hampster updates!!

ShowtheLoveBetheLove said...

So glad I found this!!!! Thanks for feeding us Hampster updates!!

ShowtheLoveBetheLove said...

I couldn't be more excited to have found this blog!!

ShowtheLoveBetheLove said...

I couldn't be more excited to have found this blog!!

Laura Taylor said...

Hey, Jamie!
I was wondering if you knew where the house currently stands on their votes??
I'm hoping Paulie won't be voted out... Pawns go home, and I felt like it was super early to even use a pawn in noms.
Thanks for keeping us updated!

Greg said...

I'm so happy mama Day realized her game flaw last year and is off to a much stronger start this summer!

JDub said...,,21014836,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&

Fred said...

Welcome back!!! I have missed you..

Fred said...

Welcome back!!! I have missed you..

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