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Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Goooood morning, BB addicts! Happy Monday to y'all!! :D I'm all rested up, coffee in my hand and ready to do this Overnighter. On last nights BB episode, we got our first look at the new BB Roadkill Comp. What did you guys & gals think of it? Personally, I kinda dig it!

I mentioned this over on Twitter yesterday....
...and I really am excited for that moment to happen (whenever the heck that'll be lol). Right now, the vets (Frank, Nicole, Da'vonne, James) can run the game easily, as half of the newbies are utterly clueless to how to play. I forget which HG it was yesterday that I overheard on the live feeds ask if the nominated houseguests are able to make speeches before the live voting starts. Totally a *head desk* moment for me. :P While I like a couple of "what's going on??" houseguests every season, it seems like half this cast fits into that category. lol

Speaking of clueless houseguests, Jozea takes the BB cake on this one. Every time I see him on TV, I find myself saying out loud "..this guy." and shaking my head. He's delusional and still thinks he's safe this week, which makes me feel warm fuzzies inside at the thought of seeing utter shock on his face as he gets voted out on Thursday. I'd imagine it'll be a Dustin from BB8 moment all over again. lol

 Okay, let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?! It appears that Flashback is now working properly yayyy!! :D So you can use your live feeds to access the Flashback Feeds, which look like this..
By the way, if you're wondering what's going on in this pic, it's that BB called out Paul for his mic being too high and his beard scratching on it. Apparantly, BB told the HG's their mics should be 6-8 inches below their neck. Paul requested that BB come up with a "Please move your mic away from your beard" announcement when it happens.

12:46pm BBT:
Da'vonne pitched a Final 2 deal with Nicole, but Nicole was more focused on a bug in the backyard than giving Day a response. Nicole said she's gonna take the bug and put it on Corey.

Day then talks to us live feedsters about what just happened...
Da'vonne: "We were having a conversation about a Final 2 and she takes a beetle in there to put on Corey? Am I missing something?"

1:55pm BBT:
Backyard Lounge
Delusional Jozea mentions that he'll be busy with BB stuff after the season and that he won't have to work a full time job anymore. He even mentions hosting red carpet interviews at the Grammy's. (I'm not kidding.)

4:10pm BBT:
After the feeds cut out for over an hour, they come back and it's revealed that the HG's had their Veto Ceremony. Paul (veto winner) took himself off the block. Frank (secretly) put up Bridgette as the replacement nom. After the ceremony, Bronte/Jozea/Paul told Bridgette to not worry about that Paulie is going home this week. (He's not. Jozea is.) But Jozea was right...Bridgette isn't getting evicted this week. lol ;)

8:59pm BBT:
James/Frank (Michelle on the BY couch)
James and Frank talk to us live feedsters.
Frank: "This is my boy James right here.."
James: "This is my boy, Frank..he's been my hero."
Frank: "We've created a bond..I think it'll last, at least until the end of the show, and then I'll probably never talk to him again." (*lol)
James: "Same here. Probably gonna unfollow him on Instagram. And twitter."
Frank: "Actually, I've never followed him, so..."
James laughs.

Frank: "No, but for boy James. My ride or die. You know I trust this guy. He's been pranking the sh*t outta me.."
James: "He gets really mad about that."

Frank says that James is really good at pranks. It's a cute/funny flashback moment.

10:49pm BBT:
Bronte boob shot! Bronte was calling for James because he put mayo in a body wash bottle yesterday as a prank. The cams switched and boom!...Bronte boob! lol This is on Cam 1, for those that are looking for it on the Flashback Feeds. (I had to censor the pic for the blog, so you'll need the feeds if you're curious.) Natalie said she just showered and used it, didn't notice it was mayo. She goes and finds James and starts playfully hitting him and complaining that she has mayo all over her body now. lol

**And that's it for the Overnighter! The only other thing worth mentioning is that James will likely have to throw the next team HOH comp in order to block his teammates (Victor/Natalie/Bronte) from winning. I'll be back with the Afternoon Post later on today! As of 7:41am BBT, all HG's are still sleeping.

You can watch the live feeds while I'm away, took me less than 5 mins to sign up, nothing to download, first week is free and only $6 bucks/m afterwards. Cheap entertainment!! :D See y'all a lil bit later!!


michelaine said...

Jozea makes me want to throw up. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Frankie, but BB managed to find someone.

michelaine said...

Jozea makes me want to throw up. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Frankie, but BB managed to find someone.

Unknown said...

Do you think the roadkill comp prize will always be a secret nomination? I also guess they will have to change the comp each time, it would be boring, and unfair, if it's the same each week.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree that Jozea is just absolutely beyond obnoxious but also pretty clueless - living with some big rose tinted glasses!

I saw a blurb about Glenn saying he hated the way he went out with the first eviction - wanted to be voted out, if he was leaving. I agree - I didn't like the way they did that - it should be the other houseguests that decide.

And De talking about final 2 - how about she worry about that later? she needs to be concerened about making it another week!

Unknown said...

Also last night -- they are planning to put Victor on slop (and unfoetunately puts James on it since he is on his team). But they said that Victor eats all the food and they also need to weaken him physically and mentally to get him out next :-)

Unknown said...

Watching after dark and Jozea asked what Zingbot is.

Unknown said...

Watching after dark and Jozea asked what Zingbot is.

Unknown said...

Watching after dark and Jozea asked what Zingbot is.

Joe said...

I agree, I don't think they would have voted him out. Sure physically he wasn't in top shape but there must have been something else that was different and special and now I won't find out what it was.

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