Watch BB18!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Afternoon in the BB18 House

Happy Friday afternoon!! I've been watching the live feeds all afternoon while snacking away on potato chips and other not-so-good-for-me snacks haha *buuurrp* I've missed watching the live feeds soooo much!!!

While there wasn't a whole lot of game talk today, there were a few definite key things that I need to cover:

*Frank won the "Roadkill Comp" (we'll see that on Sunday), which lead to Paul being the 3rd nom on the block this week.

*Speaking of Frank, he complained how the decorative pillows in the Safari Room are super uncomfortable, though they look good.
*Veto Comp players were picked today.

Playing for Veto are:
Nicole (HOH), Jozea (Nom), Paulie (Nom), Paul (Nom), Da'vonne and Corey.
Michelle is the Host.

Nicole is super happy about those playing for Veto. 

*There was light flirting between Corey and Bronte today. He gave her a shoulder massage.

*Funnies thing I heard today, was when Paul asked Jozea if they win veto, if they should use it (*lol!). They think Paulie will get evicted (though Jozea is actually the target) and don't wanna go against the others. Later on around 4pm BBT, Victor told Jozea to use the veto on himself if he wins it. 

At 4:08pm BBT, the feeds switched off for the Veto Comp!! I'll post the spoiler as soon as the feeds come back (usually 2-4 hrs'ish is how long Veto Comps take). 

Winner of the POV is:

Paul will take himself off the block (..though he's currently joking that maybe he wont and that the BB fans would love him to keep things spicy..but he's only joking)..and since it was Frank who nominated him from the Roadkill Comp, Frank has to put up a renom.

Frank just talked to Tiffany about who the replacement nom should be. He's thinking Bridgette, but maybe Michelle.

7:04pm BBT:
Da'vonne is telling Nicole how Jozea was downstairs working on Michelle. 
Zakiyah said that Jozea "needs to go". Frank gets out of the HOH shower and all of them talk about how Jozea needs to go and how surprised he's gonna be when he gets evicted.

**Sidenote: Thanks to the amazing @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter, we have our 1st alliance chart of the BB18 season!! Yayyy!! :D

Okie dokie y'all, I'm outta here for the night!! I'll be over on Twitter (@BBaddictedJamie) as I watch the live feeds tonight!! :D (Pssstt...they're only $6 bucks/m, nothing to download. Easy peasy!)


TheFamDoc24 said...

Jamie!!! Haven't said hi yet. Happy to be back for yet another round with you.
I'm super excited already. Best premier(s) in a few years. And I've already got a handful of players I want to smack. And they aren't the ones I assumed they'd be before the season started.
Anyhoo, glad you're blogging again. Missed ya the past 9 months.

DeniseG said...

I keep getting Corey and Paulie confused, they look alike.
But I hope Paulie doesn't go home yet. If he dies then I think we'll all know that the returning 4 are in big trouble.

Thanks again for this blog and thanks in advance to everyone who comments!

Unknown said...

Kk! Nice to see you back!!

Unknown said...

I'm watching those two boys in the HOH room & I agree.. Even their voices can sound alike. Confusing at times lol

Lee said...

Big house meeting going on.

Unknown said...

I haven't gotten the live feeds in a few years, but BBAD has me ready to get the live feeds!!

Unknown said...

Great to be back here for the live feed updates.

Unknown said...

Great to be back here for the live feed updates.

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