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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday Afternoon in the BB18 House

Good evening, BB addicts! Today has been pretty uneventful in the BB18 house. Just a quick recap: Nicole is HOH. Paulie (a pawn) is nominated with Jozea (the real target this week). Paul is currently the 3rd nom this week via Frank, since Frank won the "Roadkill Comp" and was able to secretly put up a 3rd nom this week. But as we know, Paul won the power of veto, so Frank will have to put up a replacement nom...which will be Bridgette, as it stands right now. Bridgette told Bronte today that she's scared to go up as the replacement nom, but Bronte told her to not worry since half the house wants Jozea out. And she's right.

All caught up? Okay, good! ;) Moving on...

Not much happened this afternoon. Jozea is pretty much dead in the water at this point, unless something really crazy happens between now & Thursday's live eviction show. The funny part is that he has no idea that he's going home. lol Yayyyy for a blindside eviction!! :D

Other than that, there wasn't a whole lot shakin' in the BB house today. Houseguests enjoyed the sun in the backyard, Da'vonne cooked everyone dinner, Tiffany talked to Paulie about being bisexual and how she's not really into the label of being bi..she's more into peoples energy (*love that!).

And now we're all caught up! :D Sorry this post a lil late, I forgot my laptop before I had to head down to Chicago earlier today. I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter! Don't forget, tomorrow we have a new BB18 episode where we will get to see the Roadkill Comp that Frank won. w00t!!

See y'all tomorrow!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie!! I don't get the live feeds and your blog keeps me going episode to episode!!

Unknown said...

I have read this blog like the morning paper for the last two seasons of BB! Thank you for keeping those of us who can't watch the live feeds in the loop!! I'd never get any work done, my children would be feral, and I may never see the sun if I subscribed! Again, thank you so much for hard work!!! Ps- Jozea is the epitome of d-bag.

Unknown said...

I agree Jamie. I love your blog and have been following your posts for years. I try not to want to know the spoilers but it gets me every time.

Jamie said...

you're welcome, y'all!! :D

Lee said...

We got our first tit shot of the season. Bronte on camera 1 at 1049 pm

Lee said...

We got our first tit shot of the season. Bronte on camera 1 at 1049 pm

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