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Thursday, June 23, 2016

BB18 Live Feeds Countdown

What another great episode!! I'm telling y'all, this season is gonna be great!! :D Okay, so just a quick recap..We have Glenn as the 1st evicted HG of the BB18 season, Nicole is HOH, and nominated for eviction is Jozea and Paulie..with the target being Jozea. But as we all know in Big Brother, "pawns go home". Be careful, Nicole!! I swear if my eye candy (Paulie) for the summer goes bye bye by mistake, I will be one devastated blogger. lol :P

Tonight at 1am ET (10pm PT), the live feeds will finally go live!!! Don't have your live feeds pass just yet? No problem!! Takes 5 mins to get them and they're only $6/month with a free trial week! Click the banner below to go snag'em up!! :D
I will be back in the morning with the 1st Overnighter of the BB18 season. Until then, enjoy watching the houseguests tonight on the live feeds!!! :D

PS The blogs chat room is called "BecauseYoureAddicted" under Public Chat Rooms on the feeds. ;)


DeniseG said...

OMG I think Tiffany must be Vanessa's twin!

AndreaN said...

Why would Nicole feel the need to use a pawn so early in the game? I thought Jozea and Paul were the obvious choices.

Unknown said...

Perhaps enough people clearly dislike Paul to make him be the one who gets voted out vs Jozea. Her whole point is to get Jozea, as he represents the biggest (and only clear) threat to her. So she decided to put up someone everyone ostensibly likes to make sure there is no way Jozea survives. Although, as we know in BB, plans rarely work the way the players expect.

BB Bopper said...

AndreaN:. I agree. Those two (Jozea and Paul) would have been my choices too. I would have loved to see those two fight it out! Especially since they both seem to already think they're running this game.

Angela said...

Indeed, anyone would have to be an idiot to not notice that they look EXACTLY ALIKE

Sammie said...

Yeah I agree. I think that whole group Jozea, Paul, and Zakiyah all think they're in charge. Jozea is definitely the leader, but I think any one of them going home would be good. Paulie better win veto and then put up Paul. Either one of them going home is good. If people find out that Paulie is working with them or that the target is Jozea, they'll send Paulie home for sure just to spite the veterans. Not sure it was the smartest move.

JChism said...

Stupid putting Paulie up. He clearly is a physical threat so why wouldnt the majority want him out so they don't have to compete against him in the future? What if the veto comp is strictly a "luck" comp. Anyone could win. They should have put up the bearded dude alongside Jozea. At least one of them would go. They're both obnoxious.

Jen said...

I'm DYING of curiosity on the new competition.
I think we all wanna see Paul up because we've seen the behind the scenes with him, so to speak. I think he's played with his housemates fairly well, so far, which is what kept him off Nichole's radar. Jozea, on the other hand...He's not over-playing too fast (which is usually the mistake of the first target)...he's just got way too much ego!! I'm gonna be sooooo disappointed to hafta put up with him a second week.
I saw someone compare him to Frankie...As much as I REALLY didn't like Frankie...Frankie was CHARMING, especially in the beginning. He worked out enough to relate to the macho guys...he used his homosexuality to relate to the girls. He wasn't a threat to anyone...and he was respected/liked by everyone.
Jozea, I think, was tryin to come in with the same. But, instead of coming in confident & charming, he came in egotistical & cocky. I really hope something happens between now & next Thur to make him the no-brainer to send home.
Rarely is a first target SO deserving of LEAVING...NOW!! Usually, it's a toss-up between the two noms. Congrat's, Jozea! You made yourself a massive target from the get-go, quicker than just about anyone else! :-)

Walkrock said...

I see things posted about Jozea saying something about the military. What did he say?

Jennie said...

I was talking to the TV like it would help "you have to nominate Paul!!!"

AndreaN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole Chenault said...

@walkrock - he said something to the effect that "nobody asked them to" when James said alot of people died for our freedom. And that he doesn't like the 4th of July since it celebrates us stealing our land from the Indians. (So many things wrong with those statements I don't even know where to start, except to say he might want to repeat basic American History, haha).

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I so agree with your choice of nominations!

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