Watch BB18!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Afternoon Quickie Post

Good evening, ladies & gents! It's been a pretty uneventful day in the BB18 house today. I've been waiting..and waiting...and waiting some more, for something juicy to post. Sadly, I got nothing. lol Jozea is still slated to get booted on Thursday, and nope..he still has no idea. So at least we got that to look forward to! Yayyy!!

Frank and Da'vonne had a good little conversation this afternoon about what to do for next week. They're already past this week..Jozea will be leaving, now it's just a waiting game until Thursday at this point (hence why all the HG's have been napping, swimming and not doing much today.) Soooo, it looks like Victor will be the next target going into this next week since nobody really likes him. (Victor has mentioned that if Jozea goes this week, then he knows he's in big trouble for next week.)

Da'vonne brought up how Paulie and Zakiyah have been flirting a lot lately (Paulie's a big flirt in general, personally I just think it's his social game tactic, but maybe they really are into each other. Hmm!) Anyway, Da'vonne came up with a decent plan to wear Victor down: to put him on slop via being a Have Not for the week, in order to weaken him. James also thinks Victor will go crazy on slop. So we have that awesomeness to possibly look forward to. Fun!

I'll be back either tonight (if something major happens) or tomorrow morning with The Overnighter. See y'all then!! :D


Jen said...

Please put victor on slop so he just sleeps all day and I don't have to hear him laugh!

Jamie said...


Unknown said...

BB18 Saga Ep 1 was posted lol

I like this season ... So far. It could all go off the rails any moment though! I love that there are 4 recent veterans, and that they have control so quickly, and that NONE of them are frankie.

Also am happy that there seems to be some shaking up going on production-wise. It's been a different first week than I've seen in the past.

Here's hoping it stays interesting!!

Unknown said...

BB18 Saga Ep 1 was posted lol

I like this season ... So far. It could all go off the rails any moment though! I love that there are 4 recent veterans, and that they have control so quickly, and that NONE of them are frankie.

Also am happy that there seems to be some shaking up going on production-wise. It's been a different first week than I've seen in the past.

Here's hoping it stays interesting!!

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...
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Unknown said...

I am rooting for Da too or James. I didn't hear the story of Paulie frat boys wow that show what kind of person he is to think that was funny.

Unknown said...

I'm rooting for Victor and Paul..hope they can realized what's going on and eliminate some of the vets.

Unknown said...

I'm rooting for Victor and Paul..hope they can realized what's going on and eliminate some of the vets.

Razldazlrr said...

Victor seemed obnvoxious from the first night - I'm not surprised people don't like him

Michelle said...

I'm so glad Jozea is GONE!! I just hope that Glen gets his redemption!

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