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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sat: The Overnighter

The weekend is here yayy!! Happy Saturday, everybody!!...though it feels like a Sunday to me since the Veto Comp was yesterday. Ughh..I always hate "Hell Week" (the 1st week of every BB season)..their schedule is always off until the 1st live eviction.

Speaking of Veto Comp, Paul won Veto yesterday and will take himself off the block. Since Frank won the Roadkill Comp and was the one who nominated Paul, Frank will now have to decide on a replacement nom. As it stands right now, Bridgette will be the renom. Doesn't really matter though, as Jozea is the target this week and the HG's are itching to get him voted out. (He's a major tool. lol I'd want him out, too.)

The houseguests got booze last night! Well, a little bit anyway. So everyone decided to play Spin the Bottle.

There was lots of cheek kisses, Michelle kissed Victor's foot, Tiffany licked James' ear and Paulie licked Tiffany's ear.
Victor streaked through the house a little bit later on. A fun lil night for them.

Jozea tried to hold a 2am "house meeting" the other night, but ended up going to bed instead. So last night at 2:15am BBT, he finally held that meeting. Everyone except Tiffany (Vanessa's sister) was invited, according to Frank, but only Paul/Paulie showed up. Jozea just rambled on & on..he was buzzed from the HG's getting booze last night. Paulie's face was pretty much like this during the entire convo. lol
Jozea basically just wants a girl to go up as the replacement nom and then voted out, which would save them both (Jozea and Paulie).

Anyway, that's it for The Overnighter!! Jozea is basically dead man walking in the BB house and the HG's are thinking into next week already. Things are pretty calm so far, but that's always the 1st week of any BB season. I fully expect things to heat up come Thursday after the 1st live eviction and a new HOH is crowned.

Oh! Almost forgot...okay, so yesterday I mentioned that there's a new comp called "Roadkill", where Frank had won it and that's how he was able to (secretly) put up Paul as the 3rd nom this week. Well posted an article about it. Apparently, it's gonna be a weekly comp where the HG's compete in a 'changing clothes while trying to hold down 3 buttons at the same time VS a timer' type of comp in the backyard. Best time, wins.
 (sweet baby Jesus, Paulie's hot!)

If you'd like to read the article, just click here to go to to read it! I gotta head down to Chicago today, but I'll have my laptop with me to set up at the hotel once I get down there. Be back later with an afternoon report for y'all! :D

Psstt...if you're off today and wanna know what's going on inside the BB18 house for free, go grab your 1 Week Free Trial of the Live Feeds!! If you dig'em, then they're only $6 bucks/m after that. Super cheap!!


Anonymous said...

There was feeds gold last night starting at 8:50pm BBT on cameras 3/4. It starts off as an anti-James pow-wow between Jozea/Victor/Paul but turns into a house meeting that James crashes. Jozea (maybe we should call him Jozea Christ?) prophesied some more and Day put on a star performance. Nothing of actual importance happened in the meeting, but it was great entertainment.

Fred said...

Just wanted to say hi Jamie. How are you? Welcome back!!

Fred said...

Did anyone see where a couple houseguest got in trouble for speaking Spanish?

Jamilyn said...

I agree. Paulie is soooooo hot!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Fred!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Why is James mad at Nicole?

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